Chapter 314 Pursuit ([-])

"Since you want to stay, then stay!" Doflamingo said with a sullen face, then threw the toy soldier transformed by Bogart in front of Gladius, and walked in without saying a word. In that pirate ship.

How many years have passed, and he, the underground emperor, will start to survive by sacrificing the lives of his subordinates again.

"Young master!" Gladius mistook Doflamingo for being angry.

"It's okay, Gladius, take care of yourself!" The three of Diamanti gave him a deep look, and then prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute, shouldn't this ability be removed as well?" Aokiji asked loudly.

"Granose, except for the hostage, you can recover the others first," Torrebol said.

"Okay!" Granu stretched out his palm, and the toys returned to their original navy appearance, staring at her.

If it weren't for Bogart still in the opponent's hands, they probably rushed up immediately.

The Don Quixote family left quickly.

"Dover, where are we going next?" Pica asked.

"New World, Wano Country!" Doflamingo said.

"Are we going to seek refuge with Kaido?" Torrebol interjected.

"Of course not. Since we are cooperating with the Hundred Beasts Pirates, after something happened to our side, they should also express something, furfurfur." ​​Doflamingo laughed.

"Well, but I'm still a little worried, will the Hundred Beasts Pirates take the opportunity to turn against us?"

"As long as there is a relationship of interest, then they will not turn their faces, Caesar Courant should also transfer!" Doflamingo said...

"Hey, your pirate ship has gone far, is it time to return the hostages to me?" Aokiji said slowly.

"Wait a minute, I'll call the young master to confirm!" Gladius said.

"Then hurry up and ask!" It was the last moment, and Aokiji didn't care about waiting a little longer.


"Young master, I am Gladius, can I hand over the hostage to Kuzan now?"

"Furfurfur, of course, after you hand it over to him, you can flee to the southeast of the island, where Buffalo will pick you up."

"Yes, young master!"

The two hung up the phone.

"Is it alright?" Aokiji asked.

"Yes, Mr. Kuzan." Gladius immediately handed Bogart to Aokiji, and then quickly ran towards the southeast of the island.

"Don't forget to tell Doflamingo to restore Mr. Bogart, otherwise Lieutenant General Garp will not let him go."

Gladius didn't answer, but just left towards the distance on his own.

"It's really troublesome, but it's my turn to play!"

Two green figures emerged from the seaweed, stood on a huge green phoenix, and disappeared out of the sky in the blink of an eye.

"Hehe, I was taken aback. It turned out that Li Bin followed!" Qingzhi looked at the direction where they disappeared, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, Buffalo has turned into the form of a helicopter, and is carrying Gladius quickly flying in the direction where their pirate ship is leaving.

At this moment, a huge shadow covered them and the morning glow above their heads.

"What!" Gladius looked at the green figure above his head, a little surprised, "When did you chase after me?"

"It's not important, you just need to know that your journey is over!" Li Bin waved his hand and patted Gladius gently.

With a bang, he photographed the two of them from the sky into the sea.

At the same time, a six-meter-tall seaweed monster stretched out its vines, tightly entangled Buffalo and Gladius, leaving only two nostrils barely breathing air.

"You don't keep promises!" Buffalo said weakly while soaking in the sea water.

"Hehe, we have fulfilled our promise with you," Li Bin said slowly, "It's just that you two ran too slowly."

The two fell silent after hearing this.

"Okay, I'm going to chase after Doflamingo! Don't worry, I will definitely reunite you again." The green phoenix disappeared in an instant.


"Hello, this is the Navy's Murloc Island base. I'm Signal Corps 1024. Who are you?"

"I'm Li Bin. Immediately inform Lieutenant General Garp, saying that I have arrested two cadres of the Don Quixote family. They are not far from his battleship. Let him send someone to look for them!"

"Yes, Lieutenant General!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Bin vaguely saw the boat that the Don Quixote family was on, and everyone was eating on the deck at this time.

"You guys are having a good time, can you give me a taste too?"

When everyone heard Li Bin's voice, they all looked at each other and stopped eating: "You... When did you come here?"

"It's not important, let Brother Doflaming come out to see me!" Li Bin said with a straight face.

"Dover has already left and went to Wano Country!" Diamanti said.

"That's really a coincidence, then you all go to the naval base with me and sit down!"

"Why? Do you want to break your promise as a vice admiral?"

"Art Castle!" Jorah immediately activated his ability, and the entire pirate ship changed its appearance.

"How dare you take such a useless fruit, Lush Treant Legion!"

In an instant, the entire ship was filled with red treants one by one, and they fiercely attacked in the direction of everyone with their teeth and claws open.

Soon Chora was caught and knocked unconscious, and the entire pirate ship returned to its original state.

"Everyone, aren't you ready to surrender?" Li Bin asked with a smile.

"Fufurfur... It seems that Li Binjun doesn't give you any face!" The figure of Doflamingo appeared in midair, surrounded by various lines in all directions.

"Hehe, you didn't intend to let Bogart go, so it's not too much for me to attack you! In addition, I want to know what weapon you used to attack me before."

"So, Li Binjun also has research on devil fruits, why don't you just guess what that thing is!" Doflamingo laughed, "And you can also see what I'm holding in my hand." ?”

Li Bin's eye sockets shrank slightly, it was the pen-shaped weapon.

"Li Binjun, do you want to try the power of the devil's pen again?"

"The thing made by the devil fruit, what ability does it have?"

"It can control a person's body, so that the person who has been recruited has been following the will of the person holding the devil's pen for a certain period of time."

(End of this chapter)

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