Chapter 308
"Someone needs to attract their attention. I don't know who of you is willing to go there. But I have to tell you in advance, you basically never go back!" Pica said seriously.

"Hohohohoho..." Bellamy laughed, "Since we've come here, we don't plan to really get out alive! I'll lure them away!"

"Very good, Bellamy, you are indeed the person that Dover and I value!" Pika patted Bellamy on the shoulder, and then looked at Monet, "Monet, you can also use your ability to change the weather, Let’s create an environment conducive to our actions.”

"Yes, Lord Pica."

Monet's bird claws were placed on the ground, and soon, the surrounding environment changed drastically!
The whistling cold wind blew up, and snowflakes slowly floated in the sky. Even the environment in most parts of Fishman Island was affected, and heavy snow began to fall slowly.

"Hey, what's going on here? Is this snow? It has never snowed on Murloc Island!" a mermaid said in surprise.

The children who were playing saw the snowflakes falling from the sky, they didn't feel cold at all, and they ran towards their parents excitedly: "Mom, ice cream is falling from the sky!"

Aokiji sensed the change of the weather immediately, and was also very surprised: "Is there another frozen fruit? should be the Snow Snow Fruit, but the place where its ability exploded is the base of the Navy Branch. ! How interesting."

Karp at the naval base immediately sensed the change in the weather, and sneezed suddenly: "Ah, it's so cold, do you have any cotton coats at the base?"

"It seems not!" Andrea's face was a little ugly. "This is Murloc Island. I have never heard that the weather on Murloc Island will get colder. Naturally, we didn't prepare cotton clothes."

"Okay, the Devil Fruit that makes the weather colder, could it be Aokiji? No, no one on Murloc Island will be able to match Aokiji! Let's go out and have a look!"

Garp opened the door and went out, and the entire naval base and a three-kilometer radius were covered with thick snowflakes.

"It's snowing a lot. This should be the snow fruit of the natural system, right?" Garp took a deep breath and shuddered again. "I really miss the taste of Winter Island."

"Mr. Karp, if we don't find that ability user, everyone in the entire naval base will be frozen to death!" Roman said in a trembling voice.

"I've already found it!" Karp chased it into the distance on moon steps.

Roman and Andrea followed closely behind, leaving Ain alone to guard here.

"Very well, Jorah, it's time for us to act now. While I'm fighting with that female major general, you open the prison gate and rescue Dover!" Pika whispered.

"Yes!" Jorah nodded vigorously.

Pica imitated the appearance of a sea soldier, walked towards Ain slowly, and said with a suppressed voice: "Report sir, due to the sudden change of weather, many people have suffered from diseases!"

"What disease?" Although Ai En was a little skeptical about Pica's special voice, she still put the lives of five hundred sailors first.

"It's a contagious high fever cold, I don't think I'm used to it now." Pica said in a nasal voice.

"Oh, I said, why does your voice sound weird, where is the military doctor at our base?" Ai En asked.

"There are too many people who are sick, and the military doctors will be too busy for a while. All of us must get the approval of the commander before we can go outside to seek medical treatment, so I came to you as a representative." Pica continued.

"Okay, let's go then!"

Just as the two were approaching, Ai En suddenly made a move: "Growth backwards, 16 years!"

Pika received Ain's palm, and his whole body immediately became 16 years younger, and turned into a body in his 20s. He was shocked.

"How did you recognize me?" Pica asked.

"First, your voice is so special, it's easy to recognize! Second, you don't call me right, because you don't know me at all. There are no people in the naval base who don't know me, so you can only invade Those!" Ai En quickly pulled out Chi Yan behind him, and slashed towards Pika.

"So that's the case, you're not the only one who knows swordsmanship!" Pika also drew out his own weapon, and slashed at Ain.

"Crimson Flame Absorbing Heat—Ice Slash!"

Because of the increase in the environment, the power of the ice slash from Ain's slash increased by three points, directly sending Pika flying.

"Damn it, it's really uncomfortable to suddenly become a young body! Sandstone armor——Stone sword!"

Pica suddenly turned into a three-meter-tall stone man, and the huge sword no longer slashed, but fell stones towards Ain.

"Regression barrier - 16 years!"

However, the age of those stones is very long, even after passing through the retrogression barrier, there is no change at all. On the contrary, it made Ain himself a little embarrassed, so she had to avoid it in a hurry.

The nearby sailors also wanted to come up to help, but because of the attack of falling rocks, they had to find shelters everywhere.

Soon, the guards near the prison gate were cleared away by Pika.

Seeing the opportunity, Jorah ran to the door in a hurry, and opened the prison gate with the ice key: "My lord, Jorah is here to save you!"

"Fufurfurfur...I knew you wouldn't let me down!" Doflamingo propped up his weak body, walked out slowly, and was supported by Jorah.

"We haven't had time to find the key to Hailoushi's handcuffs!" Jorah said with some shame.

"It's okay, after Monet comes out, let her make me an ice cream!" Doflamingo said.

"Monet and Bellamy are attracting the attention of the naval hero Garp and the two major admirals. I'm afraid they won't be able to return for a while!"

Jorah used his ability to change the surrounding environment while walking, making the square face of the naval base completely look like a playground.

" it serious enough? I only found four of you, what about the others?" Doflamingo asked with an ugly face.

"Master Diamanti took Gradius and Buffalo to lure Li Bin away, and Lord Torrebol took Sugar and they attacked Garp's battleship as our retreat, so we people It was arranged." Jorah hurriedly explained.

"Oh, the plan is quite thorough!" Doflamingo nodded.

The two soon came to the outside of the naval base along the passage made by Jorah.

"No, Doflamingo escaped from the naval base!" Andrea lost his voice.

At this time, other people also noticed the figure of Doflamingo outside!

Bellamy has been jumping around like a flea under Pica's order, and Monet is hiding in the snow to cover him. For a while, the three of Capp and the others are really not artistic. catch.

"Good job, Jorah!" Pica's figure emerged from the ground, pulling Doflamingo and Jorah down...

 Thank you for rewarding 999 book coins, thank Shu Xiaoxi for rewarding 300 book coins, and thank Baishi Jinglun for rewarding 200 book coins
(End of this chapter)

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