Chapter 3 Ain
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"And what is this broken knife? I am obviously a devil fruit capable person, but I have to spend a lot of energy to practice swordsmanship. What are you doing? You are already weak enough, and you still hate yourself Do you have too much energy?" When Li Bin saw the equipment of his predecessor, he became a little angry. What he wanted to do was to be an ultimate capable user, not a half-baked swordsman!
Although the great swordsman is extremely powerful, it is because others put all his heart on it, and he has a powerful sword heart that can cut everything.

"This swordsmanship can never be practiced anymore. No one can do everything. What's more, there are only seven years left before the war on the top. I must get rid of Edward Weibull before then, otherwise wait until he becomes In Qiwuhai, it will be a stronger blow to the teacher!"

Li Bin got up in his hospital gown, and then began to slowly exercise his body in the ward.

Twist, jump legs, do fifty push-ups, and start walking around the house.

Not long after, He Na pushed the dining car and walked in: "I said who was walking around in the house, it turned out to be you, why is little Binz in good health?"

"Of course. Although I don't say it's completely healed, it won't take long for the rest. Thank you sister He Na for taking care of me during this time." Li Bin bowed hastily.

"You're welcome, little Binz, you must take good care of yourself outside, my sister doesn't want my brother whom I just met to die in such a muddle." He Na said melancholy.

"What's the matter? Sister He Na." Li Bin asked suspiciously.

He Na said with red eyes: "In the battle between the navy and the pirates, the ratio of casualties was really too high. My sister knew many, many navy soldiers, but they didn't come back in the end."

"I see, Sister Hena, I am Binz, the owner of the lush fruit with the strongest survivability!"

"Well, hurry up and eat, if you need my help, just tell me."

Li Bin said while eating: "It's like this and that sister, my clothes are torn, can you find me a navy suit?"

"No problem, I'll apply for you right away." He Na trotted out after finishing speaking.

Not long after, He Na came back with a set of sailor suits, and saw that Li Bin had finished his food at this time: "Little Binz, is it okay for you to try it?"

"Okay, thank you sister He Na." Li Bin took the clothes, saw He Na finished packing the tableware and went out, and then slowly took off the hospital gown and changed into Haibing clothes. It's pretty good, but there's no mirror here, so I can't see my own face, alas, anyway, these wide and thick lips can't escape for the time being."

After changing his clothes, Li Bin walked out of the ward with his ID.

Seeing him coming out, He Na asked, "Are you going to be discharged from the hospital? Are you not going to rest for a few days?"

"I feel much better, but I will check with a doctor before I leave the hospital. I mainly want to see Teacher Zefa now. Where is Teacher Zefa now?" Li Bin asked.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see Instructor Zefa now." He Na took the lead.

"Thank you sister He Na!" Li Bin hurriedly followed after finishing speaking.

The two soon came to a senior ward in the innermost part of the hospital, and He Na said, "Instructor Zefa is here now, go in and see for yourself."

Li Bin slowly opened the door, and there was a girl with sky-blue hair inside who was scrubbing the sweat stains on Zefa's face and neck, all of which seemed so quiet.

The flowers and plants beside Zefa's bed were all withered, which seemed to be due to the lack of sunlight.

Li Bin gently stimulated the fruit ability, and the flowers and plants regained their energy, and fresh flowers bloomed.

These vibrant plants seemed to purify the disinfection smell of the whole room, Ain paused for a moment and then continued to wipe Zefa's body.

"Ai En, go and rest, I have everything here." Li Bin said.

Ai En slowed down when he heard this, but continued without saying a word.

Li Bin felt distressed when he saw her bandaged calf, and hugged it: "You take a rest, let me do the rest."

Ai En shivered a little, and then cried out with a "wow": "My parents were killed by pirates, and my partner was also killed by pirates, and now the teacher will die because of pirates." !"

"Teacher Zefa won't die!" Li Bin comforted her by hugging her shoulders, "No matter at any time, you are not alone, and me, as long as you live, I will be here!"

"Yeah." Ain's mood calmed down.

"You take a break first, and I'll take a look at Teacher Zefa's injury. After I came back from this injury, I developed the vitality to treat the patient's injury. I believe it will help the teacher's condition." Li Bin said softly.

"Okay." Ai En sat on the stool obediently after hearing this, his eyes were fixed on Li Bin's movements.

Li Bin put his hands on Zefa's injured chest. After a quarter of an hour, Zefa's heartbeat slowly returned to normal, his breathing gradually calmed down, and his face slowly returned to normal.

But Li Bin was sweating profusely, and his whole body seemed to be exhausted, and he couldn't use any strength. He knew that he had exhausted too much physical strength and energy just now.

"Ms. Zefa, is this alright?" Ain asked in surprise.

"Of course, I used the power of life to nourish Teacher Zefa's tired heart and injured lungs, and restored the vitality of these two organs. Teacher Zefa will recover naturally, and the high fever will subside." Li Bin Shao said weakly.

"Thanks for your hard work, Binz." Ai En said with some embarrassment. During this time, she only cared about Zefa and didn't even look at Li Bin.

"This is what I should do. Teacher Zefa is also my teacher, isn't it?" Li Bin looked at Ai En's injured calf, "Let me also take a look at your leg. If it is not too serious, I should It can also be cured."

"Can... can it be?" Ain asked a little nervously.

"It's okay." Li Bin squatted down, and sensed Ain's calf through the force of life. Although it was covered by gauze, he still clearly felt some signs of inflammation inside. No wonder there will be a brand on Ain's calf in the future. pattern.

Li Bin activated his vital energy again, speeding up the healing of Ain's calf. The wound quickly healed, and the inflammation inside was also isolated.

The numb feeling made Ain groan somewhat comfortably.Then he blushed quickly and lowered his head.

"It should be almost there. I'll treat you again when the scars fade away. There shouldn't be any scars left." Li Bin explained softly, as if he didn't hear her groans.

"Well, thank you, Binz." At this moment, Ai En noticed that Li Bin's attire was a little different than usual.

"We are partners in life and death, and we should help each other, shouldn't we?" Li Bin asked.

"Yes!" Ain replied.

"Okay, you go back and rest for a while, and you will replace me later. If the teacher wakes up and sees your pair of panda eyes, he will definitely feel bad."

"Okay." Ai En heard the words and stood up. At this time, her legs no longer hurt at all, then walked out gently, and closed the door.

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(End of this chapter)

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