One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 296 Fighting Doflamingo (1)

Chapter 296 Fighting Doflamingo ([-])

"Your Majesty Neptune, this old man has failed you. Master Bai Xing was captured by Doflamingo." The seriously injured Jingping said with a look of shame.

"Doflamingo?" Neptune couldn't believe it, "Where is Delinger? Where is he?"

"I don't know, since this environment has turned into a thick fog, we can't find Dellinger anymore." Shark Star said with an ugly face, and now he can't care about Hody Jones anymore.

"The most important thing now is to find Lieutenant General Li Bin. Only he has the ability to help us find Shirahoshi-sama." Jinbe said seriously, "You must know that Shirahoshi-sama can summon sea kings, and she fell into Doflamingo's hands." , is very bad for the stability of this world, and may even destroy the entire Murloc Island."

"Well, I've come here, but I just didn't find the location of Doflamingo, I was really careless." The wooden man walked in front of everyone!
Li Bin needed to deal with Ermodor's mirage dragon, and also worry about the affairs of the entire Dragon Palace Kingdom. There were some things that he simply didn't have time for.

"What?" Everyone was surprised, "You are Lieutenant General Li Bin, so who is the one fighting that monster?"

"That's me too. You can think of the two of us now as two people with one soul." Li Bin didn't plan to explain too much to them, but depended on their own vigilance. Don't have Shirahoshi's life card?"

"No, you must at least prove your identity!" Jinbei said with serious eyes, "Our Dragon Palace Kingdom can no longer bear any losses."

"Very well, this incident may make you more cautious!" A seed quickly grew into a sapling in Li Bin's palm, "Is it all right?"

"Okay!" Jinbe nodded, and took out a life card that was a bit frustrating from his arms and handed it to Li Bin, "I will leave everything to the Lieutenant General!"

"Well, it's time to calm down the chaos. Your Majesty Neptune doesn't mind having more plants in the entire Murloc island?" Li Bin asked, "Only in places full of plants can I maximize my abilities and pass The plants absorb the mist that fills the sky!"

"So that's the case. I said why that person couldn't copy your body. It turns out that your body is covered with a layer of living plants!" Jinbei said in surprise.

"Yes, basically 90.00% of the things in this world can be absorbed by plants, but after being absorbed, some things will become harmful things and hide in the bodies of plants!" Li Bin explained.

"No problem, Lieutenant General Li Bin just let it go!" Neptune said directly.

"Well, I will carefully protect everyone's residence!" Li Bin put his hand on the ground, and the whole island seemed to come alive in an instant.

All kinds of colorful sea plants are growing rapidly on it, and the mist spit out by the mirage dragon dissipates at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the fog on the entire Murloc Island disappeared, but there were more dense sea plants.

"Lord Lieutenant General has made a move!" Andrea said excitedly, "The power to change the environment is really too strong!"

"Well, you just hid your strength, so your ability has also awakened!" Elmodo said.

"Why didn't you make a move earlier?" Shark Star questioned, "If you made a move earlier, you'd be fine!"

"Things in a special state will not be absorbed by plants, especially in a state blessed by that person's ability!" Li Bin explained, "Okay, I'll go find Princess Baixing first."

The trees growing on the Murloc Island seemed to come alive in an instant, grabbing the body of the wooden man and throwing them in the distance, and disappeared in just a quarter of an hour.

Through the plant sensing the breath of Bai Xing from the life card, Li Bin quickly locked the two of them: "Doflamingo, you can't escape!"

Huge puppet figures stood in front of him!
"Damn, how can you be so fast?" Doflamingo said in surprise, "Aren't you fighting that old guy?"

Those puppets didn't mean to say a word, and directly attacked him.

Doflamingo was afraid that the aftermath of their attack would injure Shirahoshi, so he hastily activated his ability to send her and Delinger away from the fighting venue.

But as soon as they fought, Doflamingo discovered the reality. Those huge puppets were not as powerful as imagined.

In a blink of an eye, he was chopped to pieces by his five-color thread.

"It turns out that these are just some ordinary wood. Let me just say, the battle between you and him can't end so quickly."

Just when Doflamingo was about to relax, a powerful crisis came!
A strange wooden man who was only one person tall slapped him lightly, and he felt that his whole body was a little numb.

"Advanced armed color! Who are you?" Doflamingo hurriedly covered his important organs with armed color domineering, and asked solemnly.

"I thought the sneak attack just now could seriously injure you, but I didn't expect you to have such a strong defense as a threadman." Li Bin said in his mouth, and shot at Doflamingo mercilessly. Shot is the most powerful attack - Advanced Armed Iron Fist.

Brother Doflaming let out a bit of domineering arrogance, trying to influence Li Bin's attack rhythm. At the same time, he quickly sent out the attack with both hands: "Armed Flood Whip!"

His hands quickly turned into two white dragons, biting towards Li Bin.

boom!The two were evenly divided, and each took half a step back.

"It seems that the strength of the king should not be underestimated. No wonder Jack values ​​you so much, but the future of this world cannot be entrusted to a dangerous person like you!"

"The reason why Jack values ​​me is that we all have the same attitude towards this world. If he hadn't met Kaido earlier than me, he might have become my family, furhahahaha!" Doflamingo He smiled, "You are definitely not an unknown person, who are you?"

He had some doubts that the wooden man was Li Bin, but there was a Li Bin appearing in the sky over there, fighting Elmodo.

He didn't think that Li Bin could fight against two beings at the same level as him at the same time.

"Is this important? Doflamingo, when I catch you, you will naturally know who I am!"

Li Bin used advanced weapons to directly attack Doflamingo's internal organs, making him feel very aggrieved and uncomfortable.

"The high-level armed color is really domineering. If it were an ordinary character, I'm afraid I would have fallen down a long time ago, but I am Doflamingo!" A large number of white silk threads wrapped towards Doflamingo from the surrounding ground past.

Soon a three-foot-tall puppet appeared!

(End of this chapter)

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