One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 280 The Half-Blood Murloc Pirates

Chapter 280 The Half-Blood Murloc Pirates

Shark Star looked at Li Bin seriously, and Neptune seemed a little unaccustomed to this method. It seemed that the kind-hearted man hadn't really made up his mind to deal a cruel blow to the world yet.

"The nobles of the world will definitely come to Dragon Palace to beg for the mermaid in various ways. I don't know if His Majesty Neptune thinks it's appropriate for those people like me to maliciously speculate?" Li Bin looked at it and suddenly fell silent. Neptune, speaking in English, asked.

"This... Lieutenant General Li Bin's guess is naturally very correct!" Neptune had no choice but to respond.

"They can ask for it, but it is our right to give it or not, and the world government will not deliberately embarrass the Murloc Island because of this matter. After all, this matter cannot be discussed. So you just need to beware of the actions of those world nobles. Private warships are fine, and they can guide large sea beasts and even sea kings to attack them."

"What!" Neptune and Shark Star were taken aback, they didn't expect that the navy officer in front of them would think of such a cruel method!
"Sometimes, for the survival of the majority of people, a small number of people have to be sacrificed when necessary. Blame them for helping the 'gods' of this world to do things against the will of all living beings. This is my humble 'tortured justice' " Li Bin explained slowly, "Unless you want the entire Dragon Palace Kingdom to become a playground for the world's nobles, otherwise, there are some things that must be done."

Neptune still couldn't bear it: "Is there no other way?"

"There are other ways, that is, to make the ideological consciousness of these world nobles high enough, but judging from the current technological and cultural development, it cannot be realized in the short term."

"Father, I think Li Bin's method is very good, but no one knows who came to Fishman Island to ask us for mermaids, but will it be biased?" Shark Star said.

"It depends on your own knowledge. Not everyone dares to play the banner of the nobles of the world, so there will be obvious signs on their ships. As long as your people are careful, you can collect this information. In addition , for people who are uncertain about doing something wrong, you can wait until they leave Fishman Island before sending people to attack them!"

The Neptune father and son looked at each other and felt that this idea was in line with their philosophy.

"Lieutenant General Li Bin, this method is not bad. We can attack them after bad things happen!"

"I think it's better to do it in advance, to give them a sense of 'the deep sea is dangerous', so they won't casually grab the attention of Fishman Island, and being cruel to them sometimes protects them One way. If you are always procrastinating, it is estimated that more pirates and nobles will pay attention to you in the end, which will cause more deaths.”

"This..." The two of them hadn't thought about it so far, and they didn't know how to answer Li Bin's words.

"Okay, my suggestion can only be said to this extent. As for the pirates, our navy will naturally help you solve them, especially those under my command are very reliable.

But there are still some navies with bad intentions, hoping that His Majesty Neptune's Neptune Army can take care of themselves.

In addition, I suggest His Majesty Neptune to send a special request to the high level of the world government, that is to prohibit the navy 'without official permission' from stepping into the fishman island. In this way, things like the navy's plundering of mermaids will be perfectly resolved up.

After all, the entire world government also needs some face, and the official actions must be righteous, otherwise, who would dare to become a member of the world government! "

"Thank you, Lieutenant General Li Bin!" Shark Star thanked, Li Bin has helped them solve the current predicament from the three aspects of the world's nobles, navy, and pirates.

"Well, if it's okay, I'll go back first!" Li Bin said.

"Thank you Lieutenant General Li Bin, what is your phone number?" Shark star asked.


After Li Bin bid farewell to the two, he went directly to find Reinis and returned to the naval base.

"Brother Li Bin, brother Tematoya is really powerful. He personally captured the three small captains during this rebellion!" Reinis said with a starry face.

"Really? It's really unusual, even among the murlocs, it's considered talented!"

"Well, the important thing is that brother Tematoya is also handsome!"

The two walked and chatted in the green phoenix. The scenery along the way was very beautiful, but Li Bin couldn't calm down, and there was always a sense of urgency in his heart.

Especially those former Tianlong people who often appeared beside him, there were several at every turn, and they always brought him inexplicable crises.

The two were quickly surprised by the pirate group under the command of the Don Quixote family who had just arrived on Murloc Island.

It's good not to be famous, but bad things spread thousands of miles!
An hour ago, the half-blood Murloc Delinger led his "Half-Blood Murloc Pirates" to the Murloc Island. Because of the banner of Shichibukai Doflamingo, Andrea and the others did not take the initiative. Shot against them.

"Have you all remembered the tasks I assigned to you?" Delinger asked.

"Remember, but is there really no risk for us to do this?" a lantern murloc asked, his name was Deng Deli.

"That person used to be under the command of the young master, and he placed the deep hope of Lord Diamanti, but everyone is still a little unwilling to leave the family, so Lord Torrebol specially sent us to test the man's strength. Meaning." Delinger said, "We took the opportunity to do things we didn't dare to do before, presumably everyone has endured those things for a long time, right?"

"Okay, as long as Lord Torrebol supports us, we won't be afraid of anything!" Everyone said in unison.

After arranging everyone, Delinger came to the yard where a thin mermaid was.

"Xia Luti, don't worry, I will definitely give you justice this time!" Delinger said seriously.

"Deringer, it's been so long, let's let it go, okay?" the mermaid called Xia Luti begged.

"How is it possible, how did our father treat them back then, and how did they repay us? I won't make it easy for them!" Delinger said fiercely, "It's been so many years, those things are still like nightmares It's entwined in my heart, and I absolutely can't let them go."

The mixed-blood murloc pirates soon arrived in front of a magnificent miniature palace. This miniature palace is also compared to the Dragon Palace. In fact, its area has reached more than [-] square meters, but compared to the large For the murloc's size, this wasn't too big.

"Bang, bang!" Deng Deli slammed the door, "Open the door, open the door!"

"Who, hasn't Olhammer handed over his military power? Don't you plan to let us go?" An elderly murloc opened the door and was shocked, "You are not the Sea King Army, who are you? "

"Hahaha, of course we are not the Neptune Army. Where is Olhamer? Let him come out. You should know what he did 16 years ago, right?" Deng Deli said through gritted teeth.

Hearing this, the old murloc seemed to recall some unbearable memories, and begged hurriedly, "I beg you to let Olhammer go, I'm willing to do whatever you ask me to do."

"Hehehe, old guy, what are you? You must know better than us what evil deeds Olhammer did back then. Today is the time for him to pay for his sins." Deng Deli slapped the old man The murloc was pushed to the ground, and rushed in with the half-blood murloc pirates.

Olhammer is this term, no, the previous commander of the Neptune Army, and one of Hody Jones' supporters.

If Hody Jones didn't have a group of high-ranking murlocs behind him to support him, it would be impossible for him to control so many troops.

And he is not the only person behind Hody Jones!
"Come quickly!" Olhammer said anxiously to the phone bug, "You have said that as long as I hand over the military power of the Neptune Army, you will be responsible for the safety of me and my family for the rest of my life!"

(End of this chapter)

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