One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 261 Meeting Ace Again

Chapter 261 Meeting Ace Again
"You two want to apply to fight under my command?" Li Bin asked, "But does your chief agree?"

"We have already contacted them, and they agreed, saying that the two of us should follow you to practice."

Li Bin looked at the two major generals in front of him who were famous for their physical skills, and thought that he was about to go to the Fishman Island. He was below [-] meters under the sea. The help of a major general who is good at gymnastics is also a good choice.

"Well, that's fine!" Li Bin nodded in agreement, "I'm going to lead the battleship to Fishman Island. Are you two going?"

"Well, wherever the Lieutenant General is going, we will go there!"

"Very good, after I finish dealing with this island, we will head to Murloc Island! Now that you have become my subordinates, I am going to arrange some errands for the two of you."

"Master Lieutenant General, please speak!"

"Use lottery to draw 500 sailors from the naval base. In addition, record the ranking of the strength of the remaining personnel. I will give special guidance to the top ten."

"Yes, Lieutenant General."

Because of the support of the two major generals, Li Bin and Ain finally didn't have to face complicated things every day.

Originally, Li Bin felt that he had become a lieutenant general, so he should be as leisurely as other admirals.

But the fact is just the opposite, because Li Bin stayed in the navy for a short time, and all the students of his class were killed by the Weibull Pirates, so he didn't have any officers to rely on.

Coupled with the strict military ranks and divided factions in the navy, Li Bin has no way to win over others, not to mention that he doesn't want to stain his naval history, so he can only do things by himself.

This is also the reason why people on Azure Island often come to him to handle affairs.

Fortunately, there is still a diligent wife to rely on, otherwise he would have released the Warring States pigeons long ago.

"Li Binjun, are you also planning to organize an independent naval fleet?"

"Yes, school-level officers are already qualified to own independent warships. If you and I are alone, it would be too inconvenient! And we are getting married soon. I don't want you, Ain, to be so tired!"

"Li Binjun..." Ai En looked at Li Bin affectionately, very moved.

"Let's go, let's see our 500 soldiers later!" Li Bin pulled Ai En out...

"Today, 500 sailors will be selected from your group by lottery to follow Li Bin's fleet to safeguard the justice of the world. I wonder if you are satisfied with this selection rule?"

"Not satisfied, why not the 500 strongest among us, but [-] randomly selected?"

"Why?" Andrea said with a serious expression, "The Lieutenant General naturally has the meaning of the Lieutenant General. You can be regarded as the Lieutenant General's protection of the Azure Island. If you all follow the Lieutenant General to protect the island all over the world. Justice is over, who will guard our blue island?"

"Okay then!" But almost every one of them hoped that they could win.

The results came out soon, some families were happy and some were sad. Those sailors who were drawn showed excited eyes and joy that was hard to hide.

After all, one can reach the level of a lieutenant after practicing with Li Bin for two months. What if it takes one or two years?

At least he must have the combat effectiveness of a lieutenant commander, right?

"Oh, how unlucky!" those powerful sailors who were not selected were frustrated.

"Hahaha, the Lieutenant General knew that some of you would be frustrated, so he specially gave 10 places for special training. The ten strongest sailors in our base will all get his special instructions. I will start ordering the ten places now. Personal names! Douglar, Dawris..."

After doing this, Andrea immediately took them to Li Bin for inspection.

Li Bin looked at the excited Hai Bing in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Once upon a time, when his predecessor first met Zefa, it was like this.

"It's a kind of fate that we can come together. How far you can follow me in the future depends on how hard you work in the future. A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. Do you want to be an admiral?"

"Think!" All the sailors tore their throats and shouted.

"What a group of lovely soldiers!" Li Bin couldn't help sighing in his heart. Most navies join the army to protect civilians and uphold justice, and there are still a few navies like Colonel Mouse.

"Very good, let's do an activity first, get to know each other, and leave the rest to you, Andrea!" Li Bin ordered.

"Yes, Lieutenant General!" Andrea responded immediately.

Li Bin nodded to him, then looked at the ten strongest sailors at the naval base: "You guys come here with me!"

"Yes, Lieutenant General."

Do you want to guide us to learn the trick?
These ten people were very excited.

They followed Li Bin and soon came to an open space outside the barracks.

"Many people know that my ability can promote the growth of plants, and can restore the fatigue and damage of the human body, but very few people know that my ability can also help people strengthen their body cells. Of course, this is the case when the other party completely believes in me I can only do it..."

On this day, Li Bin helped each of them strengthen some important cells: brain, internal organs, bone marrow, and skin.

Thanks to Li Bin's help, these ten people's combat power has improved by leaps and bounds. They became school-level officers at a young age and went to the Navy headquarters for further studies.

The next day, after Li Bin handed over the items of the Azure Island to Sanborn, he took his warship—the Spruin to go to the Chambord Islands for coating.

"Master Lieutenant General, we found a large number of pirates near the Chambord Islands, should we arrest them all?" Andrea asked.

"Oh, since you have encountered it, let's grab it by the way and send it to the nearby naval base." Li Bin nodded.

"Brothers, fire at the pirate ship ahead!"

"Yes, Major General Andrea!"

A large wave of shells flew out.

Ace and his crew on the Spade Pirate Ship were stunned by the sudden attack, so many shells!

"Yan Shanggang!"

A huge flame wall appeared in front of the shells, blocking them all.

"Lord Lieutenant General, we seem to have encountered a terrific pirate!"


"A person with the ability to burn fruit in the natural department—Portgas D. Ace!"

"Oh? Has this little guy gone to sea too? What a big head!" Li Bin felt a sharp pain in his head, "Okay, then give him a little bit of power!"

"Armed Sea Explosion Fist!"

The substantive armed domineering hit the back of the spade pirate ship, as if causing a tsunami, and directly sent the pirate ship and the crew where Ace was on to fly out!

"It's amazing!" The sailors on the Spruin all showed adoration in their eyes.

"Master Lieutenant General, you sent them all flying with one punch, how should we arrest them?" Roman said with some resentment.

"Oh, I'm really sorry. I thought that the whole Spade pirate ship would be sunk with my punch. I didn't expect their navigator to be so powerful, so they just avoided it."

Li Bin scratched his head and said.

"Yeah, if they hadn't dodged, Li Binjun's punch would have buried them in the bottom of the sea!" Ain added, and she seemed to have heard someone calling the name "Ace".

But Li Bin had been instructed by Garp, so it was normal for him to be embarrassed to directly arrest his adopted grandson.

Twenty kilometers away, the people and the ship of the Spades Pirate Ship were floating in the sea.

"Help Ace!" Navigator Jius shouted.

"Ace who ate a devil fruit is really troublesome!"

Swordsman Minas hurriedly jumped into the sea and rescued Ace.

After a few minutes, everyone was relieved.

"It's terrible, who was that person just now, Ace?" asked the ship's doctor, Masked Deus.

"I don't know, the other party seems to be merciful, otherwise our pirate ship will be smashed by his punch!" Ace said.

"I think his battleship looks familiar, Deus, please show us the newspaper!" Minas said.

"Okay, so many newspapers, which issue is it?"

"Just last month!"

"Okay, I found it. Admiral candidate 'Green Tiger' Li Bin, it is estimated that he has combat power comparable to that of the admiral, and can easily destroy an island with a length of [-] kilometers..."

(End of this chapter)

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