One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 255 Temptation and Plan

Chapter 255 Temptation and Plan

"Hahaha, as I said, brother Li Bin is an open-minded person." Ai Rikun said with a haha.

"I don't know what the three adults want from me?" Li Bin asked.

"We heard that brother Li Bin and Vegapunk have jointly developed high-yield crops that shocked the world, so we came here to see you, a great scientist!"

"Hehe, Mr. Ai Rikun is over-represented. I'm just an inconspicuous agricultural expert, not a scientist! In fact, most of the things were done by Dr. Bergapunk."

"Brother Li Bin, don't be too modest, the CP organization already has your information, and your importance has surpassed ordinary Tianlong people!" Ai Rikun said.

"How did I suddenly become so important?"

Li Bin suddenly thought of what Vegapunk said. For ignorant people, scientists are omnipotent. If you have anything to do, just go to a scientist!
"Hahaha, everyone attaches great importance to scientists like Mr. Li Bin! I don't know if Mr. Li Bin lacks research funds and equipment. We can sponsor you a little!" Japar said politely.

"This... I don't have anything to research right now, and I don't need any research funds!" Li Bin refused, what are you kidding, I will join forces with you beastly Tianlong people?
"Mr. Li Bin, don't refuse. There are still many things in this world waiting for us to explore, such as the ability of devil fruit, and immortality!"

"Do the three adults want me to study the 'Pharmaceutical of Immortality'? It's a pity that I have no interest in immortality!"

"Eternal life can't tempt you?"

"I think life is short and wonderful, isn't it a kind of happiness? Why do you have to live hard?"

"It's because you haven't felt the passing of time, life is short, and there are always some regrets that cannot be made up! When this day comes, what will you think?" Ai Rilang interjected

Li Bin listened and remained silent, yes, there are times when people are dissatisfied, when people always regret, and when people always want to start over.

"Mr. Li Bin, you can think about it, this is our contact information, and you can also contact us through Sanborn! Whatever you want, we will always support you!"

The three of them knew that it was too late to do too much, so they left here.

"Do you think that kid will contact us?" Ai Rilang asked.

"It's hard to say. After all, there are still many people who want to live forever in this world. I think someone will contact him." Ai Rikun said, "We have to make a plan, and we will take care of what happens to others." No, but we must find a way to win that kid into our camp."

"That's right!" Japar nodded in agreement.

Here, after hearing what the three of them said, Li Bin couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Time flies, life is short, and there are always some regrets that cannot be made up!"

Isn't this a portrayal of my previous life!

Li Bin's abilities have been developed to the level of cells, and he knows that sooner or later he will face the "temptation of immortality".

The human body already has the genes for immortality!
But this gene is a malignant gene, and anyone who has awakened this gene will suffer from a disease called cancer!
As long as conditions permit, cancer cells are a kind of cell that can divide indefinitely, but they are also a kind of lawless cell!

Because it is no longer under the control of the human body.

There is a genetic modification technology in this extraordinary world, which can introduce blood factors into the body of a normal person, making this person's genes more excellent, also known as the human modification technology.

Scientists in this world have not yet thought of applying the diseased genes of cancer cells to human body modification. After all, cancer is a terminal disease, and no one is optimistic about cancer cells, which are bad cells that can kill people.

If the infinite division gene of cancer cells can be applied to ordinary cells, then it is theoretically possible to achieve human immortality.

But this is just an imagination, and no scientist in the previous life could do it.

But this era has extraordinary black technology and superpowers, maybe it can be realized!
"The temptation of eternal life is really powerful, maybe I will not be able to bear it in the future!" Li Bin calmed down his restless heart.

At this time, Ai En walked in: "Li Binjun, who were those three just now? I feel so scary!"

"They are a taboo in this world, and many turmoil is caused by them."

"Then shall we arrest them?"

"No, that would make the world even more chaotic!"

Li Bin said and hugged Ai En into his arms.

"Well, then leave them alone!"

"You said that this world is already so chaotic on the surface, and there are so many forces behind it, can we protect the justice of this world, Ain?" Li Bin asked in a low voice.

"Of course, I believe in Li Binjun!" Ain said confidently, "Li Binjun is the best."

"Hahaha, who can say clearly what will happen in the future, just be yourself now, and realize the tortuous justice of the navy first!"

Li Bin hugged Ai En and made out with him...

A week passed in the blink of an eye!

"Li Bin, it's not good, a large pirate group seems to be heading towards our Azure Island!" A navy lieutenant in charge of investigation ran to the office and said.

"What's the situation, this is not a new world!"

Li Bin walked out in a hurry, unleashing his knowledgeable domineering aura, he was angry and funny at the same time.

How could this be a group of pirates attacking the Azure Island? They were obviously a group of desperate pirates, and there was a person chasing them leisurely behind them.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a group of miscellaneous fish who lost their families. Everyone muster up the courage to arrest them all."

After listening to Li Bin's encouragement, everyone was immediately full of confidence!
"Yes, fire the cannonball!"

The densely packed cannons shot towards the pirate group in the distance.

"It's too bad, Captain, it seems to be a naval base ahead!" Said the navigator of Danding Pirates hastily.

"In such a remote place, even if there is a naval base, it wouldn't be a big deal. It's definitely not as scary as the guy behind him. Let's all rush over!" Dandin Morey said.

"Yes, Captain!"

Compared to the slowly approaching boat behind them, they prefer to face the naval base in front.

"Kill, as long as we take down this naval base, we can survive!"

Dandin Morey took the lead and rushed towards the navy base on the Azure Island.

"It turned out to be 'Demon' Danding, Lieutenant General Li Bin, this man is very powerful, I'm afraid we are no match for him!" Sanborn said with an ugly face.

"Oh? Does Lieutenant General Sanborn know this person?" Li Bin asked with some interest. At this time, Dandin Morey had rushed to the Azure Island and began to fight with the sailors.

He was greeted by a naval colonel. It seemed that Dandin Morey was not ready to kill the opponent with one move. He was carefully preparing to observe whether there was any great person on this island.

"A bounty of 5 million Baileys is offered, which is the highest bounty in the first half of the Great Channel. He is a superhuman 'stick fruit' capable user. He can create and manipulate stick-shaped objects, which is very powerful!"

"I thought I could have something, it turned out to be a shrunken version of Ruyi Golden Cudgel, what a useless ability!"

"Lieutenant General Li Bin must not underestimate him. His armed arrogance is added to his stick, which can exert double the power. Ordinary lieutenant generals are really no match for him."

"Will the person he's chasing be Hawkeye?" Li Bin asked in surprise.

"It seems so. I heard Dante Morey said that his club is the strongest weapon in the world, so it is normal for Hawkeye to be interested."

"Hawkeye is a character who often fights with the Four Emperors 'Red Hair' Shanks. It is normal that Dandin Morey is not his opponent."

At this time, Dandin Morey had been observing for a long time. Seeing that Sanborn and Li Bin hadn't made any moves, he thought they were vice admirals who had gotten in because of their connections, and planned to kill them.

(End of this chapter)

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