One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 243 Transforming the Grain Base (1)

Chapter 243 Transforming the Grain Base ([-])

"Hehe, I just heard what Emil said, those Tianlong people announced their own death when they left Mary Gioia, and they couldn't announce the secret of immortality, and they couldn't affect the order of the world. Li Bin said, "As long as we can kill him before he contacts the world government!"

"That's right, is this Li Bin's 'Twisted Justice'?" Qingzhi asked.

"Yes, it may be a little troublesome, but for the stability of the world and the justice in my heart, it's okay to be tired."

"Well, that's good, please Lieutenant General Li Bin to arrange this battle plan!"

"Okay, I have to arrange the experimental base first and transform this small island! In this way, not only will people be able to eat better, but even our navy will have a stable source of supplies." Li Bin said.

"Have you even considered the navy's supplies?" Aokiji was a little surprised, "Don't all the navy's supplies come from the world government? You mean..."

"Yes, I hope that one day the navy can have real justice, not this deformed justice!" Li Bin said.

"Ah la la, it seems Li Bin has a very long-term consideration! Shall I help you get rid of this emir?"

Aokiji glanced at Emil, and the goosebumps came out from the other side.

"No, he is just a pirate. If the world government finds him, he will be the first to die! Besides, he is not qualified to stand opposite the entire navy," Li Bin said.

"Yes, yes, I don't know anything about the navy, and I can't wait for the navy and the world government to have a stalemate!" Emil said hastily.

"Boy, be careful what you say!" Qingzhi gave him a cold look, and then walked out.

"Hahaha, Emir, you are really courageous. If you were replaced by the red dog general, I'm afraid you will be abolished immediately!" Li Bin laughed.

"I... I'm too nervous! You know, the other party is an admiral!" Emil said with cold sweat on his head.

"You can pretend to be a sea soldier and live here these days. If you dare to escape, you will know what will happen to you. I don't tell you. Even the admiral of the navy remembers you now." Li Bin said. Pulled out a brand new large sailor uniform from a corner and handed it to him.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Li Bin!"

"By the way, give me a piece of your nail. If you run away, we will make a life card to directly determine your location, and then you will be dead!" Li Bin said.

"Okay, but I will definitely not run away, Lieutenant General Li Bin, I have repeatedly tested Urgis over the years and found that I am no match for him at all, how could I run away!" Emil rubbed his little finger while changing clothes. Pulled out his nails and handed them to Li Bin.

"Very good, you are indeed a pirate who can be cruel to the whole ship!" Li Bin took it and walked out.

"Li Binjun, you came out, it's getting dark! I even left you dinner!" Ain said.

"My wife loves me the most!" Li Bin took Ai En's hand and said, "Ai En, when will we get married?"

"Just say what time you want to get married!" Ai En's face was blushing.

"Then I'll call Teacher Zefa at night and let him confirm it. By the way, there is also my uncle. I haven't seen him for a long time. I don't know if he is old or not!"

"Hasn't Li Binjun been away from home for more than five years?"

"More than five years, almost six years, not too short! Uncle, he supports the family by himself, and he might become an old man!"

The two chatted as they walked, and soon came to a small yard.

"Why do we still have our own yard?"

"Of course, Li Binjun is a lieutenant general!"

"Oh, this yard is a bit dilapidated, how about we build another house on that empty lot?" Li Bin asked.

Although this time is also an experiment, it is completely different from when he stayed in the nameless island. At that time, he studied this and developed that every day, and he didn't have much time to enjoy the life of the two.

"Okay, I agree with whatever Li Binjun decides." Ain said obediently.

"Well, we'll build it after dinner, and we can move in when the water and electricity are connected tomorrow!" Li Bin nodded...

The next day, the people at the naval base were surprised to find a huge and quaint red villa not far from their camp!

"Wow, what a beautiful house, am I dazzled?" The entire naval base envied.

"You are not dazzled. That is the ability of Lieutenant General Li Bin. Li Bin can create all kinds of wooden houses, wooden cows, flying machines, etc., which is very magical." Ain said proudly.

"Is it so powerful?" All the sailors couldn't believe it.

"Hmph, you guys will know later how powerful Li Bin is! Assemble!" Ain ordered.

All the sea soldiers hurriedly assembled.

After a quarter of an hour, Li Bin walked over slowly.

"Marshal Warring States sent me here for what, I think your chief has already told you! So you just need to obey the order!"

"Yes!" All the sea soldiers answered neatly, without any voice of doubt.

"Very well, I didn't believe you were a group of elite sailors at first, but after seeing your performance, I believed it! Where is the recorder?"

"Reporting officer Constance Guyley reports!" A female navy dressed as a lieutenant walked out of the team.

"Guy Li, you are in charge of the registration. I will explain the layout of the experimental base. You must record it verbatim. It is best to use a camera and a tape recorder to record it!"

"Yes! Lieutenant General, please allow me to fetch all the tools I need!"

"Okay, you go!" Li Bin nodded, and then he said to the sea soldiers, "You may be a little shocked by what I say next, but it is the truth! Our greatest scientist' Bei Plus Punk's research has produced the world's highest-yielding grain, and the lowest yield per mu is more than 73 kilograms!"

"What, is it so exaggerated?"

"This is fake. How could it be such a high-yielding grain? Even the highest-yielding wheat is only two to three thousand catties. I heard it is the kind of wheat that is as tall as a small tree."

"Quiet! If you don't believe me, I'll show you how much grain a high-yielding wheat plant can produce!" Li Bin said as he activated his ability.

A special plant immediately appeared in everyone's sight, and it grew bigger and bigger until it finally turned into a towering tree, covered with huge yellow and orange ears of wheat.

"I can't be dazzled. There really are wheat trees in this world. With so much wheat, this tree must weigh at least [-] kilograms!" A rear admiral couldn't help but say.

Everyone stared at the towering tree dumbfounded.

"The wheat plant you see is 27 meters high, and its grains can reach the size of ordinary bullets. The total weight of the wheat on these branches is more than 13 tons! Come and kick its straw!" Li Bin He asked, "When this kind of wheat matures, it is too high to pick, and it is inconvenient to pick it. You need to use a strong force to kick its body, and those wheat grains will fall!"

"I'm coming! My name is Bet Roman." The rear admiral who spoke just now stepped forward.

"Be careful, don't kick it away, the straw is empty!" Li Bin reminded.


Roman had no choice but to control his strength and kick towards the wheat tree. It was like a heavy rain, and wheat grains the size of bullets kept falling from above, and soon buried Roman in it.

Roman struggled for a long time before crawling out with the help of everyone.

"It must be more than [-] kilograms, otherwise I won't be able to hold me down." Roman explained, afraid that others might misunderstand something.

"It's nothing, you haven't seen dense corncobs falling down!"

Li Bin's words made Roman shudder. Although they are not heavy one by one, they add up to be different!

What's more, the wheat kernels are so big, how big should the corn kernels be!
The corn on the cob must not be like a stone mill!

Everyone no longer has the slightest doubt about the grain production, but is worried about the harvest.

"Hahaha, you don't have to worry about harvesting. Since Vegapunk and I can research such huge grains, we naturally also researched the tools for picking them."

(End of this chapter)

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