One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 224 The Evil King Abaro Pizarro

Chapter 224 The Evil King Abaro Pizarro

"There is no opponent in this world that Mr. Polusalino can't face!" Sorensen's eyes showed admiration.

"In the world of martial arts, everything is invincible, only fast!" Li Bin said.

"It's a good one, you can't break it fast, you're right!" The figure of the yellow monkey appeared on the deck of the Shimmer, "Do you know why I let the BIG MOM pirates go?"

"Is it because of the alliance between the Big Mom Pirates and Beast Kaido?" Sorensen asked tentatively.

"This is just one of the reasons, and the other main reason is that the navy does not have the strength to control the territory of all nations!" Huang Yuan said. The reason why he is willing to do many things he would not do is because he wants to strengthen the navy. able to achieve true justice.

This is also one of the reasons why Huang Yuan is most annoyed. The navy is the most powerful force in the world.Especially in terms of high-end combat power, the general's combat power is equivalent to that of the Four Emperors, but the world government is afraid that the navy will dominate and the situation will be difficult to control, so they have been trying to weaken the navy's strength.

Kizaru has long seen through the essence of the world government. For the pirates who have the idea of ​​subverting the world government, he basically releases one if he can, but for the waste pirates who do all kinds of evil, he directly arrests or destroys them.

At the same time, he never thought about competing for the Admiral of the Navy, otherwise, if he showed a little bit of such thoughts, Sengoku and Garp would definitely support him.

"The navy will definitely become stronger until it can truly represent justice!" Li Bin said.

Huang Yuan patted Li Bin on the shoulder: "Young man, I am very optimistic about you!"

After saying these inexplicable words, Huang Yuan returned to his room.

Many years later, Li Bin really understood why Huang Yuan brought him out!

From this moment on, the seed in Li Bin's heart began to take root and sprout, until it grew into a towering tree.

Because the sailors fell into a coma under the influence of BIG MOM's strange sound, the Flash stayed on board for half a day, and continued sailing after everyone woke up.

"We're completely fine!" Pralinie said in surprise after waking up.

Sorensen looked at her like an idiot: "Even if White Beard is facing Mr. Polusalino, he dare not shoot at will! Although the Four Emperors are strong, no one can ignore the speed of light. They You have to think about ways to survive for the people under your command.”

"That's right, brothers and sisters are most afraid of the three admirals besides their mother!" Praline said, "Hahaha, I can be a navy now, and my mother can't control me anymore !"

"Didn't you see that there are still a large number of corpses of members of the Big Mom Pirates left on the sea? How can you laugh so happily?" Sorensen asked.

"That's none of my business? I'm not a pirate!" Pralinie said heartlessly as she lay on the deck, "It feels so good, no oppression, and freedom."

"We still have justice on our shoulders, protecting innocent people!" Li Bin reminded.

"Understood, so much nonsense." Pralinie looked at the fish swimming in the water, very happy.

"How is everyone recovering? How about I invite everyone to eat fruit! What fruit do you all want to eat?"



"Idiot, wait for you to go out and buy ordinary fruits when you have time! If you want to talk about it, talk about some precious fruits that you don't usually have the chance to eat!" Sorensen roared, "I want to eat crystal pineapple!"

"No, idiot! Do you have any seeds?" Li Bin retorted.

"Me neither!" Sorensen scratched his head, "Can't fruit without seeds be produced?"

"Of course, since everyone is so tired, I'll invite everyone to eat sea coconuts!" Li Bin said, "Longsheng!"

A sea coconut tree of more than 20 meters grows out, bearing dense black "elephant ears" sea coconuts!
"Okay, everyone can start eating!" Li Bin opened one first. The pulp inside was really fresh and tender, and the juice was thick to gelatinous, with a mellow taste.

"Wow, it's delicious, and it's a rare and precious fruit. I don't know where Major General Li Bin collected the seeds. Can you share some with me?"

"Hahaha, I found this in the windless zone. The environment in which this plant grows is very special. Even if I give you the seeds, you will not be able to cultivate the corresponding fruit trees."

"OK then!"

At this time, Huang Yuan also smelled the fragrance of sea coconuts and walked out of the room.

"You bastards, you only care about your own enjoyment, and you don't think of the old man at all!" He slowly climbed up the fruit tree, and swept away all the remaining sea coconuts, "The old man wants to brew delicious fruit wine. Give you a drink."


Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and the Flash came to a new sea area. This is the junction of the BIG MOM Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates. The evil king is here now.

"Li Bin, the task of apprehending the evil king is entrusted to you, is there no problem?"


"Very good, then you should hurry up, his base camp is in that country," Huang Yuan pointed out to Li Bin, "If anything goes wrong with you, I will rush there quickly!"

"Thank you, Mr. Polusalino, I'm going!" Li Bin jumped onto the green phoenix and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

The villainous king, Abalo Pizarro, is not a person with abilities, but a strong physicist, and he is also a half-reformed person!

He has two pointed horns on his head, and he especially likes to subvert other people's countries, and then establish himself as a king, so he is called the "evil government king" by the world.

The difference between him and the Revolutionary Army is that he did it for his own selfish desires, so he is also a figure that the world government wants to erase from history.

"Meow ha ha ha, cheers, brothers!" At this time, Pizarro was holding a beautiful woman in his arms, and was drinking with his subordinates with a wine glass in his other arm.

"Your Majesty, are we here to build our own beautiful country?" A pirate with a vicious face asked, his name was Maxwell, and he had followed Pizarro around from the very beginning.

"It's hard to say. These mobs have been resisting our leaders. Although we suppressed them again, maybe the riot broke out again that day." Pizarro said with a frown.

"Why don't we give them a little tax relief?" Another new subordinate said.

"What nonsense are you talking about, Xenio! If we give them tax relief, what will we eat!"

"But if this continues, the citizens will all run away!"

"Hahaha, what are you afraid of? After they all run away, we will go to occupy the next country. No one can fight against our majesty!" Maxwell said.

 (PS: Thank you Shu Xiaoxi for the 700 starting coins! Please also recommend and ask for a monthly pass.)
(End of this chapter)

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