Chapter 213 Recognition
The next day after Li Bin recovered, he took Adam Baoshu to see the little seal in the windless zone. As soon as he flew to the edge of the windless zone, he saw a little monster swimming back and forth.

Looking closer, it turned out to be a baby seal. All the scars on its body had healed except the one on its neck. It was sucked back by a big whirlpool behind it just after it swam out of the windless zone. Minutes vomited again.

Through his knowledge, Li Bin discovered that it was the super-giant seal-head Neptune lying on the bottom of the sea, which was constantly creating vortices to prevent the little seal from running too far.

"Hey, little seal, I'm here!" Li Bin shouted loudly.

As soon as his voice was passed, a huge seal head poked out from the windless belt, staring at Li Bin curiously.

"Adam, tell it I'll take a look at the little seal!" Li Bin said to Adam Baoshu in his heart.

Adam Baoshu understood immediately, and passed on what Li Bin wanted to say: "Hi, my boss wants to take a look at the little seal."

"Hey, you can actually communicate with me? It turned out to be a plant elf, no wonder!" Nusila stopped intercepting the little seal and let it go.

"Wow wow wow..." The little seal quickly swam up to Li Bin like a puppy, tears streaming down his face, wetting him all over in a short while.

"Okay, okay, didn't I come to see you! Let me see how your injury is recovering?" Li Bin climbed onto it and gave it a good examination.

"What is he doing?" Nusila asked.

"The boss is checking him because he's a doctor," Adam explained.

"What is a doctor?"

"A doctor is someone who makes an uncomfortable place comfortable in the body."

"Oh..." Nusila understood.

Its eyes saw some green gas slowly flowing out of Li Bin's hand and slowly flowing into the little seal's body. The wound on the little seal's neck returned to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's so amazing, none of the sea kings in the past is as powerful as him." Nusila said in surprise.

Although Neptune can know where their bodies are uncomfortable and help them treat them, they only use herbal medicine, and they can only wait for their bodies to recover by themselves.

"Yes, this is his ability. Originally, it could only help our plants evolve, but after being developed by him, it can heal the trauma of many creatures!"

"Very good ability, it's okay to be the little guy's little mother!" Nusila finally recognized Li Bin's existence.

"Woooooo..." After the wound on the neck of the little seal healed, he began to talk about how unhappy he had been in the past two days like a child again.

"This child, I gave birth to it and raised it for nothing. I haven't seen him for a few days, and my heart is already on other people." Nusila said a little jealously.

It's a pity that Li Bin didn't understand a word, but used his life force to help it clean up the blood stagnant in its body to make it more comfortable.

"Children are like this!" Adam learned all the words that Tian Huangyuan comforted Li Bin.

"Yeah, if I hadn't conceived this child for decades, I would really have given it away!"

"Well, is it difficult for you sea kings to give birth?"

"Yes, our super giant sea kings lay eggs every five years on average, and one out of every four can survive. A female sea king generally has one or two children in her lifetime."

"Oh, that's really difficult. Unlike our plants, it's very easy to plug and grow, but whether the offspring can grow up is another matter."

"What kind of plant are you? I seem to have smelled you before."

"I am the Treasure Tree of Adam. Maybe there was a boat made of Treasure Tree of Adam passing by above the windless belt."


The two species communicated with their souls as if nothing had happened, while Li Bin played with the little seal not far away.

One day passed in a blink of an eye, and during this period, Li Bin gave the little seal the ability to produce dozens of huge fruits.

"I didn't expect this little mother to have such a great ability. You must know that even in the windless sea, those young sea kings can't often eat the fruit of milk berries. It takes ten days to have a chance to eat."

"No wonder, the boss will breed at least 20 such big milk berries for the little seal a day!"

"Well, I asked why this child's body is so strong. It turns out that he ate too many milk berries."

At this time, Li Bin's words sounded in Adam Baoshu's heart: "Adam, you tell the little seal to let him live a good life here and not to run around, otherwise it is easy to meet those bad guys that day. I'll come and see it when I get there."

"Okay!" Adam Baoshu patiently translated Li Bin's words to the little seal.

After hearing this, the little seal's eyes were full of tears, but thinking of the villains he met that day, and what Nusira had taught him in the past two days, he knew that he couldn't run around with Li Bin, so he " "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

"It said that you should come and see it every day!" Adam translated the little seal's words to Li Bin.

"I can't do it every day. You just said that I will come to see it as soon as I have time."

"Your mother said he would come to see you as soon as he was free!" Adam relayed.

"What do you mean when you are free? Is it better than every day?"

"This..." Adam Baoshu passed it to Li Bin again.

"As soon as I'm free, it means I'll come here as soon as I have time!" Li Bin replied.

Although the little seal didn't understand what it meant, he finally agreed.

Li Bin and Adam Baoshu sat on the green phoenix and left under the reluctant eyes of the little seal.

"Little guy, your little mother is gone, you have to live a good life with your big mother in the future!"

"I see, huh!" The little seal pushed a pile of milk berries back into the calm zone...

"Oh, I'm so tired!" Li Bin looked at the yellow ape who had just appeared on the green phoenix, and couldn't help but said.

"Of course, if it were that easy to raise children, everyone would be able to support them in groups of ten or eight!"

"Mr. Polusalino, I haven't seen your wife yet?"

"Why do you see my wife?" Huang Yuan asked suspiciously.

"I'm just curious, what would the admiral's wife look like?"

"What's so curious about this? One nose and two eyes, just like you, nothing to see!" Huang Yuan explained.

"It is said that after a long time of living together, a husband and wife will form a husband and wife appearance. Does your wife look very similar to you?"

"Isn't that nonsense?" Huang Yuan didn't understand what Li Bin meant, "Is that my wife?"

"I don't know if General Kuzan and General Sakasky have families?"

"Yes, but these are confidential and our own privacy."


(End of this chapter)

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