One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 205 Sea King Army (1)

Chapter 205 Sea King Army ([-])

After hearing Li Bin's words, these young sea kings all slowly dived into the water.

"What a strange sight, Major General Li Bin, what did you do when you were at the bottom of the sea? Why are there so many sea kings following you?" Crowe asked in surprise when he saw this scene on the deck.

"You said these little guys, this is the friend I made in the underwater world!"

"Little guy?" Crowe couldn't accept it. There are so many sea kings, the smallest one is as big as a house, and the biggest one is more than 50 meters long. You actually told me that they are all little guys?

"Yeah, they are all young Sea Kings who have just been born, and because of some things I encountered, I got acquainted with them!"

Li Bin took off his diving suit and found that there was still a sea king in the shape of a puppy swimming behind the Flash.

"Little seal, you go back too! I'll play with you tomorrow!" Li Bin shouted.

"Woooo..." The little dog Neptune still followed behind the Flash, unwilling to leave, and even wanted to climb up.

"Adam, come here!"

"Okay boss, what's the matter?"

"You help me feel what it's saying? No problem?"

The soul power of Adam Treasure Tree is also very powerful, so it can achieve close spiritual communication with weak beings.

"I'll try!" Adam Baoshu carefully poked his soul power over, "Hello!"

"Huh? Who are you?" The puppy Neptune looked puzzled.

"I'm your mother's friend."

"What does mom's friend mean?"

"It's like a very good partner, like you and those sea kings." Adam passed the picture over, which was its memory of getting along with Li Bin.

"Mom!" The puppy Neptune recognized Li Bin at a glance.

"Your mother asked me to tell you to eat and grow well under the sea, and he will come to see you tomorrow!"

"No, I don't want to, I want to follow my mother, I will go wherever he goes!" The puppy Sea King said stubbornly.

"Okay, I'll tell him." Adam Baoshu saw that his persuasion was fruitless, so he gave up and looked at Li Bin.

"Adam, how are you? Are you ready?" Li Bin asked.

Adam Baoshu shook his head: "It says it will go wherever its mother goes."

Crowe lost his integrity: "There are sea kings who regard human beings as their mothers. Is my world view abnormal? Can anyone tell me that I am dreaming?"

"Crow, you're not dreaming, it's real, and only a strong man like Major General Li Bin can make Neptune recognize him as a mother!" Yazaki Benu looked at Li Bin with admiration.

"This has nothing to do with whether he is strong or not. Even if General Yellow Ape is so strong, it is impossible for the sea kings to treat him as a relative!" Crowe retorted.

"What did you just say, little guy, Third Class Crowe! Have you ever been kicked by the light?" The figure of the yellow monkey appeared on the deck.

"I didn't say anything, General Polusalino! Please let me go!" Crowe looked terrified, he didn't want to be abused by the light.

Huang Yuan didn't pay attention to him anymore, but looked at the little dog Sea King, and joked to Li Bin: "Should I take action, I will help you kill it!"

"No, Mr. Polusalino, just leave it to me!" Li Bin turned to Adam and said, "You tell it, you can follow us, but you can't board the boat, and you can't cause us trouble."

Adam immediately conveyed what Li Bin said to the puppy Neptune, and the puppy obediently agreed, as long as it could follow its mother, it would do anything.

"Boss, it agrees! As long as you don't drive it away."


"Gululu... Gululu..." Somebody's stomach was hungry, and they screamed so loudly.

"Mr. Polusalino, how long have you not eaten, are you so hungry?"

"It's not the old man's stomach growling, there should be someone else."

"Who could that be? Gululu..." Li Bin's own stomach growled.

"Hahaha, so it's Major General Li Bin, your stomach is growling."

"Gululu..." Like thunder, everyone's eyes turned to the puppy Sea King not far away, "It's hungry."

I saw the little dog Neptune looking at Li Bin pitifully.

"Major General Li Bin, do you want me to get him a piece of barbecue?" Crowe asked.

"No, Cycad said that most sea kings are vegetarians. If they eat barbecue, they will not like vegetarians in the future, and they will have some extremely dangerous thoughts, and they will be driven out of the calm zone."

"Okay then, what shall we feed it?"

"Wait a minute!" Li Bin found a crimson seed from the big wooden box and threw it into the sea, "Growing lush and growing rapidly!"

The seed rapidly grew into a towering tree as it fell, the only pity was that there was only one fruit on it, and the fruit grew bigger and bigger, until it finally became as big as a room.

Li Bin ran over on moon steps, picked the fruit before it fell into the sea, and held it in his arms.

At this time, the little dog Sea King looked at Li Bin drooling: "Woooo..."

"Be good after you're full, little seal!" Li Bin threw the fruit to the puppies Neptune.

"Major General Li Bin, you are abusing children!" All the sea soldiers looked at the huge fruit hitting the puppies, sea kings, and felt contempt for a while.

The huge fruit was about the same size as the puppy Sea King's body, but it caught it easily, and then ate it happily.

"That's because you don't know how perverted these sea kings are!" Li Bin said angrily, "I could have kept eating or drinking for a week, but because they followed, it only took two days, and my energy I was exhausted by them, Gululu... I'm so hungry, bring me some food."

"Yes, Major General!" Crowe hurried to the restaurant, he didn't want to stay with the yellow ape.

"Li Bin, can the navy form an army of sea kings in the future? In this way, the navy can easily suppress those evil forces." Huang Yuan asked, no force can be stronger than the windless belt Aquaman class.

Li Bin thought about the experience of this trip, then shook his head: "If no one can dive into the sea normally and communicate with these Neptunes, it is impossible to form an army of Neptunes!"

"Then how did you do it?" Huang Yuan was a little puzzled.

"It's just luck!" Li Bin immediately told Huang Yuan what happened at the bottom of the sea in the past two days.

"It seems that without the strength of a vice-admiral or above, you don't even have the chance to survive on the seabed in the windless belt. Moreover, you have to know how to communicate with those sea kings and gain their favor. This is really too difficult, no It is less difficult than finding Neptune! But this also gives us some inspiration, human beings can communicate with Neptune after all."


(End of this chapter)

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