Chapter 197
"Prosperity Steel Barrier!"

A huge mahogany barrier appeared in front of the blue cat, blocking its front.

With a bang, a huge dent appeared on it, and it was almost smashed.

"Meow!" The blue cat looked at Li Bin angrily, and then continued to look at Crowe.

"This is Master Doll Cat, I hope the officer will save us!" Crowe said in horror.

"I see!" Li Bin nodded, "Maosheng Green Phoenix! Don't resist, sit on the green phoenix first."

Two vines protruded from the green phoenix, dragging Crowe and his subordinate into the air immediately.

The cat called "Doll Cat" by Crowe saw that the prey in front of him disappeared, and turned his eyes to Li Bin. It felt that as long as it defeated Li Bin, it would be able to catch Crowe and complete the mission entrusted to it by its master. Order.

"It seems that what Keluo said is true. Your master must be that Ai Rilang?" Li Bin asked.

Li Bin was domineering and knowledgeable, and felt that the danger was coming, so Li Bin hurriedly avoided it.

Whoosh, a white light flashed, and another white cat appeared in front of Li Bin. At the same time, scratches appeared on his navy uniform.

"Sir, this is Lord Bai, who once killed a pirate worth over [-] million." Crowe hastily reminded that this world is really frightening. Being a pirate is too dangerous, even a cat can't beat it!

"Well, I see!" Li Bin activated his ability, "Maosheng Red Armor!"

In a blink of an eye, a thick layer of steel heat tree armor was put on his body, just like Iron Man.

"This feels much cooler than Iron Man's transformation! Fortunately, the ability to decompose has been developed, otherwise I really wouldn't dare to get this armor for myself."

Bang bang bang bang!After being beaten five times in a row, cracks appeared in the entire red armor.

"The defense is not bad!" Li Bin nodded, as long as he can block an occasional fatal attack, "Longsheng · Rapid Recovery!"

The red armor is back to normal!
"Very good, you had a great fight just now, didn't you, you pussy! Give me a vajra fist!" Li Bin used the razor, came to the white cat in a blink of an eye, and then punched it.

A trace of disdain flashed in the white cat's eyes, and it easily avoided Li Bin's attack.

"It's fast, isn't it? Can it dodge, right?" Li Bin snorted coldly, "Massive · rapid winding!"

When the white cat didn't pay attention, it was covered with grass under its feet.

"Armed Vajra Fist!"

Li Bin's punch firmly hit the white cat's body. The white cat meowed and immediately passed out.

The other doll cat looked at it, and its eyes were full of fear!

Li Bin took the opportunity to start his courage to frighten it: "Get lost!"

Hearing this, the doll cat involuntarily bumped into the wall, and then disappeared like a runaway rabbit. This guy is really terrifying, and Ben Meow was scared to death!

"My lord, let's hurry to find General Huang Yuan. The appearance of Lord Bai shows that Lord Ai Rilang is not far from us. Although your strength is very strong, compared with Lord Ai Rilang, there is still a gap. After all, he is an old goblin who has lived for hundreds of years!"

"Who do you call the old goblin, my dear Crow?"

At this time, a refined gentleman appeared in front of everyone.

His voice was so gentle and polite, but when it reached his ears, Li Bin's hairs stood on end.

"How strong is this monster's physique? It can actually affect my body!" Li Bin couldn't help but think that Bruno, the flame cat and lion king, once said that the stronger the physique, the more powerful the creatures, the more powerful they are. The effect produced can be second only to the domineering impact of Bawang color.

"It turned out to be a little brother from the navy. I am Ai Rilang, a nobleman of the Tulip family recognized by the world government. I also hope that the little brother from the navy can help me capture this servant!" Ai Rilang said politely.

"The nobles of the world? Dragon people?"

"I'm just a nobleman, not a Tianlong person!"

"Then I can't do it, we only listen to the orders of the Tianlong people. Also, General Huang Yuan is over there, you can..."

Li Bin was stunned for a moment, and saw that Huang Yuan was fighting a man who looked very similar to Ai Rilang!

"You're not Ai Rilang, who are you?"

The aura of the person on the opposite side was a little bit louder at the first moment, but now it is like a lamp.

"Hehe, it seems that I didn't deceive anyone!" The man wiped his face, and changed his appearance in an instant, "Old Ai Rikun is also a nobleman recognized by the world government!"

"The nobles of the world are not Tianlong people. Are you two former Tianlong people?" Li Bin was surprised by his own thoughts.

"Brother did guess right. Laoji and Ai Rilang used to be Tianlong people. But since we choose to live longer, we need to find the rest by ourselves. After all, there are enough Tianlong people in this world." If there are too many, those of us can no longer burden that adult."

"Well, the old man is right. Longevity is really a great temptation! I am curious to ask the old man, what kind of devil fruit can make people live longer?"

"It's okay to tell you, anyway, you also ate a devil fruit! Surgery fruit can give people permanent life, ranking first!"

"Secondly, there are various Phantom Beast fruits. Most of Phantom Beast fruits can develop tricks to prolong human life!"

"What about the natural department?" Li Bin interjected.

"Although the natural system is powerful, it is the most likely to have a short lifespan because of its severe assimilation by nature. There are also some special superhuman medical devil fruits that can also develop the ability to prolong human life, but they are very few."

"Thank you, old man!" Li Bin nodded.

"I've taught my little brother so much, shouldn't you return my servant to me?" Ai Rikun smiled.

"This... I'm sorry, it depends on General Huang Yuan's intentions. After all, I am his subordinate."

A group of immortal evil spirits want me to release Crowe, and let him take you to find the heart of the giant race, it's really abominable!
The most abominable thing in the world is not those fools of Marie Gioia, but you old and immortal moths who have been gnawing on the blood of the entire human race.

"Hehe, let's stay here for a while and see who will win, Ai Rilang or General Huang Yuan!" Ai Rikun had no intention of fighting Li Bin at all.

"Very good, Mr. Ai Rikun, please sit down!" Li Bin made two wooden chairs, and sat down immediately, with his thighs on his two legs, watching the battle between Huang Yuan and Ai Rilang.

"Hehe, what a great ability!" Ai Rikun was not afraid of Li Bin's tricks, so he sat down on another chair in a big way.

(End of this chapter)

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