One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 164 Complete Sea, Land and Air and Straw Bags (5 more)

Chapter 164 Complete Sea, Land and Air and Herbal Bags (Fifth Watch for All)
"Dover, except for a marijuana production base, Li Bin has completed the tasks perfectly!" Diamanti replied.

"What's going on? Don't tell me that Li Bin is too kind!" Doflamingo said with narrowed eyes.

"No, because marijuana is a special plant. There is an element in the land that is slowly produced. If you accelerate its rapid growth, it will become deformed due to the lack of that element."

"Oh, so it is like this."

Doflamingo is not a biologist, so of course he doesn't know what's going on.

As for whether he would ask Caesar Courant, Li Bin was even less worried. He could have a face-to-face debate with Caesar based on the growing conditions of legumes, and it would be easy to fool him.

Besides, by that time, he might have already left the Don Quixote family.

Although the production of marijuana cannot be increased, the profits of other industries have expanded dozens of times, which is not comparable to that of illegal marijuana.

"Li Binjun, congratulations on completing your mission perfectly! We can return to Dressrosa," Diamanti said.


The two took the boat and returned to Dressrosa after another week of sailing.

"I haven't seen you in a few months. This Dressrosa has prospered a lot!" Li Bin said.

"Of course, our income has increased several times this year, so Dover specially distributed some of the food to everyone, so these people's lives are much better."

Li Bin just wanted to boast a few words, but when he heard what Diamanti said next, he swallowed it back.

"This group of foolish people should let them remember the horror of my Don Quixote family, not this kind of kindness."

"Haha, Lord Diamanti, don't take it to heart."

Li Bin and Diamanti were walking on the street, and the citizens of Dressrosa looked at them with respect.

Li Bin thought, if you know that the Don Quixote family has turned your family into toys, your respect will soon turn into fear and hatred.

The two returned to the palace not long after.

"Thanks for your hard work, Li Bin and Diamanti, tonight I will let the whole family take care of you!" Doflamingo said loudly while sitting on the throne.

"It's all for the family, no hard work!" Li Bin said respectfully.

"Hahaha, Dover, Mr. Li Bin has always been so humble, it's really comforting." Diamanti said, these days he has obtained a lot of hot fruits from Li Bin, and his rheumatism is temporarily considered alright.

"Well, not taking credit for pride, nor being arrogant, he is indeed a rare talent! I don't know what you want, Li Bin?"

"This subordinate hasn't thought of anything yet, can you allow me to go back and think about it?"

"Fuhahahaha, of course!" Apart from betrayal, Doflamingo has a very high tolerance for his subordinates.

"Thank you, young master!" Li Bin saluted respectfully.

"Well, if there is nothing else, you can rest first!" Doflamingo said, he still had some things to talk to Diamanti alone.

"Yes, this subordinate will leave!" Li Bin turned around and strode away.

Just when he was about to walk into the place where he lived, Li Bin heard Baby-5 calling him.

"Master Li Bin, wait for me!"

"What's the matter, Baby-5?"

"Last month, Sim Batty from the pawn shop came to Mrs. Li Bin. He said that he had bought all the things you wanted, and asked you to pick them up from him when you come back."

"Really? It's really amazing!"

Li Bin was a little excited, and finally waited for the last two trump cards!
"Maosheng super sports car!"

I saw one or two streamlined green cars quickly appearing in front of Li Bin, but its four wheels were replaced by four legs. After he sat on it, he rushed out quickly and disappeared in an instant!
Seeing this, Baby-5 was taken aback for a while: "Is this the strength of Master Li Bin? It's really terrifying!"

After arriving at the pawn shop, Li Bin shouted loudly: "Baddy, here I come!"

"Welcome Master Li Bin back!" Batty said respectfully. All the changes that have taken place in Dressrosa in the past few months are related to this man in front of him. He has to treat Li Bin carefully.

"You're welcome, I heard that you have collected all those seeds?"

"Yes, Master Li Bin, Bailey spent nearly [-] million."

"Haha, it's okay, as long as you can collect all these things, it's worth paying all your wealth! Take it out and show me!"

"Yes, Master Li Bin, this way please!"

Batty respectfully led Li Bin into a luxurious hall, and at the same time urged the maid to collect the materials.

"Because some seeds need to be refrigerated, some need to be sealed, and some need to be supplemented with hydrogen, so they are placed in different storage locations. Master Li Bin, wait a moment."

"After waiting for so long, it's not too late."

Soon, five maids walked in carrying five boxes.

Li Bin couldn't wait to open the two boxes marked with aerial plant seeds, and then activated a force to spawn a long vine, manipulating it to swim back and forth in the air, which was indescribably weird.

"Yes, that's it!"

Li Bin nodded in satisfaction. From now on, he has no shortcomings in sea, land and air!
After warming these seeds with the power of life, Li Bin's eyes turned to the cold seed again.

"This must be an ice-type plant, right?"

"Yes, it is the ice grass, ignoring the frozen ice grass."

"Very good, you did a good job, you can share the rest of the money with your brothers, if you have any embarrassing things in the future, just come to me!"

"Thank you, Mr. Li Bin!" Batty said respectfully. Although he has a little status in the Don Quixote family, he is still far behind these high-ranking cadres.

"Well, give me everything, I'm leaving!"


Li Bin took the seeds and left quickly. Now he needs to create a special storage space for the collected seeds.

He had already thought about the material, so he used the modified steel heat tree as the box body and ceramics as the separate container, which was called Baicao sac.

Once your puppet clones have sourced the right ceramic jars, it's time to craft!
"Prosperous Assembly!"

After the transformation, the seeds of the hot fire tree quickly took root and germinated, and a box with a diameter of half a meter grew out, and three delicate partitions grew out. After the ceramic pot was put in, they grew denser and denser until the ceramic pot was well placed. Give protection.

The lower two layers are 78 kinds of fruit seeds that are not commonly used, and the top is 22 kinds of most commonly used fighting seeds, including Iron Fire Tree, Iron Sword Grass, Ice Grass, and Thunder Fire Chiba.

"Very good, I carry one of the herb kits with me, keep one in Adam's body, and keep one in the avatar, so I need to make two more!"

As a person with the ability to flourish fruit, Li Bin only needs to replenish the vitality of the seeds regularly to control the vitality of the seeds, and he can directly ignore other storage conditions.

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(End of this chapter)

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