One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 16 First Battle with Pirates (3 more)

Chapter 16 First Battle with the Pirates ([-]rd)
In the half month of training, except for the first five days, Li Bin's strength increased steadily by 30 points every day, and from the sixth day onwards, his daily increase became seven or eight points up.

Even so, after half a month, his physique has reached the threshold of Superman's 630 Dao, not to mention that his physique is still growing steadily at a rate of seven or eight points of Dao every day. The old cells have been transformed to the apex, and the new born powerful cells bring growth!
I believe that after a year has passed, when most of the cells in his body have turned into new cells, his physical strength will definitely break through the [-]-way barrier!
It's hard to say whether the new cells born after that will have such a powerful improvement!
Li Bin's current load has also been changed to 3500kg as he wished.

For Li Bin's progress, Ai En is very keen in her heart. She also has to admire Karp and Li Bin. One dares to teach and the other dares to learn. If it were an ordinary person, he would have been exhausted. Bar.

Although her swordsmanship practice is also very hard, and she has made obvious progress, but compared with the monster Li Bin, it is far behind.

After all, most of the female officers in the navy have power values ​​below 600, except for Gion, who has a power value of 2200.Staff Officer Crane was also very strong when she was young, but now she is a bit old after all.

On this day, Bogart stopped Li Bin and Ain who were practicing: "You two are almost ready to practice. There is a pirate ship approaching us five kilometers away from us. I will teach you two to send it away." Already!"

"Yes, lieutenant general (teacher)!" Li Bin and Ain replied in unison.

"Give them both a boat and let them go," Bogart ordered.

"Yes, Lieutenant General!"

Soon, Li Bin and Ai En rowed the boat and swam quickly in the direction Bogart pointed.

Because of the enhanced physique, Li Bin and the others quickly caught up with the other party's pirate ship.

When it was almost approaching, Yasuo, the navigator on the ship, found the boat of the two of them: "Captain, there is a navy appearing ahead!"

"Where? Why don't you run quickly?" A middle-aged man wearing a coat with a pattern of Starscream on it asked hastily.

His name is Henry Renka, and he is the captain of this pirate ship. This pirate ship is called "Scarlet Spider Pirate Ship". A reward for a children's playground is the scum of the East China Sea!

"But there are only two of them, should we change the course?" Yasuo asked.

"Are you sure it's two people?" Lenka asked, taking a puff of cigarette.

"Yes, Captain!"

"Two people? Then kill them and increase the reputation of our pirate ship. The current bounty is too insulting." Renka said angrily.

"it is good!"

"Partners, there are two navies in front of us. After we kill them, the reputation of our Starscream pirate ship will spread throughout the East China Sea. If we recruit the crew at that time, we will become the overlord of the East China Sea!" Lunka cheered road.

Because most pirates go to sea for wealth and fame, and now the opportunity to increase their fame has come, how can they not be excited.

"Okay, kill them, and then our Starscream pirate ship will dominate the East China Sea!"

"Dominate the East China Sea, dominate the East China Sea!"

"Give some color to the navy."

"Captain, there is a female navy!" one of the crew members said with bright eyes.

"A female navy?" Lenka hesitated, then said, "Capture the female navy alive, and then train her to be a maid, and let her serve us all!"

"Okay, train to be a maid!"

"Warm our beds!"

"Daytime, nighttime..."

Li Bin's hearing is still very strong, and he heard the sound of this group of miscellaneous fish barking their teeth and claws from a distance, and his face was a little ugly. I guess Ai En will be angry when he hears it.

"Ai En, you must not be angry later!"

"What's wrong?" Ain was a little puzzled.


"It's really disappointing to ask you what's going on and you don't say anything."

At this time, Ai En found that Li Bin's appearance seemed to have changed a lot. Not only did he not get tanned during this period of exercise, but he also became much whiter, his facial features became more correct, and his eyes became bigger.

"Binz, how do you take care of your skin? How good is your skin?"

"Is my skin good? I haven't taken care of it!" Li Bin was a little surprised.

"You'll know when you go back and look in the mirror!" Ai En felt a little blushing when he commented on a man's appearance, so he stopped talking.

At this time, the pirate ship and their boat had already touched each other, and Ai En jumped onto the opposite pirate ship immediately.

"From now on, you scumbags will be arrested by us!" Ain said in a cold tone.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, just the two of you? Navy girl!" One of the pirates mocked loudly, "It's not enough to warm our beds."

"Looking for death!" Ai En pulled out his saber and chopped it down to the ground!
At this time Li Bin also came to the pirate ship.

"The idea is tough!" Lenka immediately understood in his heart that he was far from being the opponent's opponent, but if he was caught by the opponent, he would not be reconciled, so he moved his mind.

"We surrender! Please don't kill us!" Lenka shouted hastily, and the pirates who were about to act stopped in a hurry.

"Okay, then tie yourselves up!" Li Bin said, he didn't expect that the first battle with the pirates after crossing would be so simple.

"I'm afraid you won't trust the rope I tied, so you should come!" Lenka said as he found a rope from the deck and handed it over.

"It's going too well!" Li Bin looked at Ai En and hesitated.

Ai En didn't understand what Li Bin meant, and mistakenly thought that he was going to let him tie up these pirates, so he walked over.

When she was about to tie Lenka, a handful of lime powder was thrown over from the opposite side!

"Ah, my eyes!" Although she had tried her best to avoid it, she couldn't keep up with her speed, and she was still blinded by the opponent's lime, and was directly caught by the opponent.

Because of the momentary panic, Ain also forgot to activate his own ability.

"Hey, Haijun, I've captured your companion. If you want her to live, you'll have to catch her immediately!" Lenka strangled Ain's neck arrogantly.

The actual combat experience of the two is too little!I didn't know how cunning the pirates were, and I was careless for a while, so I ignored the article in the military regulations that "for those pirates who are capable of resisting, they must first restrain their resistance."

Li Bin's face was a little ugly, and he hurriedly thought about the solution, and finally let him think of a way.

"Of course, her eyes are hurt, you can pinch me!" Li Bin pretended to be very cooperative.

"Hehe, do you think I'm a three-year-old kid?" Lenka sneered, "Come here, tie his hands first!"

"Understood, Captain!" A shaggy man hurriedly found a piece of inconspicuous rope and walked over.

"Can that work?"

"But that rope will hoist the sail!"

Therefore, Li Bin and the others were first captured by the opponent in the first battle.

(End of this chapter)

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