Chapter 127 Attack
"Your Majesty, I'm really sorry, I was busy doing experiments just now, I hope His Majesty the King doesn't mind what happened just now!" Li Bin said hastily.

But what has happened cannot be mitigated.

Muhanold shook his head, saying that he would not take this matter to heart: "Li Binjun's performance reminded me of two old people. Let's go, the food is ready."

"I guess one of them must be Mr. Vegapunk, and which scientist is the other one?"

"Hehe, it's nothing. In fact, many people know his nickname, "Earl of Organ", but I don't know his real name."

The earl of the agency, is it Vinsmoke Gage?

It seems that the outermost laboratory should not belong to Vegapunk, but to Vinsmoke Gage.

This nickname is said to be one of his early names. It seems that his early research was indeed done with Vegapunk. I heard that he and Vegapunk were discovered by the world government because of their research on blood factors. Vegapunk Punk was arrested by the world government because of this, but he escaped by luck.

Such confidential research should not be discovered by people from the World Government in a remote place like Winter Island in the New World.

Could it be that the Balkimore royal family played some unknown role in this matter?
"Anyway, this matter doesn't have much to do with me. I'm not an ordinary scientist, but a real capable person. Could it be that the king of Balkimore sold me to the world government?"

Li Bin threw such absurd thoughts out of his mind, and followed Muhanold to the restaurant.

The food in the restaurant was not very rich, only enough for seven or eight people. Although it was delicious, Li Bin didn't enjoy his meal very much.

"Li Binjun, but is there any dissatisfaction with the food?" Muhanuod asked.

"No, it's just that I usually eat a little too much. I don't know if there are more staple foods?" Li Bin said directly.

"Li Binjun wait a moment!"

Muhanoud went to the kitchen to urge him again, but he only brought back staple food for less than three people. Li Bin activated his knowledge and arrogance, and heard someone whispering that there seemed to be not enough food for tomorrow. There is no further request.

"I wish Adam was here, let him bring me some food!" Li Bin couldn't help thinking that because he had been researching cold-resistant crops and constantly displaying his abilities, he was still hungry very quickly.

"Your Majesty, I don't know where Bediard is? I left some things for research at my place of residence, please ask him to help me get them."

"That's it, then I'll let someone pass it on. Li Binjun will take a rest after eating, and I'll arrange a room for you."

"Okay, thank you! Your Majesty is too polite!"

Soon after eating, Li Bin came to a luxuriously decorated room under the guidance of the guards arranged by Muhan Nord.

"I didn't expect such a barren place to have such a gorgeous room. You are worthy of being the lord of a country!" Li Bin was really tired after studying for a day, so he lay down on the bed and took a nap...

"What does Father want from me?" Gunesia was a little puzzled, why did Muhanold call him when he didn't sleep in the middle of the night.

"How much do you know about this kid named Li Bin?" Muhanod asked.

"He is an enthusiastic and adventurous businessman, but he should also be a senior scientist." Gunesia replied.

"Look at this!" Muhanod pointed to a small flower pot on the table, which was filled with the new varieties of winter wheat that Li Bin had transformed.

After seeing it, Gunesia shrank her eyes slightly, and asked pretending to be puzzled: "What kind of plant is this? The leaves are somewhat similar to those of Xuehe, but it's not Xuehe. I don't seem to have seen it before."

"This person should still be a plant-type ability user, who can increase the growth speed of plants. This should be the cold-resistant crop he has already researched, and it should be a new variety of winter wheat."

Muhanold also put a handful of experimental seeds taken from the laboratory in his hand on the table. It was the modified winter wheat!

After hearing this, Gunesia felt a huge wave in his heart. You must know that Vegapunk, a genius scientist who claims to "have more than 500 years of wisdom in the world", has not researched something back then, but was discovered by an unknown boy. It was researched.

"Should this kind of thing change the status quo of us Balkimoans?" Gunesia asked with a trembling voice.

"If there is no problem with this kind of winter wheat, it must be."

"What does Father mean?"

"We should control such talents, shouldn't we?"

"I don't agree with my father's idea. This person has developed a new variety of winter wheat, which is of great kindness to us in Balkimoa. We shouldn't do this!"

"Gnesia, your vision is still too narrow! One Vegapunk has affected the development of the whole world, and one Vinsmoke Gage has created the Germa Kingdom that rules the North Sea. Do you just want Are we Balkimoans stuck in this poor winter island all our lives?"

"Mr. Vegapunk and Mr. Gage left here, isn't it all caused by my father?"

"You bastard, you dare to arrange your father's affairs. Who told you this secret? It was your mother, right?"

"It's not my mother. I analyzed the series of incidents that happened that year. My father made mistakes again and again. Will he still follow the old path now?"

boom!Muhanuod slapped the palm of the table heavily, his eyes radiated a bitter coldness, if he had not only had such a son, he would have strangled him to death long ago.

"It's not up to you kid to tell me what to do. Come and help His Royal Highness go in and rest."

"Father, Li Binjun is not only a scientist, he also has a group of powerful followers. If they know that we want to control Li Binjun, they will definitely resist!"

"Then kill them all!"

"You can't do that, it's definitely not good for our country!"

"Pull the prince down!"

No matter how Gunesia resisted, two members of the guard quickly took him away and locked him in his house.

"Gnesia, you will understand the painstaking care of your father in the future!" Muhanold shouted, "Come here, call the secret army to gather..."

In the middle of the night, when everyone in the Rolling Pirates was asleep, a special armed force suddenly surrounded the place.

"Is it here?"

"It's here!"

"Then burn it. If anyone breaks out from here, they will be shot and killed. This is the king's order."

"Yes, Commander!"

(End of this chapter)

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