One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 121: Winter Island

Chapter 121: Winter Island
"We just left in such a despondent way, Li Binjun? I'm so unwilling!" Luo Luoxing said, she also wanted to try.

But she was really too weak, so weak that Li Bin didn't even have the desire to let her take action. He didn't know much about Jin Guduo!What if something happened to her?
"The weak should have the way of the weak to survive. Before gaining enough strength, don't pull too much hatred. This does not prove how different you are, but only proves your incompetence."

"Luo Luo, if Li Binjun was alone, he would definitely fight against the Whitebeard Pirates, but with us added, he has no choice but to protect us."

"It's really far away!" Laura said a little embarrassedly, "I'm far from that man's match."

"Hahaha, Laura, don't be humble. Even if your brother Katakuri comes over, he may not be that man's opponent. He is already very merciful."

"How is it possible?" Laura lost her voice.

"You will know later, this man is very unusual."

Li Bin didn't continue to say some things, because there was a revolutionary army cadre beside him, and the more he said, the more mistakes he made.

"Okay." Laura nodded.

"Aman Luo, what is the name of our next island?"

"Winter Island, followed by Garu Island, Sand Island, and then take the current to reach Dressrosa."

"Winter Island?"

"Yes, this winter island is mainly famous for its mechanical warriors. I heard that there is also a winter island in the first half of the great channel, but it is a medical country."

"Are there any hardy plants here?"

"Yes, but there are some common pine and cypress trees, cold-resistant grasses and white plums, and some medicinal plants such as snow lotus, Hongjing, Baibei, and Baimi. There are not many others." Aman Luo replied .

"Okay, then let's go to Winter Island to explore!"

"But Winter Island is too cold, we need to prepare for the cold!"

"It couldn't be simpler. Aren't we collecting cotton seeds? Just make a few more cotton coats."

Li Bin found a cotton seed: "Hey, someone bring a wooden basin and get some soil by the way?"

"I'm going, I'm going!"

Asra was the fastest runner, and soon he brought a huge pot of fertile black soil.

"Well done."

Li Bin threw the cotton seeds into it and started to activate his power, and soon a cotton tree more than 30 meters high grew out, covered with bright red flowers.

Control the pollen to fall into the pistil, and continue to give birth, and each cotton boll grows like a basketball.

"This should be the biggest cotton plant I've ever seen in my life!"

Everyone began to take Li Bin's ability for granted, and was no longer as surprised as before.

"Okay, after the cotton bolls have opened in two days, we can make cotton clothes. Has anyone ever been a tailor?"




"Are you a tailor? You usually just sew some clothes for yourself!" A tall and thick man came out. Li Bin knew his name, Hans, "Master Li Bin, my ancestors were tailors, So my technique is very strong."

"Very good, then you will be responsible for more than 80 cotton-padded clothes."

"This..." Hans said with a silly face, "Master Li Bin, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it alone."

"Don't worry, I will help you. Just make a few wooden assistants for you. Tell me how to make the loom. I will make it for you now. For other dyes, I can only provide you with red, black and blue, because the plants here only have these three colors."

"Enough is enough, Master Li Bin, if this is the case, and with the tools I carry, I am sure to make 85 sets of cotton-padded clothes in half a month."

"Very good! I will use Adam wood to make some clogs for you, and when you are free, you can also sew some cotton socks by yourself."

"Yes, thank you Master Li Bin."

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and everyone got warm clothes as scheduled.

In the evening, Li Bin stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the full moon in the sky, and couldn't help feeling a little lost. It has been a year since he came to Pirate World. Although he has experienced many magical things, he still misses him very much. Family members from previous lives.

"Oh, I can't go back!"

"What's the matter, Li Binjun?" Luo Luoxing walked out of the room.

"I miss my parents and uncle." Li Bin said, "I haven't seen them for a long time since I went to sea."

"How long is it?"

"I can't remember clearly, so it's called a long time."

"Missing is also a kind of happiness." Luo Luoxing looked at the bright moon in the sky, and couldn't help but think back to the days when he and his mother depended on each other for life. "The young eagles that come out of the nest always want to run to the blue sky."


Li Bin nodded. Even though the girl next to her was a native of this world, she who had lost her parents was so similar to herself who had traveled through time, and felt a little distressed.

"I was thinking how wonderful it would be if the world could be at peace one day."

"There will come a day."

Li Bin didn't believe what he said, world peace, even Earth Star in his previous life hadn't achieved it!
In the previous life, some people watched One Piece and thought that defeating the Tianlongren would bring peace to the whole world. Li Bin couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous.

Where there are people, disputes cannot be avoided, not to mention such a huge and chaotic world, with countless territories and countries, it is even more difficult to achieve unity and stability. How could it end because of a little bit of Tianlong people in the holy land of Mariejoia? .

The Tianlong people are just a transfer of the rulers of the joining countries to their own incompetence!The existence of Tianlong people has attracted the attention and hatred of too many people.

But those countries that have not joined the world government, their people are all lingering on their last days.

Perhaps one day, everyone will find that the world is even more chaotic without the Tianlong people maintaining the unity of the world government on the bright side.

Li Bin suddenly felt that he was a little ridiculous. How could he think about political issues?

"Li Binjun, I heard that people who eat Tianshan snow lotus can live a long time."

"Really? There are so many snow lotuses in Winter Island, so there must be a lot of snow lotuses growing there. I don't know if the people there live long?"

"Hehehe, it is said that their average life expectancy is very short. Because of the climate, food has always been in short supply. People there often don't have enough to eat, and the weather is cold, so it is easy to get sick."

"Oh? Let's see what's going on in these people's hearts. If it's good, I'll help them! If it's too bad, let them fend for themselves!"

"Li Binjun is still so kind, but your ability to promote plant growth may be greatly reduced in this icy world."

"Don't underestimate me. I still have other moves that I haven't shown. This trip to Spring Island is not just a harvest of seeds." Li Bin said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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