Chapter 1 I am Binz
(PS: Pirate fans, the ultimate fruit ability development, no stallions, no gangs, no dark, the protagonist's IQ is online, don't spray if you don't like it! Please collect and recommend!)

"Ahhh...I'm so incompetent, why...why can't I protect them? You know, they are just half-grown children! Woohoo..." Zefa, who had lost a hand, knelt on the ground , looking at the corpses of students lying in front of him, tears could not stop streaming down.

"Teacher, it's not your fault. No one would have thought that that bastard Edward Weibull would dare to attack the training ship." Ai En comforted him.

"Uh...uh...water..." A groan caught the attention of both Zefa and Ain.

"It's Binz! Teacher, Binz is not dead yet!" Ain ran over excitedly and helped Binz who was dying.

Zefa was also very excited. Regardless of his injuries, he hurriedly dug out a medical bag, took out a pack of normal saline and walked over: "Ain, give Binz some salt water."

"Okay!" Ain bit open the water bag and slowly poured it into Binz's mouth.

Li Bin felt that his head was in great pain, as if all the bones in his body were broken. At this moment, a water bag was handed to his mouth, and he drank greedily.

Li Bin, who recovered a little bit of strength, managed to open his eyes, and what he saw was a gentle girl with sea blue hair and a sloppy uncle with a broken arm.

Li Bin was about to ask where this is, who are you?But a huge memory came from the depths of his mind, and he fainted again after being impacted by so many memories.

"How is Binz?" Zefer asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I guess he was too tired, he fell asleep!" Ain comforted.

"That's good, it's good to be alive... It's good to be alive!" Zefa said to himself, and then walked towards the pile of dead people. .

"Teacher, let me help you bandage the wound!"

"No, I'm going to search again, who else is still alive."

Zefa turned over one by one again...

Li Bin had a long, long dream. In the dream, he turned into a flamboyant red-haired boy, and a group of young soldiers, under the guidance of a sloppy old man, worked hard to exercise his body ...

Because he is a devil fruit capable user, he doesn't pay much attention to physical skills and the like. He is still very weak at the age of 15.

Later, a nasty guy with a curvy white beard led a group of pirates to attack them. He rushed over immediately, and the other party slapped him to the ground like slapping ants.

Yes, with just one slap, Binz was slapped to death. At this moment, Li Bin passed through and just possessed him.

Binz still has two wishes that have not been fulfilled. One wish is to kill Edward Weibull, and the other wish is to find Ain as his girlfriend.

But now, neither of his two wishes can be realized, so he is full of anger and unwillingness.

And Li Bin, as the replacement of the past, although he has the brain hole of the information explosion, he does not have a system like Long Aotian, and he has to continue to occupy the identity of Binz, and he must be careful in everything so as not to be seen by others The horse's feet should be dealt with as a person controlled by the fruit ability.

"Okay, since I have your body, I will inherit your will and feelings and live on! Don't worry, Weibull and his pirate group will be destroyed by me, and I will take care of Ain. Good for her!" Li Bin said these words silently from the bottom of his heart, silently implying to himself that his whole body seemed to be much better.

Li Bin knew that from now on, although his soul had his own obsessions, he was Binz to the outside world.

He fell asleep again, and continued to receive the entire memory of his predecessor.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Bin woke up.

"Are you awake? Second Lieutenant Binz." A young nurse said in surprise.

Because he was previously a capable person, he had a military rank when he was recommended, even though he was the lowest second lieutenant.

Li Bin glanced at the ID badge on her chest - Yamada Hena.

"Well, thank you for taking care of me during this time. By the way, where are Teacher Zefa and Ain?" Li Bin asked.

"Instructor Zefa suffered from a high fever for several days because of his broken arm and his emotional instability, and he is still in a coma."

"Oh, what about Ain?"

"Second Lieutenant Ain was almost fine yesterday, and she is taking care of Instructor Zefa now."

"Thank you, I want to see Teacher Zefa first."

Li Bin just wanted to stand up, but his body was too weak, and he fell on the bed again.

"Second Lieutenant Binz, you'd better take a break and eat something. You lost a lot of blood, and you have broken several ribs, so it's just right. I'll give you something to eat right now!"

"Thank you, Hena!"

He Na and Li Bin nodded, and then walked out.

Seeing He Na went out, Li Bin began to think about his fruit ability.

"The lush fruit can control the surrounding plants and promote their rapid growth!" Li Bin pointed to a flower pot beside him, the plants in it grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and exuded a friendly feeling towards him breath.

"I should be able to develop one that is beneficial to the treatment of my injuries. Since this ability can promote the growth of plants, it must contain the ability similar to vitality, and it will definitely promote the recovery of my injuries!"

"If my body recovers naturally, I will definitely fall into the root cause of the disease, and I can only become a role like a dragon, let alone become a strong man in the future, killing that guy Weibull!"

Li Bin tried to apply that vitality to his body to promote the recovery of his body.

But it is obvious that this effect is very weak. If it weren't for Li Bin's very delicate thoughts, he would definitely not be able to discover this effect if he were a careless Binz.

"It's really useful, but the effect is too weak! But if I keep working hard to develop this ability, sooner or later, this ability will become very powerful. And although its effect is weak now, it will still be of great help to my recovery from injuries , at least my broken bones can be restored as before, and the root cause of the disease will not fall!"

When Li Bin was thinking about this, his stomach growled.

"It seems that after using a little bit of this ability, the physical strength has been exhausted." Li Bin laughed at himself, "No wonder Binz is not even a match for Sanji among the strongest enemies. You must know that Sanji was judged by the doctor as a The physique of an ordinary person, this physical strength is really too bad. If it was replaced by a monster physique like Luffy Garp, the injury of this degree would have healed by now!"

"Second Lieutenant Binz, your meal is here." He Na walked in with several bowls of broth, several plates of meat and vegetable dishes, and a small bowl of rice.

"Thank you." Li Bin hastily ate hungrily.

"Second Lieutenant Binz, slow down, your body is just a little better, you can't overeat now!"

"Okay, I know." Li Bin had no choice but to control his eating speed and eat slowly.

"Well, then I'll go see Second Lieutenant Ain and Instructor Zefa."

Li Bin nodded to her, and He Na stopped worrying, and walked out.

"This meal is so little, I can't even eat enough." The meal He Na brought was quickly eaten up by Li Bin. Li Bin touched his stomach and felt that he could still eat half a bucket of rice, but He knew that these were all hallucinations that he had been hungry for too long.

Judging from his predecessor's appetite, he has already eaten a lot!
 Pirate fans, the ultimate fruit ability development, don't spray if you don't like it!Also ask for collection and recommendation.


(End of this chapter)

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