Chapter 86

At two o'clock in the afternoon, among the poor villages built on the hills in the suburbs of Hong Kong Island, the houses here looked very simple and smelt of being abandoned, and the police seldom came here, so Zhu Tao chose to live here Trading.

In the city of Hong Kong Island, the gap between the rich and the poor is huge, and there are many wooden houses like this.

Dong Yi set foot in this village that stood on the mountainside. The leak-proof houses were located next to each other. The passages were long and narrow. Domestic garbage could be seen piled everywhere in the corner lanes.

However, in this densely populated poor village, there are still vendors who set up stalls to make a living. Although they are dilapidated and poor, they are also full of vitality!
This situation reminds Dong Yi of the most mysterious place outside the law - Kowloon Walled City!
In fact, when he first crossed over, he went to Kowloon and looked at that sinful place from a distance. That place was like a messy ant nest, dense, complicated, and huge!
"If you want to die, don't step into the Kowloon Walled City in this life!"

This is a warning from the elders of Hong Kong Island to many younger generations. In the hundred years before the 90s, the Kowloon Walled City was the most famous source of crime and lawless place on Hong Kong Island.

That walled city, located in the Kowloon district of Hong Kong Island, only covers an area of ​​0.026 square kilometers, but there are 350 buildings, supporting 5 people to live together.

It is a city outside the city. For a hundred years, the Hong Kong Island government did not dare to manage it, and the British government did not want to manage it. It is a veritable cage of beasts.

The cage is densely populated, the sun and the moon are dark, the filth is flowing, the living space is highly squeezed, and the interpersonal relationship is chaotic and complicated...all of which make it full of unknowns and uneasiness.

To people outside the walled city, the inside is a crazy Colosseum, where the weak must eat the strong to survive.

Dong Yi was lucky enough to travel to a normal family by himself. If he was in the Kowloon Walled City, he might be experiencing some dangerous stories, and he might be wallowing in sins that never see the light of day.

Due to the limited space and dense population, it can only be built up layer by layer, and then it becomes an airtight concrete cube covering an area of ​​2.5 hectares with a maximum of 14 floors.

98% of the entire walled city does not see sunlight all day long because of the built-up buildings.

There are no streets there, just corridors where garbage accumulates. There is no sunlight, and even lights are lit in the sky at noon.

The sunless, dark and humid environment with stacked buildings and entangled antennas supported tens of thousands of people struggling to survive!

The state of anarchy has become a breeding ground for crime, and the Kowloon Walled City has become a gathering place for murderers, rapists, drug dealers, and illegal immigrants.

The police never set foot there, and in the 7s and 80s, the security situation near Kowloon Walled City worsened.

The robbers robbed openly in broad daylight. As long as they turned around and fled back to the Walled City, the police were powerless to pursue them.

Even wanted criminals from Macau, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia will come from afar to seek asylum in the Kowloon Walled City.

Various large and small underground factories, brothels, casinos, unlicensed clinics, etc. are densely rooted in the city.

A quarter of the Walled people are heroin addicts. Child labor is a common phenomenon. Most of the girls become prostitutes when they grow up. The gangsters are the only "government" in the Walled City.

The neon lights of the brothel are bright and dark, the labyrinthine corridors are as complex as an ant nest, the walls are leaking, and the heroin addicts are squatting in the corner...

Darkness, filth, lawlessness, all of these are people's overall impression of the Kowloon Walled City.

"A cesspit full of sins, full of smokehouses, prostitutes and all other nasty things!" This is the evaluation of Hong Kong Island officials.

It was a city of sin, a city of darkness, a hiding place for outlaws, and a den of evil in the eyes of the world.

What's more, the Hong Kong screenwriters, who have always been very imaginative, have inserted so many story clues into it, and how many ruthless people are behind each story clue!

After all, in the world of Hong Kong movies, there are only a lot more legends in that magic cave.

Dong Yi couldn't imagine the current situation inside. In any case, he would not set foot in it easily.

Just when Dong Yi was thinking about it, Ade, who was performing the task together, ordered a glass of orange juice at the stall in this poor village, and looked around involuntarily while drinking.

At this time, his eyes were full of timidity and panic, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that there was something wrong with him at a glance.

Seeing this, Dong Yi came to his side, ordered a cold drink from the hawker, patted Ade on the shoulder and said, "Don't be too nervous, just take it out to relax, so that others can see that you are a CID at a glance. .”

Ade nodded silently, and suddenly Dong Biao's voice came from the headset.

"Attention everyone, this is a temporary command post, the target has arrived, be careful to hide, don't startle the enemy!"

Dong Yi caressed the headset, took Ade, and immediately walked back to the entrance of the alley where they were holding hands, and became cautious.

Next to him, A De slowly put his hand on his waist and wanted to pull out the gun. Dong Yi immediately stopped him and said: "Don't pull out the gun yet, relax, pretend to be a resident and chat with me, don't Expose your identity!"

Ade nodded, swallowed his saliva, and after a few seconds of silence, he said with a stiff smile: "Ah! Today is really sunny and sunny. It's a good day to go out with relatives and friends for leisure!
My dear friend in front of you, don’t you think so? "

The corners of Dong Yi's mouth twitched, and he looked at Ade in front of him with a look of lovelessness, and complained in his heart: "Damn, how can you read the text with the representative of the previous life class?"

"You can tell me what you usually say, and you can't even talk when you are nervous!"

On the other side, under the road at the foot of the mountain, a silver car drove over, followed closely by several cars.

All the plainclothes people in various corners of the village were carefully guarded in their own positions, some were pretending to be hawkers, and some were dressed up by residents.

Immediately after, several cars stopped by the side of the road, and more than 20 people got off. The leader, with gray temples, was obese and carried a box in his hand. Someone immediately followed him to protect him.

These people looked around carefully, surrounded Zhu Tao and gradually moved towards the village on the mountainside.

On the other side, in the village, Chen Jiaju was dressed in gray work clothes and holding a yellow safety helmet in his hand. He was observing the situation as if nothing had happened, secretly looking towards the road that must be passed at the foot of the mountain.

I saw two large trucks approaching at high speed, and immediately crossed the middle of the road, each end at the end, completely blocking the escape route.

At this moment, Zhu Tao was leading a group of his men into the village, through alleys, and into a workshop.

In the dark room, there were already people waiting. This man was wearing a suit and leather shoes, his face was bright, and he was holding a cigar in his hand. He winked at the person beside him. Immediately, his subordinates put the white powder wrapped in oiled paper on the trading table. superior.

After flicking the cigar in his hand, the man looked at Zhu Tao and raised his eyebrows.

Seeing this, Zhu Tao chuckled, and nodded to Danny Zhu beside him. Danny Zhu put the suitcase on the table without saying a word and opened it.

There was a click, and the suitcase was filled with brand new wads of U.S. dollars.

On the other side, at the entrance of the village, a group of vendors were doing their small business as usual, but two figures slowly came into everyone's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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