Chapter 84 So Fast!

Early the next morning, the fat mother yelled: "Get up, bad boy!"

The quilt was thrown off suddenly, Dong Yi opened his eyes dimly, lying on the bed and muttering weakly: "Mom, what are you doing, the alarm clock hasn't rung yet..."

"Stop talking nonsense and get up quickly. It's your first day at work, father and son, so get ready early."

"Oh..." Dong Yi was lying on the bed, frowning and closing his eyes, too lazy to open them, impatient: "It's still early, let Dad get up first, he is the chief of police, he must learn to lead by example..."

Suddenly, Dong Biao's voice came from outside the bedroom door: "Honey, is Ah Yi awake? Tell him to hurry up, there is a special operation today!"

"not yet!"

"Tell him to hurry up, I'll go to the police station with him!" After speaking, there was a sound of footsteps walking away from the door.

clap clap clap!
Without further ado, the fat mother slapped Dong Yi's buttocks hard. Dong Yi was in pain, and reluctantly got up from half-lying, and began to put on his clothes slowly. Then the fat mother gave up and left Dong Yi's bedroom.

Xiaoying, Azhen, and Xiaoling hadn't woken up yet. After Dong Yi got up, he washed up casually and came to the dining room instinctively. He found that the fat mother hadn't prepared breakfast.

Dong Biao had already come to Dong Yi's side, threw the car keys to Dong Yi, and said, "Drive, follow me to the police station now!"

"Didn't this mean you haven't had breakfast yet?" Dong Yi widened his eyes and wondered.

"It's too late, there is a special operation today, I have to go to the police station to arrange it early, hurry up!"

Saying that the two were about to leave the house, the fat mother in the kitchen heard the movement, hurriedly followed outside the house, and shouted at the two: "Don't eat?"

"No, Ayi and I will have a casual meal on the road. You send Xiaoling to school, and let Azhen and Xiaoying go to school by themselves today!"

The fat mother nodded, and she also knew that Dong Biao was so anxious that something might happen to the police station, so she closed the door and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast without talking nonsense.

On the road, Dong Yi was driving, and Dong Biao was sitting in the passenger seat. Dong Yi said while driving, "Dad, what are you going to do at the police station so early?"

"There is an operation to close the net today, we must arrive early!"

Dong Yi was shocked when he heard the words. On his first day at work at the West District Police Station, he encountered the so-called net collection operation. His eyes were darkened, and he immediately said, "What is it, what do I need to do?"

"It's not for you, you stay with me first!"

Dong Yi heard the words and was really curious about what happened, so he hurriedly said: "What's the matter, Dad, you have to let me familiarize myself with the situation!"

"Chen Jiakui's serious crime team is going to arrest drug lords today. The target of this arrest is a famous Hong Kong entrepreneur on the surface, but secretly a well-known drug dealer. We have been following this line for a long time.

We already know the location and time of their transactions. This time I plan to personally sit in town and arrest them when they are dirty. "

Dong Yi heard the words and immediately said: "Then what can I do?"

"We'll arrange it later!"


Dong Yi frowned, who cares, Chen Jiaju is unlucky and it's not him, so it's all a good show!
At this time, a morning tea house next to the road opened not long ago. When Dong Biao saw it, he hurriedly asked Dong Yi to stop, and then asked him to go up and buy some food.

Dong Yi didn't talk nonsense, he parked the car on the side of the road, walked into the teahouse, went up to the second floor, and found that the waiters here were basically uncles.

The old yellowed menu hangs on the wall, many of which are made by traditional handmade methods, such as chicken feet, barbecued pork buns, lotus paste buns, shrimp dumplings, glutinous rice chicken, and fresh shrimp rice rolls.

There's no help with seating, no on-call customer service.

The waiters were either grandmothers or uncles, chatting with old tea drinkers in slippers, ignoring Dong Yi.

So early in the morning, only old ladies and old men can get up so early.

These uncles and grandmas only regarded him as transparent and invisible, so Dong Yi looked around.

It was found that they were all elderly customers. These people were obviously regular customers. They found a seat very skillfully, sat down, washed the dishes and got tea and ordered snacks.

Dong Yi didn't talk nonsense, he ordered a few baskets of barbecued pork buns, and packed them up to take away.

After getting out of the teahouse, Dong Yi got into the car, and the father and son ate a big meal. After finishing these pork buns, they drove towards the West District Police Station.

After arriving at the police station, he found that apart from the policemen on night shift in various departments, only Chen Jiaju had arrived early.

When Chen Jiaju saw Dong Biao in the police station, he immediately saluted: "Good morning sir!"

"Okay, this is Dong Yi, I think you have met him when he was in school."

Chen Jiaju said with a smile: "I've seen it before, I didn't expect to grow a lot taller in a few years!"

Big nose, small eyes, domineering walk, this person is Chen Jiaju, crime buster, super policeman!

Dong Yi raised his brows when he heard this. This is the first time I have seen this man. What happened before time travel has nothing to do with me, but he still enthusiastically said: "Good morning, Officer Chen!"

"It's good to say hello. You didn't disclose the important clues we got some time ago to anyone!" Dong Biao asked hurriedly.

"Don't worry, director, the informant and I are in single-line contact, and only I know about this matter." Chen Jiaju assured, patted his chest.

"That's good, now wait for others to come!"

On the way to the police station, Dong Yi already knew what was going to happen, and hurriedly said: "Dad... no, Director, I want to change two guns, preferably ones with magazines, I use .[-] revolvers Not going well!"

"Go and sign the application yourself!"

Dong Yi didn't talk nonsense when he heard the words, and went to the Ordnance Department to apply for two new pistols without saying a word. He was really not used to the revolver.

It is troublesome to change the bullets. In a gunfight with someone, a second is fatal. Even if there is a special device for loading bullets, you have to align them with the bullet holes to put them in. He doesn't have that leisure time.

So after asking for two pistols from the police officer on night shift in the ordnance department, Dong Yi asked for a few more magazines to be on the safe side, and then filled them up in case of emergency.

After a while, the police station began to get busy. The members of the serious crime team went to work on time one by one. After everyone arrived, Dong Biao asked them to go to the toilet first, and clean up all the toilets that should be used.

When everyone is ready, let them check their guns, ammunition, and body armor.

After everyone finished their work, they immediately asked Chen Jiaju to notify the entire crime team to gather in the conference room.

Dong Yi looked at everyone's ambiguous appearances, and suddenly realized that only a few people knew about this meeting, and ordinary police officers did not know about this operation in order to keep it secret!
All the police officers were asked to hand over their pagers and mobile phones when they entered the meeting room, and any communication equipment was temporarily kept in order to prevent anyone from leaking the secrets.

Immediately afterwards, several high-level officers of the police station, headed by Dong Biao, came to the conference room, closed the curtains, turned off the lights and turned on the projector.

After a while, Dong Biao sat at the head of the podium, looked at the police officers of the serious crime team in front of him, and said with a serious face: "Except for a few of us, you have no knowledge of this operation. To start, get your guns, I will distribute communication equipment and disguise clothes to you.

From this moment on, no one can leave without authorization, otherwise we will conduct a key investigation as a leak suspect! "

(End of this chapter)

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