Chapter 82 Farewell
"Hehe, what did you say today?"

Zhu Chuncai sighed: "Because the time has come!"

When the two were walking and chatting, and Dong Yi wanted to ask him what he meant, Xiaoying and A Zhen ran over from downstairs, and A Zhen hurriedly asked, "Brother, what's the matter, how are you?" What are you going to do with the Flying Tigers?"

"Yes, A-Zhen and I sent the three brothers to the hospital. We are waiting until we return home. What happened to brother Dong Yi?"

Dong Yi looked relaxed, and let out a long sigh of relief: "Of course, the purpose of going to the Flying Tigers is to solve the problem of the three brothers running into evil. By the way, what happened to the three of them?"

Ah Zhen hurriedly said: "The three brothers are currently in the hospital. The doctor said that they are overworked and have problems with their physical functions. They will have to recuperate for a while. Now their family members are taking care of them."

"That's good, let's go home and talk about it." Dong Yi, Xiaoying, and Ah Zhen were about to go upstairs.

But after walking a few steps, Dong Yi found that Zhu Chuncai beside him had not followed.

Dong Yi turned around, looked at Zhu Chuncai who was not far away, and wondered: "Brother Zhu, why are you standing still, come home with me!"

Zhu Chuncai was wearing an official uniform, straightened his clothes solemnly, smiled, bowed his hands deeply, and then said: "Thank you, Brother Dong, for your kindness!"

Dong Yi looked at the inexplicable Zhu Chuncai and wondered: "Brother Zhu, what's wrong with you, you are so thoughtless, I can't understand what you are talking about?"

"To be honest, I'm going to say goodbye to Brother Dong!"

Dong Yi was shocked when he heard the words, and immediately asked: "You don't want the rope, Brother Zhu, you see we get along well, why don't you tell me what you want, and I'll find a way to burn some for you?"

"Brother Dong, I really have to leave. Someone has just summoned me and asked me to report to the heaven. They said that my merits are perfect and I can be ranked in the immortal class. I will keep the rope as a souvenir..."


Dong Yi was surprised, and immediately persuaded: "Brother Zhu, you see, we just cooperated with each other, and you can see those lonely ghosts only after you give me a psychic. If you leave now, in case you encounter such things in the future , even if I have some manifesting water, I don't know where to throw it..."

"Brother Dong, you don't need to worry too much about your auspicious person.

I say goodbye this time, and I don’t know how long it will take before we meet again. I just hope that Brother Dong, you won’t forget one thing..."

Dong Yi frowned, wondering: "What's the matter?"

"Golden belts for killing people and setting fires, repairing bridges and repairing roads without corpses, when Brother Dong told Chen Zhazhi that day, I was also deeply touched.

Brother Dong, you think this world should not be like this, and Zhu agrees very much. I also ask Brother Dong to do his duty faithfully in the future, to protect the land and water, and protect the peace of the people. "

Dong Yi nodded, and said solemnly: "That's natural, but Brother Zhu, once you leave, I will naturally stop talking about personnel matters. Since I am a policeman, I will go all out to protect the safety of the people within my ability!

But what do you think I should do if I encounter something nagging again? "

Dong Yi still wanted to try his best to keep Zhu Chuncai back, but since Zhu Chuncai left, Dong Yi would be unable to psychic, as if he was blind with his eyes open, and if he encounters strange things again, he can only be beaten passively.

Hearing this, Zhu Chuncai also looked embarrassed, and then said to Dong Yi: "Otherwise, when I get to the Heavenly Court and clear up the relationship, I will find a few things for you in three days, what do you think?"


Dong Yi hesitated in his heart, but then he thought about it. Zhu Chuncai had been waiting for a hundred years and finally got promoted and made a fortune. There was no need for him to block others' futures, so he said reluctantly: "Well, I'll wait for your good news!"

"So farewell, there will be a time later!"

Immediately, Zhu Chuncai's body shone with brilliance, and as a gust of breeze came, it turned into countless light spots, drifted away, and disappeared.

Dong Yi wanted to cry but had no tears, and wailed in his heart: "Damn, I'm the underworld version of Rolls-Royce!

There are also yachts, and I planned to burn a Boeing [-], but they are all gone! "

Ah Zhen and Xiaoying stared blankly at what happened just now, and Xiaoying turned to Dong Yi beside her and asked, "Brother Dong Yi, he really left!"

"Let's go, but it's okay, didn't you say he will go back in three days?"

Although Dong Yi was unwilling, he was also full of anticipation that Zhu Chun would bring him something three days later.

Ah Zhen frowned and asked: "Brother, he said just now that he was going to report to the Heavenly Court... Is it true or not..."

Dong Yi shrugged noncommittally: "How do I know, but he doesn't have to lie..."

Ah Zhen heard the words, frowned and nodded in thought, then looked at Dong Yi and said, "Brother, I have something to say, but I don't know if it's right?"


"I've heard people say that one day in the sky and one year on the earth. The three days he said are three years later, right?"

Xiaoying at the side immediately shouted: "I've heard that too!"

Dong Yi's eyes widened when he heard the words. This sentence was familiar to him, and he couldn't believe it: "It's not as bad as you said, it's just a legend, and most of the legends are unreliable..."

Dong Yi secretly prayed, it must not be three years!

The three of them walked and chatted like this, and went upstairs to go home.

Back home, in the living room, Dong Yi took the Qing Dynasty armor he brought, thinking about whether to sell it or burn it. After thinking about it, now that the evil spirits have been eliminated, it would be good to keep it, and then ask the price.

At noon the next day, in Mingxin Hospital, after a diagnosis, Wu Junjun was not seriously ill, just some skin trauma, and Annie's cervical spine was a bit misaligned, and she needed to wear a brace to recuperate at home.

Dong Yi used his home phone to call the camp early in the morning and inquired about the situation. He learned that Annie was recuperating at home.

So I bought a bouquet of flowers and took a taxi to Anne's house.

Not long after, Annie stayed at home alone in the apartment, wearing a brace around her neck.

At this moment, she was frowning to answer the phone, when a voice came from the other end of the phone: "Annie, I'm uncle, I heard you were injured!"

"It's just a slight injury, nothing serious."

"You said that you are a girl, and you insist on being a policeman. My sister and brother-in-law asked me to change departments for you. I have figured it out. I have already asked someone to transfer you out of Bawanghua and go to the Public Relations Department of the General Administration..."

"Uncle, I don't want it, Bawanghua is fine with me."

"What's the matter, your parents only have you as a daughter. From now on, you will be responsible for the interview and publicity work. Don't worry about the rest. It's just decided. I have other things to do."


The phone hung up, Annie was speechless for a while, at this moment, a ding dong rang, Annie put her neck down, carefully put down the phone, came to the door, opened the door, and was immediately overjoyed: "Dong Yi!"

Dong Yi nodded and said with a smile, "I heard that you were injured, so I'll come to see you."

"Come in quickly."

Dong Yi immediately entered it, and Annie wanted to pour him a glass of orange juice, but Dong Yi hurried to stop him, since she was a wounded person, so she didn't have to entertain herself in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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