Chapter 7

On the other side, Sir Jane, who got a bad nose from Instructor Hu, returned to her office and sat on a chair with a dejected look on her face.

He took out the wallet in his bosom, and after opening it, he saw a picture of a woman inside, who was none other than Bawanghua's instructor Hu.

In the photo, Instructor Hu is heroic and handsome, with beautiful eyebrows. Sir Jane is full of affection, and mutters in his mouth: "Youdao means that Luohua intends to flow water and be ruthless. Why don't you understand my infatuation for you?"

Suddenly, the office door was pushed open, and Lou Nanguang walked into the room with a smile on his face.

Jane was so frightened that she hurriedly put away her wallet, flustered for a while, looked at Lou Nanguang with a mean face, didn't get angry, and immediately reprimanded: "A'nan, come to the chief's office, can't you even knock on the door? Get out and come in after knocking on the door!"

Lou Nanguang was taken aback when he heard the words, but he didn't dare to disobey, and immediately saluted: "YESIR!"

Then he turned around and walked out of the house, muttering in his mouth as he walked: "What happened to the instructor today, it's not like this usually, who made him unhappy?"

Then Lou Nanguang came outside the house, closed the door, and knocked on the door carefully. Sir Jane's voice came from inside the house: "Come in!"

Lou Nanguang just entered the room and saluted: "Report to the instructor, the new Flying Tigers team member has been arranged, but he needs to find you, so I brought him here!"

Hearing this, Sir Jian nodded and asked, "Where are the others?"

"It's just outside the house!"

"Call him in."

Lou Nanguang immediately came to the door of the office and motioned for Dong Yi outside the room to come in. After Dong Yi came to the instructor's office, he immediately saluted: "Jane sir!"

Jane sir's mood faded, and she thought casually: "I heard that Anan said that you need to find me for something, so tell me what's the matter?"

"Instructor, I want to get your approval. I plan to go to the range to practice shooting after training!"

Jane Sir looked at Dong Yi strangely. In his impression, his group of Flying Tigers members usually hide when they can, and do as little as they can. No one has ever asked for active practice. .

What's more, practicing shooting is actually very boring. It is a process of repeated repetitions, doing the same action over and over again. It may be interesting at first, but it will become very boring if the number of times is too high. Under the agitation, the arms and wrists will also be sore.

Jane sir then asked: "Tell me, you plan to practice shooting for a few days!"

"Report to the instructor, preferably every day, and the number of bullets... I hope it is... no limit!"

After Dong Yi finished speaking, Lou Nanguang laughed, then patted Dong Yi on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Ah Yi, you are embarrassing the instructor. It may be possible to practice every day, but the number of bullets is strictly regulated. , generally a maximum of one hundred rounds per person!"

"Okay, I agree to your request!"

Afterwards, Sir Jane took out the application form and signed it, handed it to Dong Yi, and said, "I have already signed this application form, and you can fill in the rest by yourself. Just go to the shooting range and hand it over to the person in charge there!"

"Thank you Jane sir!"

Dong Yi took the application form, then turned and left.

Looking at the back of Dong Yi leaving, Lou Nanguang asked Sir Jian with a disbelief on his face: "Instructor, why did you approve it?"

Then the topic changed: "Report to the instructor, I'm not feeling well these two days, and I plan to rest for a while to recuperate!"

Jane Sir came as if nothing had happened: "Who is the supreme commander of our Flying Tigers in the West?"

"If we talk about the highest commander of the western district, it is Superintendent Dong who is in charge of commanding and managing the security of the entire western district!" Lou Nanguang responded, he really didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in Mr. Jane's gourd, why did he ask this.

"Then what's Dong Yi's last name?"

"My surname is Dong!" Speaking of this, Lou Nanguang suddenly thought of something and said with a surprised look on his face: "Instructor, you mean..."

"What are you talking about, I didn't say anything, if there are any gossips at that time, it doesn't matter to me!" Jane Sir said innocently.

Lou Nanguang immediately closed his mouth. He is not stupid. He knows that if the news that Dong Yi is Dong Biao's son is spread, it will not be too big, but it will not be too small. He is afraid that someone will disturb the truth. Some bad remarks spread to the top, and if they fail, someone will come out and take the blame.

But Jane sir made it clear that he had nothing to do with him. Once some rumors spread, he, an ordinary member of the Flying Tigers, would definitely be unlucky in the end.

Lou Nanguang secretly scolded himself for talking too much. After a brief farewell, he left Sir Jian's office glumly.

On the other hand, Dong Yi also knew why Sir Jane agreed to his seemingly unreasonable request so easily.

But there is no way, I came to this world made up of movies alone, although nothing major happened now, but recalling the plots of the scenes I watched when I was a child, I might encounter some weird and bizarre events inadvertently.

If he didn't acquire a skill in a short period of time, he wouldn't even have the means to protect himself.

The plan for now is to use all the resources around him as much as possible so that he can grow up in a short period of time, leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade, no matter what others think of him, becoming stronger is the last word.

After Dong Yi left Sir Jane's office, he first went to the dormitory. The dormitory here is actually a Datong shop, and there is no such thing as a single room.

20 people share a room, each with a bed, no upper and lower bunk beds, bathing and convenience are collective showers and public toilets, and the bedrooms have their own lockers for storing personal items.

And his Flying Tigers belonged to the Western District Police Department, with a total of 20 members.

The training camp belongs to the General Administration of Hong Kong Island, which is responsible for the logistics and training ground operation of the Flying Tigers in each district.

There are different teams in the camp, and different teams are in charge of other divisional police stations. Unless there is a serious incident, they will be dispatched in a concentrated manner, and the Hong Kong Island General Administration will personally command them.

After all, the police on Hong Kong Island are divided into 4 police districts and 11 sub-divisional police stations. Each police station has a superintendent in charge of commanding. The power is too great, and there will be an existence similar to the [-] million detective Lei Luo.

If the Flying Tigers were an independent organization, then they would have to support all the police stations in the division. Once something happened, such as the failure to rescue the hostages, they would have to bear the responsibility and find someone to blame, which would easily lead to buck-passing.

In addition, the Flying Tigers dealt with some difficult tasks, and the risks were very high. After a long time, they would become existences that wiped the buttocks of various police stations.

If things go on like this, it will create a situation where I take the blame and you take the credit. Over time, it will affect personal promotion opportunities. No one will want to be a member of the Flying Tigers.

It is precisely because of this reason that the Flying Tigers were dismantled into multiple teams, large and small, each of which was under the charge of their own police station. The reason why Bawanghua was established this time is It was led by Superintendent Dong Biao of the Western District. It belongs to their Western District Police Station and is the only female SWAT team on Hong Kong Island.

The dormitory is empty now, only Dong Yi is alone. It is already noon, and it should be time to go to the cafeteria for lunch. Unfortunately, along the way, the girls from Bawanghua are too enthusiastic, and Dong Yi eats and drinks for nothing. Less, my stomach is already full.

On the first day of the newcomer's report, Dong Yi, who had nothing to do, planned to go to the shooting range to start his shooting practice after packing up his personal belongings.

(End of this chapter)

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