Chapter 53
"That's right, Ah Zhen, Xiao Mei, and Dong Yi also said that these things are all fake, so don't scare yourself!" Zhao Min comforted the two of them.

Xiaomei was relieved when she heard the words, and she breathed a sigh of relief. On the other hand, Ah Zhen still had a frightened expression on her face. She leaned close to Dong Yi's side, clearly aware of her elder brother's quietly shaking shoulders.

As for what Dong Yi just said, she didn't believe it!
At this moment, there were shadows outside the house, and a few lights came, and I saw the three brothers of the Huang family, carrying a field lantern, soaked all over, and came outside the temple gate with big bags, especially Ah Ying, with distressed faces. Looking at his pager.

Ah Wen said on the side: "Okay, go back and find a way to fix it, and we will go in later and we will trick them."

Ajie asked: "Tricky, how to trick?"

"Tell a ghost story."

Ajie hesitated: "No, Teacher Zhao is also here..."

"Oh, what's the big deal, tell a story!"

Then the three hurried into the house, moved some wooden stakes, and sat opposite Dong Yi and the others.

The three brothers first greeted Zhao Min and the others, and then sat in a circle as if nothing had happened. Ajie suddenly said: "By the way, it's so boring here, how about we tell a story?"

Ah Wen nodded, pretending to say: "Then I will tell a romantic story about love!"

Xiaoying looked disdainful: "Isn't it just telling ghost stories and taking the opportunity to scare people? It's really boring!"

The corner of Ah Wen's mouth twitched, he curled his lips and said, "Yes! Let's tell ghost stories!"

Then Awen got up, looked at the crowd with a cold tone, pretending to be deep: "In an ancient temple, one day there was a thunder and lightning, there was a group of lonely men and widows, and they met a..."

what! ! !
Xiaomei screamed and shouted: "Mouse!"

I saw a big gray mouse constantly walking around at the feet of the three boys in Awen.

The three of them scattered and fled in fright, Zhao Min and the others also got up on the spot, stomping their feet and panicking.

Just when everyone is noisy and messy, let's make a noise!
One person stepped on it with one foot, and this person was Dong Yi. He was afraid of ghosts, and it was hard to live!

Then he turned his head to look at the girls behind him, and said, "It's okay, she's dead."

All the girls returned to their original places and sat down, while Xiaoying looked at the three brothers of the Huang family with a look of disdain: "I'm afraid of even mice, and I'm like others telling stories to scare people, it's embarrassing!"

The three brothers of the Huang family returned to the place where they were sitting just now with embarrassment on their faces, not knowing what to say for a while.

Xiaoying stood up and came to the crowd to talk: "Stories without any factual basis cannot scare people. Just look at me and let me analyze it for you!"

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoying took a serious look at the environment inside the temple, frowned while lowering her head in thought, and sighed solemnly after a while: "Alas... I just entered this ancient temple, and I feel too dark!"

After speaking, he looked at the three brothers of the Huang family, and said coldly, "So I'm sure, there must be ghosts here!"

When the three brothers of the Huang family heard the words, they secretly looked around the ancient temple with timidity in their eyes.

Xiaoying continued: "This ancient temple is blustery and full of resentment.

I'm afraid that there are people who died in vain. After death, their souls will stay together for a long time, and they may have already turned into ghosts! "

When Xiaomei heard the words, she swallowed her saliva, her eyes were erratic, and she looked around and muttered in a low voice: "I often heard my grandma say that if the resentment persists, it is necessary to arrest a substitute!"

Dong Yi frowned when he heard this, and pursed his lips a few times. A Zhen, who was holding Dong Yi's arm tightly beside him, was afraid and curious, and couldn't help but timidly asked: "How do you catch a double?" !"

Xiaomei responded softly and cautiously with timidity: "It depends on a person's luck.

If you are unlucky, the ghost will charm you and send you to the place where he died before him.

Do what he did before he died, how he died, you just do it again, and when you die by accident, he can..."


Having said this, Xiaomei gasped, covered her mouth in panic, and stared blankly at Xiaoying.

I saw Xiaoying, who was lively and lively in front of everyone, suddenly turned livid and stiff, and was walking towards the statue step by step.

At this moment, Dong Yi didn't dare to sit still any longer, and slowly got up from the spot, widened his eyes, looked at Xiaoying's strange appearance, and suddenly a thought came to his mind: "No, this is really an evil move!" Already!"

Everyone was silent, watching Xiaoying silently, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and the pale thunder light shone on Xiaoying's face, the originally playful and beautiful face became lifeless.

The lively and active Xiaoying walked towards the divine case in front of the statue, step by step.

When he reached the divine case, he stepped on it.

Then she turned and looked down at the crowd.

At this moment, everyone realized that a hemp rope just dropped in front of her.

Xiaoying slowly reached out her hands to touch the hemp rope!

Ah Zhen immediately shouted: "Xiaoying! Are you okay!"

Zhao Min was also worried: "Xiaoying! Don't scare the teacher!"

Xiaomei immediately shouted: "What are you three boys looking at, save her!"

The three brothers of the Huang family froze in place, motionless like three pillars, their minds went blank.

Dong Yi hastily and subconsciously put his hands on his waist and felt it. Seeing that his waist was empty, he didn't have a gun at all, but on second thought, carrying a gun is useful.

Looking again, Xiaoying grasped the hemp rope with both hands, slowly opened it, and slowly pulled it towards her neck.

Seeing this, Dong Yi howled: "Mom, I want to go home!"

Then he gritted his teeth, bit the bullet, and ran towards Xiaoying.

Jumping onto the divine case, he hugged Xiaoying and threw her off the divine case. In order not to hurt Xiaoying, he had to land first and let Xiaoying fall into his arms.

Everything happened so suddenly that everyone didn't react for a moment. Dong Yi lay on the ground, looked at Xiaoying in his arms, and hurriedly asked, "Xiaoying, are you okay?"

Xiaoying secretly smiled at Dong Yi and whispered, "Brother Dong Yi, you are so kind!"

Dong Yi was panicked when he heard this, but suddenly his expression collapsed. With an appearance of lovelessness, he curled his lips and complained in his heart: "Damn! It's just pretending for a long time, it's a pity that this acting is not an actor!"

Then Xiaoying got up hurriedly, looked at everyone in a daze, and wondered: "What's wrong with you, why are you looking at me like that!"

Except for Dong Yi, no one else knew the inside story. Dong Yi stood up and stood aside despite the pain in his ribs, secretly cursing the cheater, curling his lips and helplessly looking at Xiaoying who was playing tricks.

Zhao Min immediately came to Xiaoying's side, worried: "Xiaoying, are you okay!"

"It's okay, what happened just now!"

"Xiaoying, you..." Ah Zhen was about to say something, while Xiaomei was startled and afraid to keep silent. Suddenly, Xiaoying looked at the three brothers of the Huang family who were stunned, and she was terrified: "Why are there four of you!"

When the three brothers of the Huang family heard the words, they hurriedly looked around, and Ah Ying tremblingly said, "You, you, you, don't scare us!"

Xiaoying was terrified: "It's true, do you think so!"

Immediately afterwards, she turned her head and blinked at A Zhen and the others beside her. Seeing Xiaoying's appearance, A Zhen and Xiao Mei were surprised for a while. Zhao Min was surprised when he saw this, and then shook his head reproachfully.

"Yes, why are there four of you?"

"Really, it's scary!" Ah Zhen and Xiao Mei immediately cooperated in acting.

Just when the three brothers of the Huang family were flustered, suddenly the three of them widened their eyes and looked behind Dong Yi, Xiao Ying, A Zhen, Xiao Mei, and Zhao Min.

The originally flustered expression disappeared for a moment, like clay sculptures and wood carvings, motionless, as if someone had cast a fixing spell on him, and he was in a daze.

In the eyes of the three people, they found a pair of human feet floating behind Dong Yi and the others above their heads!
(End of this chapter)

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