Chapter 345 Be careful
Hearing what Dong Yi said, Miao Zhishun couldn't help touching his cheeks, his cloudy eyes swayed from side to side, his brows frowned slightly, he smiled reluctantly, looked at Dong Yi and sighed: "Hey... I can only blame myself too much. Greedy, in fact, I used the psychological bring-in method you taught me!

You also know that I am studying criminal psychology, and I want to collect more cases, so that if the criminal psychology investigation department is established in the future, it will be convenient to enrich the database.

It's a pity that something went wrong if I was not careful. I either had nightmares or insomnia and couldn't sleep these two days! "

Hearing this, Dong Yi nodded slightly, then reached into his pocket and took out his business card book.

Who knows that smart phones have not yet come out at this time. Compared with adding WeChat to each other in later generations, we can only collect business cards to record some contact information.

Dong Yi searched for a while, took out a thin blue piece of paper, handed it to Miao Zhishun, and introduced by the way: "This is a professional psychologist I met when I was doing psychological consultation.

Don't look at her as young, but she is excellent in psychotherapy. Her office address and contact number are listed on her business card! "

Miao Zhishun took the business card and murmured: "Li Xin'er..."

"A female psychotherapist?" Miao Zhishun looked at Dong Yi, unsure.

Dong Yi nodded and smiled: "Why, seeing that the other person is a woman, you can't trust her?

I didn't see that you were a bit patriarchal, did you? "

"How come, I'm just curious."

Dong Yi half-jokingly said: "That's good, by the way, don't delay seeing a doctor, and don't make a butcher on a rainy night in Hong Kong Island, or I will arrest you myself, haha..."

"Actually, there's no need to go through so much trouble. Don't forget, I also study psychology. I can still handle some situations!"

Dong Yi waved his hand. He really didn't want to harm Miao Zhishun. In Dong Yi's eyes, Miao Zhishun was an extremely sensitive person. Dong Yi's method of handling cases might be easy to talk to others, but once it was put on Miao Zhishun, it would be very difficult. That's another matter.

This method seems to be unable to bring too much impact on people's psychological level in the short term. The fear is that little will add up, and quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes.

Like a frog boiling in warm water, it sinks slowly without anyone realizing it. Once it is discovered, it is hard to recover.

Even so, Dong Yi also put away his joking thoughts, and said solemnly: "Don't be careless, sometimes the psychological impact can't be seen overnight, you don't care about it, I'm afraid that one day, it's done. , when the time comes, it will be beyond redemption!
You must have heard the saying that a doctor cannot heal himself. It is equivalent to the fact that no matter how good a surgeon is, if he is going to perform an appendix operation, he will not be able to disembowel himself.

This is similar to your situation. Even if you have a wealth of psychological knowledge, you still have to understand that sometimes people are more likely to lose sight of themselves because they are often subject to subjective factors.

Isn’t this what is meant by the saying that the bystander is clear and the authorities are confused? "

Hearing Dong Yi's words, Miao Zhishun was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Alright, then I'll see a psychiatrist, thank you for your concern!"

Dong Yi smiled and said: "That's good, I taught you this method, if something happens to you, I can be regarded as the number one murderer!"

The two of them were like this, chatting about what they had, and when Dong Yi got up to leave, Miao Zhishun took the business card that Dong Yi gave him after sending Dong Yi off, frowned for a moment, and then nodded.

On the other side, on Dong Yi's way back to his office, Yuan Haoyun, Ade and others were gathering to read the newspaper.

Dong Yi was curious, and came to a few people, wondering: "What are you doing?"

Several people greeted Dong Yi immediately when they saw Dong Yi coming.

Yuan Haoyun laughed and said, "We are reading the latest issue of the newspaper, which reported a murder case that happened in the United States two months ago!"

As he spoke, he pointed at the picture on the newspaper. Dong Yi reached out and took the newspaper from Yuan Haoyun's hand. He looked at the picture above and raised his eyebrows. In the picture, he saw a policeman hanging in the air in the shape of a cross, as if he had been raped by someone. The body was disemboweled and the key positions were mosaic-ed, making it difficult to see clearly.

On the side, Yuan Haoyun sighed: "The newspaper said that it seems that a serious criminal escaped and killed two policemen who were guarding him. He still escaped and ascended to heaven under the guard of many policemen.

I really don’t know what these Americans do for food! "

Dong Yi raised his eyebrows. The newspaper pictures had limited definition and were full of mosaics. It was not easy to see anything.

As for the content of the report, there are only a few lines of words, and many details are either left out or mentioned in one stroke.

Dong Yi returned the newspaper to Yuan Haoyun, and said indifferently: "Never mind him, anyway, what happened in the United States has nothing to do with us. By the way, are there any cases these days?"

Yuan Haoyun shook his head: "Except for some petty theft, we don't care about these things. These days are pretty peaceful!"

"That's good, the world is peaceful, it's better than the cases keep going all day long!"

After Dong Yi said hello, he left. Anyway, he is here, these people will feel uncomfortable, and Dong Yi will not be that eye-catching person. possible.

Back in his office, Dong Yi turned on the computer and looked at the heavy computer screen. He couldn't help but miss the days when he went to work in his previous life. He took a break from the busy work while the boss went out to do errands and played LoL with a group of colleagues. But now, there is a separate office in the office. in the case of.

With such an environment where fishing in troubled waters is easy, Dong Yi can only stare at the bulky computer screen in front of him in a daze.

Play Minesweeper and FreeCell at most!

Sigh... How about going to Annie to talk about singing or something.

Instead of doing nothing here alone, it would be a good idea to go to the Public Relations Department to talk to Anne for some advice.

Thinking of this, Dong Yi left the office and walked towards Annie's. After arriving at Annie's office, Dong Yi knocked lightly on the door. Annie saw Dong Yi through the glass partition wall early in the morning.

Seeing that Dong Yi came to look for him on his own initiative, he smiled and said, "Please come in!"

When Dong Yi came to the house, Annie teased: "I didn't expect you, a busy person, to come to me on your own initiative?"

Dong Yi chuckled and shrugged: "Isn't this idle, so I came here to see how your work is going!"

"Aren't you afraid that your girlfriend will be jealous?"

"Hehe, don't worry, she treats me well, she is not so narrow-minded!"

Annie smiled sweetly, staring at Dong Yi with blurred eyes: "What about me, I'm not good to you, I can't wait to put you in my mouth!"

"I'm not a lollipop. What's there to drink? By the way, are you busy? How about we go to a coffee shop near the police station for a drink?"

(End of this chapter)

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