Hong Kong Movie: Pretty Boy and Bad Guy

Chapter 303 Familiar Strangers

Chapter 303 Familiar Strangers
Seeing this, Ah Zhen immediately came to Fat Mama, stretched out two fingers, and said cautiously, "How much is this?"

"Two! Miss, you look so pretty, why don't you know how to count!"

Azhen's eyes widened as she observed Fat Mom's state at this moment. She was stunned for a moment, and she was completely stunned. She only had one sentence in her mind: "Mom, has she really lost her memory?"

Dong Biao immediately came to the fat mother, grabbed her hand, and said with trembling lips: "Honey, please don't scare me, please stop making trouble! Look who I am, I am your husband!"

The fat mother glanced at Dong Biao angrily, and immediately took her hand back, so shy: "What are you doing, so many people are watching, how shameless!

You want me to be your wife, bah!You are so beautiful! "

Hearing this, Dong Biao hurriedly pointed to himself and said, "Look carefully, look carefully, you really don't remember me?!"

Upon hearing this, the fat mother looked at Dong Biao. She originally looked shy, but suddenly she frowned and said in confusion: "No! No! You are not Dong Biao, you don't look like Dong Biao!"

Dong Biao's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it: "I don't look like myself?!

You can't be dazzled by the fall! "

The fat mother shook her head: "You are much older than Dong Biao, look at you, forehead lines, nasolabial folds, and eye bands are so thick!

If I'm not mistaken, you should be Dong Biao's father! "

Speaking of this, the fat mother immediately got up and called out to Dong Biao respectfully: "Hi Uncle, by the way, Dong Biao?"

Dong Biaosheng pointed at himself helplessly: "Here it is..."

Seeing this, Dong Yi immediately asked Professor Zhang next to him: "Professor, what's going on with my mother? Will she just go on like this?

What if you really can't recognize people all the time! "

Professor Zhang sighed: "It doesn't matter if you can't recognize the person. I'm just worried that she might not be able to recognize the words, and might become illiterate one day!"

"What's the matter with you, what nonsense are you talking about, you are illiterate!"

When the fat mother heard what the professor said, she felt unhappy. She put her hands on her hips in dissatisfaction and shook her head: "There is bright moonlight in front of the bed. I suspect it is frost on the ground. Look up at the bright moon and lower your head to miss your hometown!"
Do you see an illiterate like me, idiot! "

Xiaoling was frightened by the fat mother's unusual behavior. She came to Dong Yi's side, gently pulled Dong Yi's clothes, and whispered: "Brother, what's wrong with mom? I think she's a little weird." weird!"

Dong Yi sighed: "Our mother has lost her memory, maybe her memory of this meeting is staying before she was married..."

Ah Zhen, who was silent at the side, immediately blew up and impatiently said: "Mom, stop playing, everyone can do whatever they should, please stop joking!"

The fat mother looked at Dong Biao with a strange face, and asked cautiously: "Uncle! Who is this girl? Is her mind not very bright?"


Dong Biao was not willing to come, and whispered: "Who is your uncle, I am your husband..."

And the fat mother looked at Ah Zhen, and the more she looked, the more familiar she looked, and she subconsciously said, "Girl, you look so familiar, what's your name?"

"Familiar? I was born in your October pregnancy!

It's been a long time, mom, you haven't said a single reliable word, mom, let me ask you, are you still the mom I know?
Are you still Dad's wife, Xiaoling's mother!Are you still a member of this family? "

"Hahahaha... Girl, I've seen a lot of people, but I've never seen anyone like you who recognizes your mother randomly!
Let me tell you, don't misunderstand!

I am only in my 20s, not yet thirty, how could I have a daughter as old as you.

She is now a beautiful and beautiful girl with yellow flowers, I can't be your mother, otherwise how can I marry someone then!
You, you, you are really taking advantage of others for nothing. You are the one who took the initiative to call me mom. You are not blaming me, hahahaha..."

Hearing that A-Zhen pursed her lips tightly, her eyes widened, she stood still like a lightning strike, and wailed from the bottom of her heart: "It's over, it's over, it's over! Mom really lost her memory! I just tried to see if she was joking, but now it seems that she is not." !What should I do!"

After the fat mother finished laughing, she took a few breaths, and then said slowly: "Forget it, I won't mess around with you, I have to go home..."

In the middle of speaking, the fat mother suddenly stroked her forehead, staggered, and muttered: "Why am I so dizzy..."

Seeing that she was about to faint, Dong Yi and the others immediately stepped forward to help her. Seeing that the fat mother had lost consciousness, Dong Yi and others put her back on the sofa to lie down again.

Xiaoling burst into tears, pawing on the fat mother, sobbing and choking: "brother, father and sister, you say our mother is like this, should we send her to a mental hospital or cremation field?"

Azhen rolled her eyes: "Xiaoling, what are you talking about? Why don't dad send mom to the hospital for a check-up?"

Professor Zhang at the side shook his head: "Oh, in her condition, it doesn't matter where you send her!

The whole state she showed is a normal phenomenon in our medical field, so don't worry too much! "

Dong Yi, who was watching carefully beside Fat Mom, heard the professor's words and couldn't help complaining: "I don't even recognize my relatives! Is this normal??!
I really don’t know if the abnormality that you medical practitioners say is the end of the world! "

Professor Zhang chuckled and waved his hand: "Young man, don't worry too much, the symptoms she showed are called retrograde amnesia in medicine.

There are many similar cases. After some concussion patients wake up, they often experience temporary loss of recent memory.

In other words, she couldn't remember the process of the injury and the experience before the injury clearly, or even forgot all of it, but her long-term memory was strengthened.

According to the research of the authoritative experts of the Royal Hospital of England..."

"Okay, okay, Professor Zhang, Professor Zhang, stop it first!"

Dong Yi immediately waved his hands impatiently, sighed, calmed down and said slowly: "Professor Zhang, don't give me any long speeches here, I just want to hear from you, my mother will continue to be in this state now. How long will it take, and is there any follow-up treatment!"

"Similar to your mother's phenomenon, if it is an ordinary amnesia patient, it will take a few hours, or a day or two, or three to five months, half a year or two, and the memory will be restored.

But I just observed this one in your family. The symptoms seem to be very serious. It is conservatively estimated that it may take 20 years to recover, but it is not necessarily true. It may not be remembered for a lifetime! "After speaking, the person named Professor Zhang spread his hands.


Dong Yi's eyes widened in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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