Chapter 301 Short Story Long Story
Ruan Wen died very tragically, and his body was smashed to pieces. This incident immediately aroused the attention of all walks of life on Hong Kong Island, and major Hong Kong media rushed to report.

But human beings are always forgetful. After more than a month, Hong Kong Island has entered May.

Some things that happened in the past few months have gradually faded out of people's vision and become people's gossip...

In the early morning, Dong Yi was lying lazily on the bed, sleeping soundly, and his saliva couldn't help but flow to his pillow!

"Ayi! It's time to eat, get up quickly!"

An angry roar came from outside the bedroom door, and the fat mother repeated her loud voice again to wake up her children.

Dong Yi frowned, opened his heavy eyelids sleepily, and slowly got up from the bed like a zombie, rubbed his messy hair, and muttered impatiently: "Today is the weekend, so early What are you doing calling people up?"

Just finished speaking, I lay down again and fell asleep!

After a while, the whole family except Dong Yi sat neatly at the dining table. Ah Zhen stared, yawned, and looked at the fat mother with dissatisfaction: "Mom, it's finally the weekend today, why did you call someone so early?" Get up!"

"Damn girl, I don't know the old saying is good, the plan for a day lies in the morning, you and I go to the supermarket and do some shopping!" Looking to the side, Xiaoling instructed: "And you, remember to get up early, Hurry up and study your homework!"


Xiaoling made a perfunctory sound out of interest.

Dong Biao, on the other hand, looked at yesterday's newspaper, looking like an old god.

"What about my brother, how can he stay in bed!" Ah Zhen was dissatisfied.

The fat mother frowned, and then got up from the dining table seat: "Your brother has been busy with work recently, so he finally took a break and let him sleep for a while, and when you have a job yourself someday, I will leave you alone!
Hurry up, when I come back from the supermarket later, I have to rush to make breakfast! "

Ah Zhen shrugged helplessly, and then accompanied the fat mother out of the house, and went to a nearby supermarket to buy ingredients.

Before leaving, Dong Biao specifically asked Fat Mom to buy him the latest newspaper today.

About half an hour later, Dong Yi got up from the bed, washed up and came to the restaurant.

Seeing that the dining table was empty, he raised his eyebrows in confusion and said, "That's strange. Logically speaking, Mom should have prepared breakfast by now!"

Xiao Ling held the textbook in her hand, sat at the dining table, and said while reading, "Mom forgot to buy something yesterday, and now I am taking my sister to do some shopping in the supermarket!"

Dong Yi nodded, sat at the dining table idly, looked at Xiaoling, and curled his lips: "Hey, Xiaoling, your book is reversed!"

Xiao Ling, who was absent-minded, realized that her textbook was upside down. She immediately stuck out her tongue, took the textbook back and pretended to read it.

Suddenly, a person suddenly opened the door and rushed into the room. It was Ah Zhen who came, and she was panting like a cow, her eyes were wide open!

As soon as Ah Zhen entered the door, she yelled: "Brother——!!!"

With a growling voice, Dong Yi seemed to be extremely emotional. Dong Yi quickly agreed, stepped on flip flops, and ran to the living room. Xiaoling and Dong Biao followed immediately!

"Brother...Brother..." Ah Zhen was emotional and looked at Dong Yi out of breath.

Dong Yi looked frivolous, and said indifferently: "I'm going, old girl, what's wrong with you? Who made you angry?"

Ah Zhen pointed at Dong Yi, and stammered: "You you you..."

Dong Yi pointed at his nose in disbelief, his eyes widened: "Me?!!

I just got up and washed my face, how did I offend you? ! ! "

Xiaoling also said: "Sister, what's wrong with you? Whoever offended you, you can't call my brother, and beat him up hard!"

Azhen immediately said to Xiaoling: "You, you, you..."

You shouldn't realize that I spent your saved pocket money to buy Barbie Princess, right?
At worst, I will pay you back later..."


Ah Zhen looked at Xiaoling in disbelief, and cursed secretly: "I will settle accounts with you later!" Then she waved her hand: "Listen to me!"

Then he swallowed his saliva, and said solemnly: "Mom has an accident!"


Dong Biao pushed aside Dong Yi and Xiao Ling who were beside him when he heard the words, and came to A Zhen, panicked: "Your mother, she she she she she..."

Dong Yi was impatient and said anxiously: "Why are everyone stuttering, there is no end!
Ah Zhen, mother, she, she, she..."

A Zhen looked anxious, pointing at Dong Yi and the others: "What are you doing! Why are you imitating me to speak hesitantly? I was in a hurry, okay?" A Zhen immediately responded: "This happened in the Just now!"

Dong Yi and the others urged: "Speak quickly!"

"As for my mother, she took me to the supermarket to buy things at eight o'clock. When I arrived at the supermarket, I found that there was a promotion going on. The items in this promotion were half the price. If it were you, would you buy more? Buy some?"

Hearing the words, several people nodded frequently, Dong Yi reacted and interrupted: "Nonsense, ouch, you are really my sister!"

Shaking his head and stroking his forehead, he immediately said loudly: "I don't care what activities he is doing in the supermarket, I want to know what happened to my mother?"

"Mom, she accidentally fell in the supermarket!"


Everyone spoke in unison, Xiao Ling stared at A Zhen with a pair of dead fish eyes: "Old sister, you are so funny, you just fell down, why are you making such a fuss!"

Seeing that everyone was going to disperse in a rush, and everyone was busy, Ah Zhen immediately danced and said: "Oh, don't go, wait until they finish talking!"

Dong Yi curled his lips, with a look of hopelessness: "Then you said, my mother fell, so what happened? Did it cause an earthquake or a tsunami!"

"That's not true, but my mother fell so hard!" Then A-Zhen said vividly while gesticulating: "I just watched her in front of me, with her body flying in the air and her head down!

Chirp-clang-crack! ! !
I fell so badly! "

Hearing this, the three of them immediately realized that something was wrong.

Dong Biao was hurriedly concerned: "How was your mother after she fell? Did she feel any discomfort?"

Ah Zhen shook her head: "That's not true, my mother didn't say a word!"

"It's okay, it's okay, I didn't say anything..." Dong Biao heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and just when they were relaxing, Ah Zhen suddenly said something.

"However, she passed out!"

Time paused for a few seconds, and the air was very still.

Suddenly, Dong Biao pointed at Ah Zhen and said indignantly: "You, you, you damn girl, it took me a long time to get to the point!
And your mother passed out, so you just ran home, don't care about your mother! "

"Oh, I'm in a hurry, you guys are making jokes one by one and messing up my mind!

Besides, I originally planned to help my mother up, but with her figure, I couldn't do it alone, so I asked the supermarket staff to watch over my mother.

This is not running home, looking for you! "

Hearing this, Dong Yi immediately stepped on flip-flops and rushed out of the room like flying: "What are you doing standing there, go to the supermarket quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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