Chapter 292 Resurrection
Hearing what her father said, Xiaoling couldn't bear it. She looked at Dong Yi who was absent-mindedly flipping through the novel and slumped on the recliner, and asked, "Is there anything I can do to help these victims?"

"The only way is to ask them to receive relief funds to survive this period. It depends on the situation of these people, unless they are really penniless. If they have some spare money, they have to carry it themselves!" Dong Yi lazily replied.

Ah Zhen immediately suggested: "Didn't you catch the criminal?
Although it was said in the news that it was uncertain whether that person was the leader or not, he must have made a lot of money. Wasn't he very sincere in pleading guilty in court, and would he be willing to use his income to compensate?
It should be able to help many people, right? "

Dong Yi curled his lips and said, "Don't listen to his nonsense. The money that person said was just some of the remaining money he had stored in one-third of an acre of land on Hong Kong Island.

The big head has been transferred overseas a long time ago, what do you think that person did that for, really just to repent?

It’s nothing more than trying to win the favor of the judge and try to give a lighter sentence..."

"Then what should we do? Just put all the losses on the depositors, and the bank won't take any responsibility?"

Dong Yi chuckled: "Azhen, do you know who is the most wicked person in human history in the past hundred years?"

"Who is it?" Zhen asked curiously.

"It's those people who are engaged in finance. They are people who lack great virtue. Many things are caused by them. It is tantamount to wishful thinking to expect them to find out with their conscience!"

Azhen immediately became interested. It seemed that her brother was going to say something strange and unheard of. She immediately became curious: "Brother, tell me, why are they so immoral?"

"So, among the most vile, shameless, and despicable people in the world, those who engage in finance are definitely No.1!
They use financial means to play with everyone in the world. First of all, they desperately use various methods to make you feel short of money, whether you need it or not, and then create credit cards, mortgages, car loans, etc. This loan, that loan.

Let people have a life in advance that they did not have before. In this way, as the old saying goes, it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal, and people become very demanding!
If there is demand, there will be a supply and demand relationship, and those who provide the demand will also become short of money, so they will find ways to borrow money.

At that time, once you reach out to a financial institution, all the money you make in your life will be the meat in their pot!
Whether it’s buying a house, a car, or taking out school loans, most of the money that ordinary people earn will have to be handed over to them!
The same is true for businesses, especially small ones, which must borrow money if they want to survive. In this way, the hard-working and hard-earned business becomes someone else’s, and they work for financial institutions all their lives. "

"Then what if I don't pay it back? Or do I lose money in starting a company?"

"It's simple, just forcefully sell the valuable things around you, people are calculating, just like forced liquidation when trading stocks, it's okay to lose all your money, anyway, he can't pay!
It is nonsense to expect these people who are crawling on the heads of the whole world to suck blood and knock marrow to have a conscience! "

Ah Zhen was in a daze, and when the siblings were chatting with each other, Dong Biao looked at Dong Yi and asked, "By the way, the witnesses will appear in court tomorrow. How is your arrangement?"

Dong Yi looked at his father, the father and son looked at each other, and everything was kept silent, Dong Yi nodded: "Don't worry, the arrangements have been made!"

"That's good!"

Dong Biao nodded. Dong Yi and his goal had already been achieved. In fact, they hoped that the case of counterfeit banknotes would be exposed, and that the loss would be stopped in time without further affecting the public. It doesn't belong to him.

Early the next morning, a police car of the police station had already parked at the gate. Two ordinary police officers escorted one person out of the office building of the police station and let him sit in the back seat.

That person is Wang Dongyuan, and today is the day when he will testify in court as a tainted witness.

After Wang Dongyuan sat down, two policemen sat beside him and the other sat in the driver's seat to start the car.

Dong Yi followed the car on a motorcycle and observed the situation secretly. Today is a special day. Dong Yi deduced that Li Wen should have taken action.

The car drove out of the police station and passed through Kowloon. This area is a very densely populated area. It is known as the most densely populated place in the world. It is also a very prosperous place with mixed fish and dragons.

After a while, the car was driving at the boundary of Mong Kok. The traffic here is very developed, there are buses, trains, subways, and even minibuses running all night.

During holidays, the area east of Nathan Road is often crowded.

The car drove slowly, and the two police officers in charge of custody knew that they only needed to send the witness to appear in court within the stipulated time.

The two drove the car steadily, and now they have arrived at Goldfish Street in Mong Kok, which is considered a shopping spot in Mong Kok.

This section of road is on Tung Choi Street from Mong Kok Road to Shui Nuo Street. Because each shop mainly sells goldfish, it is commonly known as Goldfish Street.

The store will put the goldfish in a bag filled with oxygen and water, mark the price and hang it up for customers to choose, which can be regarded as a good street scene.

Hong Kong Island, an isolated city, has more than 750 streets on an area of ​​[-] square kilometers, like a concrete urban jungle. Above this dense forest, there are [-] million different desires floating. Every day these people Will shuttle in the streets and alleys for various reasons.

It was the rush hour for work, and the traffic was inevitably heavy. The police escorting Wang Dongyuan stopped and stopped all the way.

Dong Yi rode a motorcycle on the street, followed closely behind the car, surrounded by dense buildings, covering the sky with his hands, impenetrable.

The well-proportioned market shops, the streets with unique and pleasant names, and the complicated worldly atmosphere are ready to come out.

A moment later, the police car stopped at an intersection, waiting for a traffic light.

At the intersection, there happened to be a spacious zebra crossing. On both sides of the road, many pedestrians hurriedly passed by, and there was an endless stream of people.

Some walk quickly alone, and some walk in groups of two or three.

Dense crowds staggered each other and passed by each other. Hong Kong Island, a tiny place, has many people and few lands. People on the streets are already used to such crowded and hurried scenes!
A short sound rang out amid the din of honking horns, loud noises in the streets, and stereos from the street shops.

The windshield of the police car parked at the intersection suddenly cracked, accompanied by a muffled groan, blood spattered, and the side face of the policeman in the back seat was scarlet.

The policeman looked at Wang Dongyuan beside him with a look of surprise, and saw that his limbs were limp, like a puddle of mud, with his head leaning against the car window, lifeless!
(End of this chapter)

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