Hong Kong Movie: Pretty Boy and Bad Guy

Chapter 268 The Disappearing Figure

Chapter 268 The Disappearing Figure

In the utility room, a group of robbers were busy.

Ten robbers, two are responsible for guarding the gate, and one is responsible for guarding the hostages!
The remaining seven people are working together in the utility room. These people are painting the walls with brushes in their hands.

Immediately afterwards, one person said: "Who will inform, the buddy hiding in the hostages!

Start implementing the second step! "

A person holding a white paint brush: "I'll go!"

As he said that, he turned and left the utility room...

A moment later, in the hostage room, among the hostages sitting on the ground, a man wearing a mask and a gray electrician's hood looks like a good sibling!

This person clenched his fingers tightly. Judging from his series of reactions, he seemed to be very anxious. He seemed to be praying, and he was muttering, which was hard to hear!
This person is A-Zhen. At this moment, she realizes that her elder brother has been taken away for a while, but she hasn't seen him back for a long time!
A-Zhen's heart became more and more uneasy, although she knew that her elder brother could not be easily subdued, but when she felt the sense of restraint around her neck, that collar with a deadly bomb.

It's like a talisman, reminding her all the time that her brother is in a very passive situation just like her, if something happens...

Thinking of this, Ah Zhen didn't dare to think about it anymore, she could only pray silently, muttering in her mouth, begging all the gods and Buddhas in the sky, the Virgin Mary, and all the gods she knew!

Suddenly, a person opened the door, stood outside the door and shouted loudly: "Implement the second step!"

Hearing that in the hostage room where Ah Zhen was being held, a person suddenly got up from the crowd and shouted: "Everyone get up, I have a remote control in my hand, if you don't want to die, just be obedient!"

The person outside the door quickly entered the room and patted the person on the shoulder: "These people are left to you!"

Then go out to another room, and still use the same method to inform the accomplices inside to implement the second plan!

In an instant, two people stood up in the room, and the person who notified came to the side of the two, greeted them, then turned and left, and returned to the utility room.

After a while, the house was cleaned up, and it was no different from the original utility room. The walls were white, and the shelves were full of items. It just felt that something was wrong with the space, and it seemed to be a little narrower for no reason!
The six people in the room looked at each other and nodded, then went out and closed the utility room.

On the other side, three gangsters used bombs as threats, controlled two waves of hostages, and stood in the middle of the hall, facing the bank door!
The police outside the door saw through the glass and immediately went on high alert.

Afterwards, all the people who came out of the utility room went to the bathroom. Three moles who were originally among the hostages in the hall controlled everyone to gather in the hall.

The gangsters took turns separately, dismantled the weapons in their hands in the bathroom, and threw them into the trash can.

Then put the paint brush in your hand and rinse it on the sink to remove fingerprints, then take out the storage bag and collect it together.

Then everyone hurriedly washed their hands and scrubbed their fingertips vigorously. One said, "Later, go to someone and throw these brushes on the shelf in the utility room!"

One person hurriedly washed his hands and said, "I'll go!"

So take the storage bag and go to the utility room!
After a while, the twelve robbers washed their hands in turns in batches. After packing up, the robbers wearing gray hooded electrician suits and masks gathered in the hall.

Forty people gathered in the hall of this meeting, and someone shouted loudly: "Get down!"

The flash bombs and smoke bombs that had been placed near the gate of the bank exploded instantly, covering everyone's sight!
The hostages lost their sight, and suddenly felt that several people squeezed in beside them, accompanied by clicks and clicks of collars sounded one after another.

And outside the bank, watching the accidents happening inside, the originally hesitant police, seeing the unknown situation inside, immediately put on high alert!
Moments later, the police immediately ordered a storm!

A group of special police officers broke into the door, and when the smoke cleared, everyone was dumbfounded, only seeing a group of people lying on the ground, wearing the same clothes, except for a little girl.

Everyone is dressed in the same dress, wearing a special collar bomb around their necks!
The police immediately realized that the culprit was mixed in the crowd, and had no choice but to take everyone to the police station to check one by one, and let the bomb disposal experts remove the collars.

And other policemen began to search the scene, looking for evidence and clues!

A moment later, in the pitch-black space, a person was squinting his eyes slightly, when suddenly, knocking sounds came from around him.

The next moment, there was a tearing sound, and a beam of strong light was seen, and a policeman wearing a bulletproof helmet, holding a submachine gun, aimed at this person!

Suddenly all the police officers rushed in and subdued him instantly!

Looking at the place where this person is, it is in one of the walls of the bank's utility room.

The wall is made of cardboard with white paint on it so it looks just like the real thing!
At this time, the cardboard was torn apart, and the person captured by the police was picked out from the interlayer of this fake wall!
The arrested man was pinned to the ground by a group of police officers and handcuffed behind his back. When the man was taken out of the utility room, he found a paragraph written in English on the floor of the utility room: There are people on the wall!

There was also a paintbrush thrown on the ground!

Interrogation room...

Clarice frowned: "That's why you were arrested?"

Doug sighed: "Indeed, at the time I couldn't figure out who left this line of writing. It stands to reason that the thirteen robbers were all grasshoppers on the same rope, and no one would betray me. .”

"No, it's 12 people!"

Doug frowned: "Thirteen people, I planned the bank robbery this time, can I still remember the wrong number?"

Clarice sighed: "This is what bothers me, including the Canadian police!
It's normal for you to not understand the situation. After all, the Canadian police don't need to tell you too many details. After investigation, there are only twelve robbers including you! "

Hearing this, Doug frowned: "It seems that someone has escaped, I'm afraid he is the one who betrayed me!"

"That's right. At first, the Canadian police also thought so. In order to ensure that there were no omissions and let go of criminals like you hiding in the interlayer of the camouflaged wall, they searched the entire bank for three consecutive days.

Even the brush that wrote that line in the utility room was checked for fingerprints, but unfortunately the other person was very cautious and didn't leave any fingerprints at all!

According to the Canadian police officers, under that kind of high-density investigation, even a mosquito can't even think about escaping! "

Doug frowned: "The police should have all the information about our group. Can you tell me who the missing person is?"

Clarice: "Through the identification of other criminals, the missing person is the criminal who killed one of the hostages, named John.

Another accomplice of yours has already explained the whole process in detail, and he is very sure that the missing person is John! "

Doug's eyes showed doubts, and he couldn't help shaking his head: "I really can't figure out why he betrayed me, it's not good for him, don't tell me he's a conscience discovery!

It stands to reason that my plan was foolproof. We put glue on our fingers beforehand so that there would be no fingerprints. Everyone rinsed the glue off their fingers at the last minute.

In addition, the bank is a public business place, so it is impossible to tell who is the robber based on fingerprints!

In the absence of evidence, knowing that the robbers were among them, the police could only release everyone without charge.

The same costumes, the same masks as the hostages, without any clues, how did the police find the other twelve... no, eleven of my accomplices? "

(End of this chapter)

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