Chapter 261


Huh...cough cough...uh uh, huh? !

The snoring sounded like thunder, and was suddenly interrupted. A pair of cloudy eyes with dense crow's feet slowly opened.

These eyes were confused at first, then suddenly thought of something, and flashed with panic.

One person suddenly got up from the bed and exclaimed: "The robber! To the robber..."

Before this person could finish speaking, he looked around in surprise, and found that he was lying on a large bed at this moment, and everything around him was telling him that this was a bedroom.

The person who just woke up was Dong Biao. With an expression of disbelief, Dong Biao immediately got out of bed, put on his slippers, and observed everything around him.

Seeing that I was in a strange room, and I was wearing pajamas!
In the room, all the tables and chairs are in European classical style. Seeing this, Dong Biao murmured: "I... I am not dreaming, am I? I remember that I seem to be on a plane..."

At this moment, there was a burst of laughter outside the bedroom door...

Dong Biao walked towards the bedroom door curiously, and then looked at the living room outside the bedroom door. Xiaoling curled her mouth and wrinkled her nose, making a grimace and pretending to be ugly there, crying: "Brother, don't die... woo woo woo... Brother, don't die..."

Then he raised his foot and kicked the air under his feet, looking ridiculous, looked at A Zhen who was sitting on the sofa, with a smirk on his face, and teased: "Sister, your nose was running out at that time! It's fun! Hahahahaha..."

Ah Zhen's eyes were wide open, her nose was crooked: "Damn girl, I'm not as ugly as you say!"

Then he looked around, found the pillow at hand, picked up the pillow and threw it towards Xiao Ling, Xiao Ling caught it immediately, and threw it towards Ah Zhen, and then the two of them threw it randomly, and the other moved to change the fight , actually played a pillow fight!
For a while, the two sisters had such a great time playing!
At the same time, Dong Biao opened the bedroom door, looked at the two sisters playing in the field, looked at the two of them in confusion, and waved his hands impatiently: "Oh... you two, stop it, I have something to ask you. !”

Seeing this, Xiao Ling was so happy: "Dad, you're sober!"

Ah Zhen also had a look of joy: "Dad, you finally sobered up!"

Dong Biao nodded in bewilderment, and hesitated: "Aren't I on the plane? Why now..."

Looking at the surrounding environment, he found that the total area of ​​the room he was in at the moment was at least more than 200 square meters. The room could overlook the entire city through the panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows.

The well-designed luxury suites, handmade velvet carpets, high-quality leather furniture and appropriate decorative murals all reveal a sense of luxury and ceremony.

The suite restaurant alone can accommodate at least 10 people for dinner according to Dong Biao's visual inspection.

Dong Biao couldn't help wondering if he was dreaming, so he asked, "Where am I now?"

Xiaoling grinned: "A hotel!"

Ah Zhen nodded, and Dong Biao rolled his eyes angrily when he saw this: "That's not what I asked, wasn't I on the plane, how did I get to the hotel, by the way, what happened to the robbers?"

Ah Zhen looked surprised: "Dad, don't you remember anything?"

Dong Biao nodded with embarrassment: "I have a little impression, but... I don't think much about it anymore!"

"Brother saved all the passengers on the plane. As a reward, Canadian officials directly booked this presidential suite for our family, with free food and accommodation. They also specifically told us to stay as long as we want!" Azhen was excited.

"Ayi... this brat, by the way, where is your brother, and your mother?"

"My brother is sleeping in the bedroom of the suite. Mom just went to the restaurant and will be back later!"

Dong Biao patted his forehead and sighed with relief: "By the way, what time is it now?"

"It will be eight o'clock in the morning on the fifth day of the new year... We arrived at the hotel yesterday afternoon. Dad, you slept all day and night. Fortunately, the doctor sent by the police checked your body and said that you and your brother were very drunk. Wake up naturally after sleeping."

"Mom was almost thinking about taking you to the hospital for gastric lavage yesterday!" Xiaoling added hastily.

Hearing this, Dong Biao suddenly felt the urgency to urinate and felt uncomfortable in his bladder, so he hurried to the bathroom to urinate and wash up along the way.

As soon as I got out of the bathroom and sat down on the sofa in the living room of the suite, I heard a gurgling sound from my stomach. Presumably, I just drank all day yesterday and didn't eat anything, so my stomach immediately protested!
At this moment, in the other bedroom of the suite, Dong Yi was crawling on the bed in all directions, drooling from the corners of his mouth and raving.

The morning sun just hit his cheeks, Dong Yi opened his eyes with great difficulty, turned over in a daze, and half-lyed up with messy hair.


Dong Yi groaned in pain, and subconsciously covered half of his head with his hands, feeling an unprecedented headache and dizziness.

It only made him feel extremely uncomfortable. Enduring the discomfort, Dong Yi slowly got out of bed and stood on the ground with bare feet.

Realizing that he was wearing pajamas, he hurried out of the bedroom without caring about too many details, looked at A Zhen and the others with sleepy eyes, and asked casually, "Where is the bathroom?"

Ah Zhen pointed in the direction of the bathroom, and saw Dong Yi walking into the bathroom with bare feet and staggering body!
After a while, Dong Yi turned pale, came out staggeringly, and walked towards the bedroom. Seeing this, Dong Biao immediately asked, "Ah Yi, isn't he eating?"

"I have a terrible headache, save some for me, I want to sleep for a while!" After speaking, he entered the bedroom and fell asleep.

With Dong Yi's appearance, Dong Biao looked speechless, and looked at A Zhen aside: "Is your brother okay? Why do I think he looks so bad?"

Xiao Ling hurriedly ran to Dong Biao's side, took her father's hand, and said excitedly: "Dad, you don't know, my brother is really good this time, he drank a lot of wine and played a set of drunken fists , Beating those ghosts to yell!

The passengers on the plane were stunned when they saw how the old man was killing all directions! "

Dong Biao frowned, and looked at the immature little daughter: "Xiao Ling, what about beatings and killings, you are a little girl, it's best not to look too much, it's not good for your growth!"

"I wanted to watch it, but unfortunately, my mother kept covering my eyes. I only heard the voice. Dad, you are partial, why didn't you say old sister, she watched everything!"

"It's different, when you grow up, you will understand..." Speaking of this, Dong Biao murmured to himself: "Ah Yi can be drunk? Why haven't I heard him say that?"

After a while, the fat mother brought the hotel waiter to the suite. The waiter pushed the dining cart and put a bunch of delicious food on the table.

The fat mother wanted to wake up Dong Yi, but was stopped by Dong Biao: "This brat doesn't know how much he drank, let him sleep for a while, let's eat first!"

(End of this chapter)

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