Hong Kong Movie: Pretty Boy and Bad Guy

Chapter 256 Attack and Kill

Chapter 256 Attack and Kill
Flipping twice in a row, the interval was too short. This time Dong Yi fell directly to the ground. Fortunately, Dong Yi subconsciously lowered his head and hugged his head, which did not hurt the cervical spine, but suffered some flesh and blood.

Dong Yi ignored the pain in his body and hurriedly got up.

Just when Dong Yi stood still, a man suddenly ran into the business class. This man had a pair of blue eyes, sickly pale skin, and a ferocious look on his face!
Without saying a word, this person directly took the gun and shot at Dong Yi!
Dong Yi did not choose to dodge the bullets in the narrow and long aircraft passage.

If he wants to dodge, he can rely on his drunken footwork and figure, combined with the blessing of gun fighting skills, to easily avoid risks!
But in this way, as Dong Yi moved around, many missed bullets were bound to hit the passengers on the plane. Don't forget, his family was still on the plane!

At the critical moment, Dong Yi was quick to use his wits to remove the seat belt on the prisoner's body next to him, and grabbed the prisoner's collar by the back of his neck, making the prisoner's body a temporary shield for him!
Bang bang bang!
The pistol in Vulture's hand was breathing red flames, and bullets shot towards Dong Yi!


Flesh and blood splattered, and the corpse became devastated, but the vulture remained unmoved, and pulled the trigger with a smirk at the corner of his mouth!

Until a moment later, the barrel of the gun clicked!

The bullets ran out, and the vulture looked at the useless pistol in his palm, and threw it aside!
He stretched out his hands and clenched his fists, intending to fight Dong Yi hand-to-hand!

At the same time, the originally tilted plane stabilized. Dong Yi threw away the body in his hand. Without saying a word, the vulture came towards Dong Yi with a flying knee!

Dong Yi's footsteps turned on the spot, tossing and turning sideways to avoid the attack, his figure swayed, and he looked at the person with drunken eyes: "Dog, today I will let you taste the taste of punching and embroidering legs!"

Talking about the wave step and tube top, stand with your feet together, put your hands and fingers together, put your straight arms on the outside of your thighs, and look at each other.

Lean your body forward to the right, wave your right foot half a step forward to the left, lean back, and insert your right hand downward and to the right at the same time. The forearm is internally rotated, the elbow is slightly bent, and the palm is facing outward to the right and the four fingers are pointed forward and downward.

The left hand is turned upward and outward, with the elbow erected, the palm facing the left rear, and the eyes staring.

Take a step forward with your left foot, and then take a half step back with your right foot. At the same time, turn the forearm of the right hand outward, the palm of the hand inward to form a hug, twist the left wrist outward, bend the four fingers upward slightly, and turn the palm forward, in a shape of wanting to grasp.

On the back seat, seeing Dong Yi's unconventional starting gesture, Hong Feihu straightened his neck and widened his eyes: "Is this Drunken Fist?"

Azhen stared blankly and hesitated: "That should be it..."

"Are you playing acrobatics!" The vulture shouted loudly and punched Dong Yi in the face.

Dong Yi tilted his body, staggered to dodge, and then followed the strength of the opponent's beating, rushed two steps, and stabilized his center of gravity.

While staggering, use the right hand to insert the opponent's ribs and elbows to the back of the opponent's waist, turn the arms around the waist, then use the palm of the left hand to support the lower jaw and push upwards vigorously, and then the right hand hugs the waist back.

The vulture only felt that his center of gravity fell backwards, his body fell over involuntarily, fell heavily, and immediately got up regardless of the pain in his body, his eyes showed fear.

Looking at the strange moves of the person in front of him, he had never heard of them before, so without saying a word, he used modern fighting techniques, punches to the flesh, elbows, whips, and grabs, pouring down like mountains and seas.

Dong Yi sees the moves, buttocks, elbows, like thunder and lightning strikes, fists like hitting a pillar, palms like wind and smoke.

Knees raised, feet hooked, claws and palms slashed, the body looks like a madman!Go east and west!

In the face of an attack, take advantage of the situation at random, avoid the reality and attack the imaginary, dodge in, stumble and make moves!

His body style is vigorous, strong and soft, drunk but not chaotic, attacking his unpreparedness with drunkenness, attacking his invisible with drunken steps.

The vulture had never seen such a martial arts method before, for a while, countless vital points were stabbed unbearably, and he was beaten back every step of the way!

Not long after, as Dong Yi's strength continued to increase, after a few rounds, Vulture could no longer hold on. At this time, his skin, joints, and ribs were already covered with scars.

In the end, unable to bear the fierceness of Dong Yi's boxing, he fell to the ground with a thud, unable to move, not moving, not because he didn't want to move, but because his body didn't obey.

Dong Yi staggered, grabbed the man's throat, and slowly lifted the man who looked like a puddle of mud!
Suddenly, Christina, who was sitting in her seat, reminded loudly: "Be careful behind you!"

Out of instinct, Dong Yi immediately turned around and blocked the vulture in front of him. He saw a dark-skinned man with lazy eyes standing at the entrance of the economy class, pointing a gun at Dong Yi.

The man looked at the vulture that Dong Yi was carrying in front of him. The vulture looked sluggish, and its limbs drooped weakly, like a marionette in the hands of others.

Dong Yi hid behind the vulture. The vulture sneered and murmured, "Poisonous spider, what are you waiting for, hit... kill this... son of a bitch..."

He said with contempt in his eyes: "Why... are you afraid of shooting me? I remember... the friendship between the two of us is not very good...


The poisonous spider curled its lips, and then sighed: "Shut up, I don't need you to teach me how to do things!"

Immediately afterwards, he said to Dong Yi who was behind Vulture: "It seems that you are a master fighter, tell me how you are willing to let him go!"

"Remove the gun in your hand, remember not to play tricks, or I will crush his throat!"

Dong Yi said coldly, after saying this, he felt a little strange, as if he had heard it somewhere.

He couldn't help but think of someone, and that person was Gu Huaxing. Dong Yi felt awkward, why did he feel like a hostage-taking villain.

The black mixed-race man named Poison Spider simply threw his hands into the air, dismantled the pistol he got from the temporary command vehicle into pieces, and threw it to the ground!
Then he said, "How about it, is it okay?"

Upon seeing this, Dong Yi threw the vulture aside, and the poisonous spider clenched his fists. Dong Yi narrowed his eyes when he saw it.

The man put his fists in front of his chest, and one leg was slightly bent forward. Seeing this situation, Dong Yi expected that this defensive posture should be a Muay Thai kick!

The poisonous spider looked at Dong Yi and said, "Let me see, what are your abilities!"

Dong Yi stared at the black man in a daze, and without saying a word, he rushed towards the black man without hesitation!

Kick it out and make a muffled sound!

The poisonous spider protected its head with its arms, and its waist and hips ate the kick.

Dong Yi couldn't help being secretly surprised, he kicked just now, as if he had kicked an iron plate.

Immediately realized that the person in front of him had a physical ability to resist blows that was absolutely superior to his own.

I secretly sighed in my heart, Muay Thai is really a life-punishing boxing, it is worthy of being a harsh martial art with an overdrawn lifespan, and it trains the human body like steel!
And the black man, after feeling Dong Yi's kick, said contemptuously: "Not bad, it's my turn!"

(End of this chapter)

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