Chapter 253 Negotiations
Not long after, the bloated negotiator boarded the plane again after dealing with the corpse, came to the lounge, and said in a calm tone as much as possible: "The corpse has been transported away according to your requirements, you can Tell me, what exactly is your request?"

Cobra arrived calmly: "My next request is that I need a reporter here, and I hope that a reporter from a local Canadian TV station would be the best, and let them come to the plane to broadcast!"


Hearing that the negotiator expert looked at this person in doubt, he really didn't understand what kind of medicine this person was selling in his gourd!

Cobra, under the calm appearance, hides a cautious heart. He knows that when negotiating with the police, the request he will make later cannot be easily realized!
Only by constantly creating conflicts and quietly shifting the focus of attention can we finally achieve our goals!

When the reporter got on the plane, it was the moment to really show his fangs!
If not...

The negotiator frowned, thinking about the meaning behind the other party's request. Gradually, he realized that this person had probably expected that the police would not be able to easily agree to all their requests. In addition, the outside world did not have an intuitive sense of the interior of the aircraft. There is a lot of room for maneuvering inside.

The other party obviously wanted to directly expose the reality to everyone's sight.

At that time, some politicians will have to make a move, and will become wary of rats out of political needs, and then agree to their next request.

Once the reporter boards the plane and broadcasts live, it is impossible for the police or even the army to attack by force.

The purpose of this person is to block the official storm, and after causing casualties, push the heads of some victims to the way of the robbers.

In this way, the rescue party will be in a very passive situation.

The negotiator looked at the man named Cobra in front of him. He had obtained the background information of these people in advance, and knew that these people were not like ordinary robbers.

Ordinary criminals who take hostages and confront the police are often in a very sensitive state and may lose control of their emotions at any time. Negotiation experts can take advantage of these people's emotional instability to find psychological clues and gradually break through the psychological defense line.

But the negotiators in front of these people had secretly observed them when they boarded the plane. They were very organized in their words and deeds. Although their expressions were serious, they were extremely calm.

In other words, these people are used to seeing life and death, they ignore life, and when necessary, they also ignore their own life!
But thinking about it, people who really cherish life have nothing to do, and in order to earn some money, they become mercenaries to make a living in the hail of bullets.

The negotiator frowned, and then said to the wireless headset he was carrying: "The other party has made a request that journalists other than Canada should be on the plane and broadcast here!"

In the headset, there was a noise, which seemed to be arguing. The negotiator frowned, and then looked at Cobra: "You wait patiently for a while, the police are still considering your request, I hope you don't make too extreme actions !"

Cobra shrugged and spread his hands: "No problem, of course, if the police can really agree to my request, the reporter enters the plane and starts broadcasting, then in return, I will release some of the hostages."

Upon hearing this, the negotiator expert couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, and reported to the headset: "The other party said, as long as they agree to this condition, they will release some of the hostages!"

As he spoke, the negotiator asked, "I don't know how many people you plan to release?"

"I took a look and there are some children on the plane. As long as the police agree to this condition, I will take the mothers of several children and let these people get off the plane!"

The negotiator immediately conveyed Cobra's proposal through the headset, and both sides fell into silence for a while, and the time passed by, and finally the negotiator shook his head: "No, the police said that apart from allowing the reporter to board the plane, other Yes, everything is negotiable!"

Hearing that Cobra looked coldly at the negotiator, he chuckled twice: "No, I understand now, you are probably planning to attack by force, and I am worried that there will be some things that cannot be justified, so this request is directly rejected !"

Speaking of the cobra, he suddenly got up, and then looked at the sparrow beside him with meaningful eyes.

When the sparrow saw this, he understood and said secretly: "It seems that I can only take a risk!"

And the cobra looked at the negotiator with ferocious eyes: "In this case, every 10 minutes later, we will kill a hostage!
Now!Let’s start with those American troops…”

Immediately, the guards who were subdued by them came out from the corner of the tail with a black cloth on their heads. The vultures smiled grimly and cooperated with several prisoners to bring the three guards who were tied behind their backs to the door of the plane!
Then he opened the door and told the negotiator: "I'll give you one last chance. We have to work hard. If you don't agree this time, I will let these American soldiers perform a hanging in front of everyone!"

At the same time, the vulture put a rope around the neck of one of them, and with a slight push, the man would immediately fall out of the plane and hang himself to death!
Seeing this, the negotiator shouted into the headset: "All units remain calm and don't act rashly. The robbers have made a new request to send people from the airport to refuel. Otherwise, the three American soldiers will be hanged."

After a while, the police's reply came through the headset, and the negotiator heaved a sigh of relief: "The police agreed to refuel the plane, and the refueling truck will come later.

But in exchange, you must release a few hostages! "

Hearing this, Cobra seemed to be in a dilemma: "If that's the case... Well, ask someone to put a protective pad under the cabin door now. As soon as the tanker arrives, I will release a US military personnel first, and then during the refueling process Release one more, and release the last one when the tank is full.

But don't get any of your people close until the last moment, or we'll shoot the passengers! "

The negotiator immediately conveyed Cobra's request, and after a while, a refueling truck drove up on the runway and began to refuel the plane.

At the same time, a group of heavily armed special police brought thick pads, laid them under the door, and then quickly evacuated.

Immediately afterwards, a blindfolded guard was the first to be pushed down and fell out of the plane door. Then, as the refueling continued, No. 2 guard was pushed out of the plane door.

Another guard was pushed down as the fuel truck drove off with a full tank of gas.

The police obeyed the agreement, until the refueling truck left and the gate of the plane was closed, only the police rushed out with a stretcher to take the three seriously injured people away.

After the three guards were taken away, Cobra suddenly fell silent in the aircraft lounge and stopped talking. The negotiator on the side immediately asked, "What else do you want?"

"Let me think about it and tell you later..." Cobra frowned perfunctorily.

At the same time, the vulture standing near the door of the plane, the original cynicism in his eyes did not disappoint, he looked nervous and inexplicable...

(End of this chapter)

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