Chapter 200 Change Action
After arranging matters related to the Puppy Team, Dong Yi and Chen Jiaju began to act separately.

While busy looking for informants to understand the situation, Dong Yi and Yazi first contacted the person in charge of the Real Estate Group to explain the situation, and then took Chen Yalun, Jian Huizhen, and several police officers from the serious crime team in a car The van headed to the property group.

On the surface, it looks like an ordinary white truck, but when you get inside the car, you will find that there is another world hidden in the car, which is all electronic equipment for tracking and monitoring.

Dong Yi looked at the sophisticated instruments in the car and saw that his father secretly spent a lot of money to establish this puppy team.

Not long after, everyone came to the roadside of the office building of the real estate group's headquarters.

There are already people from the group waiting to receive them and bring them into the company.

This operation was carried out in secret. First, Chen Yalun and Jian Huizhen were left in the truck to adjust the equipment, and the rest of them brought the monitoring and tracking device to the office of President Feng Jingye to install it.

After a while of debugging, it entered the stage of waiting for a rabbit.

It happened to be noon at this time, and the 24 hours given by the criminal were getting closer and closer.

A beeping sound broke the silence in Feng Jingye's office!

Dong Yi, Meazi and several cooperating police officers secretly made a gesture to Feng Jingye and others, telling them not to answer the phone in a hurry.

Dong Yi first picked up the mini walkie-talkie and said, "Aya, Ah Zhen, how is your equipment prepared?"

"OK, no problem, you can start anytime!" Aya said while playing with the equipment in the truck.

"That's good!"

Said Dong Yi nodded to Feng Jingye: "During the call, delay as much as possible!"

When Feng Jingye saw this, he winked at the person in charge of the public relations department next to him. The person understood, and then gently picked up the landline microphone on the desk and put it to his ear.

Dong Yi hurriedly put on his earphones and listened to him.

"Hey, Mr. Feng, it's me. How are you preparing the 1000 million we want?"

The person in charge of the public relations department slowly said: "What you said, I have already told the board of directors. In principle, they are willing to pay, but..."

"Just what?"

Speaking of which, Jian Huizhen in the truck hurriedly contacted Wu Junjun in the police station: "Xiaojun, what's going on? Have you captured the source of the signal?"

Wu Junjun shook his head: "Not yet, the computer is analyzing the source of the signal!"

Looking at the Puppy team's office, the large screen on the wall shows images of virtual lines, searching for the source of the signal.

In Feng Jingye's office, Yazi put on headphones and heard the latest news from Aya and Azhen. She quickly took out the prompt board and wrote three big words in hand: Delay time!
Seeing this, the person in charge of public relations took the microphone and said cautiously: "It's just that we have already received several blackmail calls!"

"What do you mean, you think I'm a liar, deliberately defrauding you of money!"

"Mr. Don't get angry. Think about it. Suddenly, someone calls you and asks you to prepare money, otherwise it will ruin your career.

But as time goes by, several waves of people come, all saying the same thing, and you can’t tell the difference! "

"Pujie, those people are charlatans, if you don't believe me, how about I ask someone to blow up another shopping mall?
By the way, I heard that the newly completed Longxin Building, the first floor of Hong Kong Island, is also owned by your real estate group. Would you like me to make some news for you to see! "

"Sir, don't be angry, we are discussing with you, the money will be paid by our board of directors after research.

But we also need to be clear about who is the one who actually takes the money. Like now, we have received almost a dozen of the same calls back and forth, and we can't believe everyone!

Otherwise, as long as you can prove that you are the real person who caused the explosion, we will pay the money! "

"how to prove!"

At this moment, Wu Junjun in the West District Police Station looked at the big screen and said, "I found it. The source of the signal is in Tai Po...the phone booth on Dingjiao Road, Tai Po District!"

The person in the truck, Aya, put on a headset and said: "The suspect is now at the phone box on Dingjiao Road, Tai Po District!"

When Dong Yi heard the voice from the headset, he immediately picked up the mini walkie-talkie and said in a low voice: "Hurry up and contact the patrolling police officer nearby, and ask him to go to the phone booth to have a look..."

Inside the van, Jian Huizhen hurriedly picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Attention all the police officers on Dingjiao Road, Dapu District, we are the General Administration of the Western District, there are suspicious suspects on Dingjiao Road, Dapu District, is there anyone patrolling there!
Are there any police officers patrolling near Ding Kok Road in Tai Po District? "

At this time, a patrol police officer was walking idle on the streets of Hong Kong Island. Suddenly he heard a slightly noisy voice from the walkie-talkie hanging on his chest: "Are you there on Dingjiao Road in Tai Po District?" Police officers patrolling nearby, please answer!"

The policeman hurriedly took off the walkie-talkie on his chest and said, "Got it, I'm PC12764, what's the matter, over!"

Ah Zhen in the truck hurriedly said: "There is a suspicious person in the phone booth on Dingjiao Road, Dapu District, now go and find out the identity of the person!"

"Received, over!"

Immediately, the police officer ran towards the telephone booth on Dingjiao Road.

On the side of Real Estate Group, the person in charge of the public relations department is still arguing with the other party: "Oh, how many times have I said this? How about detonating within our allotted time?
Only you and I know the time. In this way, we are sure that you are not liars. "

The other party pondered for a moment after hearing the words: "Alright, tell me the specific time!"

"Just tonight, at three o'clock in the morning. The location is at Braemar Hill. The detonation point is arbitrary, as long as it does not cause casualties."

"There are no ghosts in that place at night, don't worry, tell your people to watch, if you dare to call the police to play tricks, I will never spare you!"

"Okay, don't worry, Bamaru Mountain is so big, deep in the mountains and old forests, even if the police come, they can't find it if they just search for it!"

In the telephone hall, a man who looked like Li Ming couldn't help but nodded when he heard the words. What Feng Jingye said was indeed reasonable. Bamar Hill is a wealthy area, and many people live there, but Bamar Hill is flourishing. Mao, the terrain is complex, and it is indeed easy to hide.

When Dong Yi heard this, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, and cursed secretly in his heart: "I deserve your heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, what's wrong with nonsense, you have to say it's near my house!"

This cannot be blamed on the person in charge of public relations, after all, it is a temporary free play, delaying time.

But at this moment, Dong Yi had other plans, so he quickly picked up the walkie-talkie: "Ah Zhen, quickly notify the patrolling policeman to stop his actions, pretend to be patrolling, and quietly observe the suspect's appearance, don't startle the enemy!"

Hearing this, Jian Huizhen hurriedly contacted the police officer just now.

At this time, the police officer had arrived not far from the phone booth, and a voice came from the walkie-talkie on his chest: "PC12764, stop the operation and don't disturb the suspect, pretend to be patrolling, and leave after seeing the target clearly!"

"Received, over!"

(End of this chapter)

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