Chapter 167
"No, I was thinking about letting Ah Zhen learn some self-defense skills, what do you think?"

Dong Biao nodded when he heard the words: "It makes sense, she is a girl, and it is good to learn some self-defense skills. Now that the law and order is not good, it can be regarded as a means of self-protection!"

Ah Zhen sat back in her seat and was overjoyed: "That's great, anyway, it's going to be a holiday soon, brother, why don't you go and find me a martial arts gym, I'll have a good look!"

Dong Biao saw that his daughter did not object, so he waved his hand: "That's it, A Yi will leave this matter to you. When your sister is on vacation, you can find her a martial arts gym."


Dong Yi had no choice but to shut up when he heard the words. He originally wanted to ask his father to find someone with good skills in the police force, but he didn't expect his father to push this matter on him.

Immediately after the family had breakfast, Dong Biao sent his two daughters to school, while Dong Yi went to the police station to further investigate the case.

As soon as he came to the homicide team's office, he asked about the latest progress of the case, and the feedback he got was that no one had come to claim the body so far.

Sitting on his office chair without covering his butt, Ade hurried to the door of Dong Yi's office and shouted: "Dong sir, it's not good, another murder has happened!"


Dong Yi stood up from his seat in disbelief, wondering if he was possessed by a catastrophe. He had just taken over the homicide team. Why did the cases follow one after another and let people die!
My buddy is not a primary school student, so there is no need to treat me like this!
Generally, when there is an alarm on Hong Kong Island, the green clothes who are in charge of patrolling nearby will be the first to notify the green clothes, and let them go to the location of the incident to investigate the situation. Depending on the severity of the case, the bureau will choose to take over the case itself or report it to the district police station.

Generally, petty theft cases will be handled by the police station itself, and those that can alert the district police station are relatively vicious incidents!

In other words, as long as Dong Yi's homicide team can come over, it will be a fatal event to some extent.

It's like dispatching the Flying Tigers mostly because there are gangsters.

Now that the report has been received, Dong Yi has no choice but to organize his staff to go to the location of the incident!

After about half an hour...

In a 25-story high-end apartment building, Dong Yi led the police to the first scene.

He first got an overview of the situation from the police clerk, and then called the security of the apartment building.

After a while, the security guard of the apartment came to Dong Yi, who looked to be in his early thirties and had a strong body.

Dong Yi asked: "I heard that the residents reported to the police. You are the security guard here. Do you know who was on duty last night?"

"Sir, I was on duty last night!"

"Is there anything unusual?"

Hearing this, the security guard shook his head: "Sir, I didn't notice any difference yesterday..."

"Then when you patrolled last night, did you find anything unusual?"

"Last night, when I was on patrol..." Speaking of this, Dong Yi caught the security guard's eyes dodging, and seemed to be hiding something.

Seeing this, Dong Yi narrowed his eyes, doubted in his heart, and suddenly asked loudly: "What are you afraid of! Is this case related to you!"

"No, no, sir! It really has nothing to do with me..." Speaking of which, the security guard gritted his teeth and sighed: "Forget it, sir, let me tell you the truth, I was on duty last night, and I didn't patrol... ...I slept in the duty room all night, I was just being lazy, and left when the shift time came.

Sir, I really can't do such a thing as murder! "

Dong Yi carefully observed the expression of this person, and found that although he was flustered, he did not exceed the normal reaction of an ordinary person, so he couldn't help curling his lips, thinking that this person didn't know much.

I felt helpless in my heart, and I didn't know if it was because I became too sensitive because I became a policeman, and everyone looked like a criminal suspect.

So he first asked someone to take this person back to the police station to record a statement, and then went to the floor where the crime happened.

This time the case happened in an elevator. Unfortunately, most of the elevators in 1987 were not equipped with surveillance cameras. Generally, surveillance cameras were installed at the main entrances and exits of apartments, which also brought certain difficulties for the police to handle the case.

Dong Yi climbed the stairs to reach the floor and rushed out of the elevator.

At this time, the elevator was shut down and the door was opened. The deceased were two elderly people with gray hair and age spots unique to the elderly on their faces. They were probably at least 70 years old.

It is understood that the reporter is a resident of this building, and he learned from him that the reporter pressed the elevator at work in the morning, and when the elevator opened, he saw two dead people inside.

Dong Yi preliminarily deduced that the two deceased in the elevator should have died for some time, and the time of the murder might have been late at night, so that they were discovered early in the morning.

Seeing that the two were of similar age, they might be an old couple. Dong Yi hurriedly called Ade and asked him to ask the CSI people if they had found anything.

After a while, Ade came running: "Dong sir, CSI colleagues said that after their preliminary investigation on the spot, the two of them were instantly twisted and their necks were broken, resulting in a broken cervical spine and death!"

Hearing that Dong Yi looked at the two deceased in the elevator, the curvature of the cervical spine was indeed a bit strange. After careful observation, he found that the expression on the face of the deceased was peaceful, which was completely different from the death of the victim of the Great Smoky Mountains murder case he had come into contact with.

One face is pained and the other is calm.

That is to say, the two cases are unrelated, and the methods of committing the crime are very different. Dawushan was abusing and torturing, while the two old people died peacefully. When he reacted, he suddenly killed him, so that the two of them died instantly without realizing it.

The murderer makes a move, hurry up!ruthless!allow!In other words, the criminal has extraordinary skills!
Thinking of this, Dong Yi felt that this case might be the work of a professional killer, and he didn't know who the two old men had offended, which would alert the professional killer.

Just as Dong Yi was thinking of finding someone to find out the identity information of the victim, a member of the homicide team suddenly ran to his side out of breath, and shouted: "Dong sir, another deceased has been found!"

Dong Yi heard the words and hurriedly asked: "What's going on?"

"Just now, the guys were looking for witnesses in the households on each floor. As a result, the door of a house on the 22nd floor was wide open. Our investigating police officers went in and found a man dead in the house, and the death was miserable. The criminal methods Cruel and bloody!”

Hearing this, Dong Yi hurried to the 22nd floor.

When I entered the scene of the crime, I saw that the CSI people were busy. I asked the CSI guy who their person in charge was.

Dong Yi came to this person and explained his purpose. When the person looked up at Dong Yi, Dong Yi saw a familiar face appearing in front of him.

This person has a wrinkled face, a sausage mouth, and a sense of joy. He seems to be around 40 years old. He subconsciously reminds him of a pet, a French bulldog!
Dong Yi hurriedly greeted: "Hello, I am the head of the homicide team, and my name is Dong Yi!"

The visitor warmly shook hands with Dong Yi, and introduced himself: "I am the person in charge of the CSI On-Site Investigation Section, Huang Qifa! The eldest son has long admired his name!"

Dong Yi nodded with a smile, and continued: "By the way, Police Officer Huang, did you find anything?"

"Judging from the traces in the house, the deceased had struggled before he was alive, but he was still killed. Judging from the extent of his injuries, the murderer had a very strong explosive force, and most of them were men!
And the death of the deceased is miserable, the most important thing is..."

(End of this chapter)

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