Hong Kong Movie: Pretty Boy and Bad Guy

Chapter 163 The crime scene

Chapter 163 The crime scene
Smoky Mountain, also known as Tai Mo Shan, is located in the center of Hong Kong Island, with an altitude of 957 meters. It is the real central peak of Hong Kong Island. The mountain overlooks the entire Hong Kong Island.

Dong Yi drove his Mercedes-Benz towards the crime scene.

Fortunately, a road around the mountain has been built here. When he drove around the road to the middle of the mountain, he found that in the bushes not far away, lights were flashing, and red and blue police lights intersected each other.

That place should be the scene of the incident, and Dong Yi immediately parked the car on the side of the road, put on his police officer's ID, and got out of the car to go to the scene of the incident.

Pushing away the bushes and walking towards the depths of the dense forest, I saw a large group of members of the police station gathered in a patch of grass.

A cordon has been drawn up all around, and members of the on-site investigation department CSI are collecting clues around the corpse and taking pictures of the victim's body at the same time.

After Dong Yi entered the warning range, Ade saw Dong Yi, hurriedly came to his side and said, "Dong sir, you are here!"

Looking at the two corpses in the grass from a distance, Dong Yi frowned and said, "What's going on here?"

Ade hurriedly reported: "Based on what we just learned, three hours ago, a group of young men and women camped nearby for the night. While playing, they found two corpses, and then went to the phone booth at the foot of the mountain to call the police!

The nearby police station went here to find out the situation at the first time. When they found out that it was a murder case, they notified the police station. The CSI, which will investigate the scene, is collecting relevant information! "

Hearing this, Dong Yi nodded, and then said: "Take me to the victim to have a look!"

Ade nodded, and the two came to the murder scene to observe the corpse at close range.

Dong Yi found that the deceased were two young men and women. Judging from their skin color and hair color, they were two white foreigners.

The two died in a miserable state, their faces were severely deformed, their mouths and eyes were crooked, and their flesh and blood were bloody. It was obvious that they had suffered inhuman abuse before they died!

The dead man was lying on the grass, wearing blue jeans, his top was turned up, his hands were tied behind his back, and dense bruises and wounds could be seen all over his body at a glance.

The female victim, whose upper body was unbuttoned a beige shirt, was almost naked, her left eyeball fell out, her face was severely deformed, and there were numerous bruises and wounds all over her body.

Judging from the death of the female victim, Dong Yi can tell without the assistance of the system that there is a high probability that she was violated during her lifetime!

The woman's face was distorted, her facial contours were severely deformed, and her expression was painful. Seeing this, Dong Yi couldn't help but sigh: "I really don't know what kind of beatings and torture she suffered during her lifetime, and she died in such despair!"

Dong Yi then said to Ade: "Ade, please call more police officers, I am afraid that the CSI is short of manpower, search around and see if there is anything else found!"


"By the way, where is the person who found the body now?"

"It's here, but it was taken into a police assault vehicle by our guys!"

Hearing this, Dong Yi frowned, nodded and said, "Take me there first, I want to meet the informant and get some information from them." Speaking of this, Dong Yi muttered to himself, "I'm busy tonight!"

Immediately, under Ade's guidance, Dong Yi came to the side of the road in the Great Smoky Mountains, and saw several informants in an assault vehicle.

There were a total of six informants, all of whom looked young. Judging from their attire, they were all fashion-forward young people on Hong Kong Island in this era.

Immediately, Dong Yi got into the car, showed his ID to prove his identity, and asked directly: "Hello, tell me how you found these two dead people!"

At this moment, Dong Yi was sitting on the car seat, facing the reporters, three men and three women, one of them was a gentle-looking man, swallowed his saliva and said, "Sir, some of us are here today in this heavy fog." Playing in the mountains, the first one to find the body is my girlfriend!"

As the man pointed to the girl next to him, Dong Yi immediately asked the woman, "How did you find the body?"

"I, I, I... The place where we pitched our tent is not far from here. I wanted to relieve myself. I thought of a place where no one would see. I saw a place where the weeds were growing tall, so I walked over there.

As a result, I pushed aside the grass and saw two dead people. At that time, I was so scared that I almost fainted, so I hurried back to the tent and told everyone. "

Another girl hurriedly interjected: "Sir, it's really none of our business. When we saw someone dead, we immediately sent someone down the mountain to call the police. We came to the Great Smoky Mountain to help each other with homework!"

Dong Yi nodded noncommittally. As for what this group of people came here for, no one would believe that a group of young men would help with their homework!
Then Dong Yi asked several people for their identity information. As expected, they were all students at the same university.

After learning the relevant information, Dong Yi asked someone to drive and take several people back to the police station to record statements.

As the on-site investigation continued to advance, everyone who needed to take pictures near the body had taken pictures, and all the information that needed to be collected had been collected. So the police called a corpse truck, put the two bodies into body bags, and transported them to the police station. Leave it to the forensic doctor for further testing!
And Dong Yi, as the main person in charge of the homicide team, had to stay in the Great Smoky Mountains and organize manpower to search the mountains.

In the early morning of the second day, the temperature on the mountain was lower than expected, with heavy dew and strong wind.

Dong Yi was wearing thin clothes, but fortunately his body was still able to bear it. He searched the mountains all night and gained something, but because it was dark, he didn't gain much, but at this time the sky was already bright.

Dong Yi looked at the sky, there was no sunrise, and there was no sea of ​​clouds.

Seeing that God's complexion is not good, I know that I have to work harder, maybe it will rain today!
So he hurriedly shouted to the police officer in charge of searching the mountain: "Hurry up, and try to collect more clues before it rains!"

After everyone heard this, they hurriedly accelerated the search. Dong Yi quickly took out his mobile phone and asked the nearby police station to send police officers to assist in the search.

Dong Yi knows that if he wants to find the murderer in the vast crowd, he must search for more evidence nearby, and then collect information from the evidence to continuously narrow the scope of chasing the murderer. Sometimes some subtle links are often the key to a breakthrough!
If it really rained today, how many physical evidences will be washed away by the heavy rain and submerged in the mud in the mountains, this is unknown!
It's just that the sky is not beautiful. After a while, the drizzle fell in a free and easy manner.

Braving the drizzle and ignoring his soaked clothes, Dong Yi led a large number of police officers in a rescue search of the mountain.

At noon, everyone was soaked, and the female victim's underskirt, bracelet, Chinese embroidered shoes, bust buttons, and two cut wooden sticks were collected nearby.

One of them was covered with blood, and the other was wrapped around the hair of the deceased woman. The colleagues of the on-site investigation department had already removed the body from the body and put it in a sealed bag.

These are not what Dong Yi wants, what he needs is something that can prove the identity of the deceased!

The two of them were beyond recognition, thinking about obtaining identity information by virtue of their appearance, this is no longer feasible!
What Dong Yi needs most is something like a wallet.

Smartphones do not exist in this era. Judging from the figure of the victim, Dong Yi judged that the two foreigners were obviously adults. As adults, it is very unlikely that they would go out without a wallet. There may be documents related to their identities inside. , Unfortunately, the wallet is not found.

Thinking about this, Dong Yi has two judgments, either the criminal is robbing money!Either murder for counter-reconnaissance, concealment of identifiable items, or both!
(End of this chapter)

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