Chapter 150 Unexpected
Drops of bright red blood slipped from Hei Zai's wrist, gathered into a pool, and then spread slowly. Hei Zai had already seen the blood flowing from his feet, so he couldn't help swallowing.

I was horrified in my heart: "This piece is really going to kill me!"

He wanted to struggle, but looking at the trembling watch on his knee, he worried that if he landed, he would not be able to see the time, and if he missed the opportunity, it would be too late to regret it!
Dong Yi's face was expressionless, he looked at the person named Hei Zai without saying a word, his expression was mostly indifferent, as if he didn't care about Hei Zai's life or death at all!
In fact, the punishment of bloodletting is not terrible compared to some other methods of death, and it can even be regarded as one of the most comfortable methods of death. The prerequisite is to put your hands in warm water.

Because of excessive blood loss, you will feel sleepy, which is basically equivalent to dying in sleep.

Since this method of death is not even considered as not terrifying, there are many ways of death that are much more terrifying than this.

But Dong Yi still chose bloodletting!

Not because of anything else, it's entirely because the punishment of bloodletting itself has a strong psychological suggestion ability, which can easily break through a person's psychological defense!
Dong Yi had seen such a message in his previous life. During World War II, the German government conducted an experiment.

They gathered ten captured prisoners of war, and then tied these people to the seat, with their hands behind their backs, and then blindfolded.

Then a German psychologist drew a line with a pen on the wrists of these people.

Then, behind the ten people, they took a water pipe to drip water from the palm of their hand, and just watched the reaction of the prisoners in silence.

Gradually, these prisoners of war began to feel restless and panicked, and finally collapsed and begged for mercy.

After waiting for two hours, these people's breathing became slower and slower. By the end of the experiment, these ten people had died of exhaustion, without exception!
This is also a classic case in psychological suggestion!
Those prisoners of war are all soldiers who have been on the battlefield, and they will end up scaring themselves to death.

Dong Yi really didn't believe that he could survive a mere gangster, not to mention that the case of the German prisoners of war was just a fiction, while Dong Yi was real.

Look at this guy named Hei Zai again, at this moment he is listening to the ticking sound of blood and feeling the warmth from his palm.

Gradually, my breathing began to become rapid, and soon I felt that my hands and feet were cold, and this cold feeling was slowly spreading throughout my body!
He noticed that with every drop of blood, his body couldn't help but feel colder.

Time passed minute by minute, and at this moment Hei Zai found that his heartbeat was beating rapidly at first, and now his heart was slowly getting weaker and weaker, making his heart palpitate and uncomfortable, which made him even more frightened!
Smelling the bloody smell in the air, watching the passing of minutes and seconds, his consciousness also began to slowly become dizzy.


The sound of rapid breathing came from Hei Zi's mouth, and his complexion became paler and paler.

Gradually, Hei Zai's body began to tremble, and he felt that his life was constantly passing by.

The originally stable state of mind began to shake, and as time went by, I felt that my discomfort became more and more serious.

He looked at the watch on his knee again. It had been about 10 minutes, and he started to feel uneasy!
Suddenly, a kind of fear came quietly!

This is the fear hidden in all animal genes, and that is the fear of death!
An instinct called survival began to appear!
His sight began to wander, and a voice filled his head!
"I'm dying! I'm dying! I'm dying!"

This voice was like the voice of a demon, both coercive and chilly, constantly echoing in his ears.

Finally, half an hour later, Hei Zai couldn't stand it any longer, so he let out a snort and began to cry.

At this moment, his eyes were full of tiredness, and he tried his best, tears streaming down: "I said...I said! I said! I said! I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"

Dong Yi stared at him coldly, and his voice was calm: "Say it, your time is running out, if you don't stop bleeding, even the gods will not be able to save you!"

"I said, it was me and Lan Minglun who kidnapped that girl, yes, I still laughed!

I came to get something, and you just happened to catch me!

let me go!let me go!boss!Brother!Let me go quickly, I can't do it! "

"Where is the girl now?"

"Ban Minglun grew up in the Walled City, and he and Kai Xiaoxiao brought her to Chen Walled City, Kowloon!"

Hearing that whether it was Dong Yi or Li Ying who was on the side, there was a sudden buzz in my head!
Kowloon Walled City! ! !

A magical cave standing alive on the land of Hong Kong Island, it is a truly isolated city!
There is a place where crimes gather!It's a swamp!It's a fire pit!It is a real hell on earth!

When Dong Yi heard this, his brows were furrowed, and his eyes were full of seriousness!

What's more, this is a movie world, who knows what it looks like inside!
The terrain inside is complicated, and the corridors connecting buildings can feel disorganized from the outside, let alone walking inside.

Dong Yi's eyes were condensed: "Draw the route you know and the location of my sister!
The more detailed the better, if you don't want to, I will directly bleed your neck! "

Hei Zai hurriedly nodded, choked up with sobs: "I draw! I draw! I draw!"

Dong Yi got up immediately, came behind this person and untied him.

At this time, Dong Yi was surprised to find that Hei Zai's wrist had stopped bleeding for a long time.

It turns out that many people think that cutting their wrists and bleeding will lead to death is actually a misconception.

There are no large blood vessels in the wrist, and cutting the wrist will not cause excessive blood loss and death, and it is also very painful.

Wrist cutting will only injure the tendons and important nerves of the wrist, resulting in disability of the wrist, numbness of the fingers, inability to move, and muscle atrophy affecting the appearance.

Due to human self-protection, the important blood vessels are covered behind the bones during development, and they cannot be cut even if they want to.

The wrist-cutting death in the movie is all fabricated and unrealistic. The reason is that there are no large blood vessels, and the human body has the function of self-coagulation of blood. The blood will freeze before it flows out, unless you put your hands in warm water...

Looking at Hei Zai again, he was extremely weak at this moment, trying to shout: "Sir, hurry up... hurry up... I can still hear blood dripping...

I really... really... I can't take it anymore! "

Dong Yi raised his brows and muttered in his heart: "It seems that the psychological implication of cutting one's wrists and dripping blood should not be underestimated. This person has been unable to extricate himself from the illusion."

Then Dong Yi untied Hei Zai, from the bed in the rented house, he tore the sheets on it casually, and took cloth strips to wrap it up indiscriminately.

After being loosened, Hei Zai made a clang and fell directly to the ground. His whole body looked weak, like he was curled up in a puddle of mud.

Dong Yi looked at the scarlet all over the place, and estimated that the amount of bleeding was about the same as donating blood once.

Seeing this, Dong Yi didn't care about other things, and immediately bluffed: "You are in a very dangerous situation now, I will give you a pen and paper later, and quickly draw the route for me!
Don't try to play tricks, don't want to delay the treatment time, you'd better be conscious! "

Hei Zai, who had collapsed on the ground, was pale and trembling, and nodded slowly.

After a while, Dong Yi found a pen and paper, asked Hei Zai to draw a road map, and asked in detail where to enter from Kowloon Walled City and which direction to go.

(End of this chapter)

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