Chapter 144: Just in Case
At the entrance of the Mahjong House, look at the lively scene inside.

Dong Yi quietly asked Li Ying beside him, "How many bullets do you have?"

"Not many, just a dozen or so. What about you?"

"I usually use two guns, but today something happened unexpectedly, so I only have two magazines, so it's more than ten rounds even if I'm full!"

Hearing this, Li Ying looked solemn: "This is not easy to handle, this is considered a prosperous area of ​​Kowloon.

You can open a mahjong parlor here, even though there are not many people there now. If something happens, if someone goes out and yells in the street, I guarantee that the whole street will be full of fools with knives. young! "

Dong Yi nodded when he heard the words. It's not that he hasn't seen gangster movies. Although he hasn't personally experienced the scene of gangster movies, he has definitely seen it.

What's more, in a world where movies are the blueprint, this situation will only be exaggerated!
If it was in the previous life, the gangsters looked fierce, but they were actually paper tigers. As long as the police shot into the sky, a group of bluffing people would immediately die down!
But this is the world of movies, and they are all masters who dare not die with a knife!
If you shoot him, maybe that person will grit his teeth and pull a hole in your body!
And when it comes to Hong Kong films, I have to mention, a very distinctive film genre!

Hong Kong gangster movie!
This is also the reason why Dong Yi is jealous. Since the 80s, Hong Kong Island movies have ushered in an unprecedented "golden age".

As a place where underworld forces intertwine and wrestle, the influence of gangsters has also penetrated into each frame of film.

The underworld on Hong Kong Island originated from Hongmen.

Hongmen, also known as Tiandihui and Sanhehui, originated from the concept of "Hanliu" in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

It was the largest secret society in the Qing Dynasty, and because of its secrecy and legend, it became the object of many film and television works in later generations.

Due to the vast territory and large population involved, the Hongmen developed a complex but relatively loose organization and a set of strict rituals. Whether or not the organizational characteristics and rituals of the Hongmen were preserved became the most prominent feature of the Hongmen organization.

In the 19s, Hong Kong Island was opened as a port due to the Treaty of Nanjing.

Because of its good port conditions and special economic and social status, and the British government’s colonial reclamation required a large amount of labor, a large number of refugees from Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi, and even more remote inland came to seek life.

These refugees did not have much means of earning a living, and most of them could only do low-level jobs such as dock workers, coolies, porters, and coachmen.

The colonial government's management attitude towards these refugees also forced them to stick together to protect themselves.

At this time, the Hongmen Triad Society, which had been popular in the mainland for hundreds of years, took root in Hong Kong Island.

The Hongmen triad organization transplanted the organizational structure, ceremonies and oaths of the mainland Hongmen. On the one hand, it helped the refugees from the mainland to live on Hong Kong Island, and under the "indulgence" of the British Hong Kong government, it exercised some of the principles of community autonomy and public service. functions.

On the other hand, they began to get involved in opium, human trafficking, gambling, and commercial industries, and gradually developed into organized crime.

By the end of the nineteenth century, triad members made up about one-third of the adult Chinese population on Hong Kong Island.

The 60s were the most "prosperous" time for Hong Kong Island's underworld. The money brought by the free port status, the corrupt bureaucracy and the large influx of new refugees brought money, protection and manpower to Hong Kong Island's underworld. The underworld during the period extended its tentacles to government agencies and Chinese police.

It was not until the 70s that the British Hong Kong Government established the Independent Commission Against Corruption, which gradually removed the protective umbrella of the underworld, allowing the underworld in Hong Kong to gradually shift the focus of its business from "side businesses" to legitimate industries.

During this period, Hong Kong Island films, which were thriving, entered their field of vision. In a sense, without the underworld, there would be no golden age of Hong Kong films that people talk about.

Film is an industry that must invest in cost and technology, and must rely on the cooperation of multiple people.

The underworld of Hong Kong Island has grasped the two most important elements: money and manpower.

The other element technology can be indirectly mastered through money.

Both ways!How many gangster movies do you think there are on Hong Kong Island?
Anyway, what Dong Yi knows is that there are quite a few post-[-]s idiots with brains that make donkey hoofs watch a "Young and Dangerous Boy" and keep shouting: "I am the leader of Causeway Bay!"

In the end, he really ate public meals in the cage for several years, wasting his best years!

Do you think it has taught bad children?The answer is yes, how many flowers and plants of the motherland have been turned into broken flowers and willows by it.

But no matter what, more people will burst into tears when they see "Young and Dangerous", of course not because they worship the underworld, but because they will miss their frivolous and unruly youth.

But in this life, since Dong Yi is a policeman, Chen Haonan and Pheasant may be born in the near future.

But no matter what, if you dare to be born, I dare to arrest you, what the hell is Tongluowan, Dongxing little black bird, as long as they break the law, Dong Yi dares to uproot them!

Dong Yi immediately asked: "Is there a place where I can buy knives?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Just in case, if the other party doesn't cooperate and we don't have enough bullets, I think I might fight them today!"

Speaking of this, Dong Yi's eyes flashed fiercely, and Li Ying frowned when he saw it, and muttered in his heart: "Dang..."

Immediately, the two turned around and left the mahjong house, and came to the street, which really led them to find a handicraft shop.

There are all kinds of handicrafts in the store. Dong Yi went around and found a Tang knife.

It is obviously similar to the Longquan sword and is used for collection.

Dong Yi was heartbroken, and asked about the price, his face froze when he heard the price, and a knife cost ten thousand!
The money on his body was still the five thousand he had just borrowed from his father.

If I had known that I would not have gone to bed so early yesterday, I was thinking about the case, and I forgot to take some of my winning money first.

At this moment, Dong Yi really felt that God was being unfair to him. Why not give him a powerful system and just spend money to install it without thinking!

With so many time-traveling people, why would he have to live on his wages.

As a last resort, Dong Yi looked at Li Ying who was beside him: "Do you have 1 yuan, consider it I borrowed from you!"

Li Ying also simply said: "Yes!" Then he asked the counter boss: "Do you use a card or not?"


At this time, Dong Yi said: "You swipe your card first, and I will go to the toilet!"

After speaking, I asked the boss about the location of the bathroom, got in, and then came to the toilet room and closed the door.

Bring up your own system:
Name: Dong Yi

Shape: 98
Charisma: 100
Physical fitness: 95
Line skills: no use record, current proficiency 0%
Image building: no use record, current proficiency 0%
Character shaping: 5% of the current proficiency [you can open the perception, the next time you open the role perception 10%]

Body language: 5% of the current proficiency [10% for the next time you open the role perception]

Note: When the proficiency reaches a certain level, the host can choose a classic character to enter the meditation.

Life material collection section:

external environment observation
Character observation
Bring in the heart of the character

(End of this chapter)

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