Chapter 138
The captain took Dong Yi to the gymnasium, passed through the athlete's passage, and passed through the locker rooms and lounges.

Finally, at Dong Yi's request, the captain took him outside the bathroom where the little girl disappeared.

Dong Yi first stopped outside the door for a while, observed the surrounding environment, and found that there was nothing wrong, so he returned to the museum the same way.

After a while, Dong Yi stood next to the competition field in the stadium, the whole person became very quiet, and slowly closed his eyes.

Stop for a while, and walk step by step from the hall to the athlete's passage.

Walk slowly, and stop for a moment in front of each lounge and changing room when passing by.

Then, under the bewildered eyes of the security captain, he slowly entered the women's restroom and remained standing still for a full quarter of an hour.

Then he opened his eyes. Dong Yi had just used the system, but his complexion was not good, and he sighed in a low voice: "Unfortunately, I can only figure out the girl's state of mind. As for the robbers, they are too vague."

Although he could only guess the vague figure of the gangster in his mind, he still deduced that Kaixin had been targeted on the eve of the competition. Judging from the fact that the surveillance camera at the entrance was damaged, the criminal had roughly planned his actions in advance. !

After Dong Yi observed the environment of the bathroom, he found that the entire bathroom was a confined space. If he wanted to get out of it, he had to use the door.

After thinking for a while, Dong Yi walked out of the bathroom, stood outside the bathroom door, and clicked to select the character's heart to bring in.

Suddenly, Dong Yi's mind cleared up, and a vague figure appeared in front of his eyes.

The security captain at the side looked at Dong Yi in bewilderment, and couldn't help muttering in his heart: "What is this guy doing, why does he look like sleepwalking?"

Regardless of other things, Dong Yi still does his own thing. At this moment, he is imagining a virtual figure in his mind.

The figure was blurry, a human-shaped black shadow with no facial features, only the outline of the human body, and it appeared in front of him so shriveled.

This is a virtual model that Dong Yi brought into his mind and created in his mind.

Dong Yi conceived it as criminal X, and poured his thoughts into it bit by bit.

First of all, X probably noticed this girl named Kaixin before the game.

After all, apart from winning the runner-up this time, the girl also had good results in other competitions.

As for why the runner-up was chosen instead of the champion, I am afraid that the girl who won the championship did not meet the requirements for appearance.

There should be more than one person in X, I'm afraid there are more than two people in X, the first X is responsible for monitoring the damage to the entrance, and the second is to stop and observe in the venue.

And Dong Yi just like this bit by bit through the blessing of the system, put the settings he thought of on this black shadow.

Then, the black shadow in sight split into two, one walked outside the gymnasium, and the other walked inside the gymnasium.

Dong Yi followed X who walked into the gymnasium and saw that X chose to sit closest to the athletes. Only in this way can he monitor the opponent's every move.

Gradually, X, who was sitting in the first row of auditoriums, showed some gender characteristics under the blessing of the system, with lordosis and back curling, obviously a woman!
Dong Yi immediately realized that the little girl Kaixin lost control of her emotions and ran away aggrieved. This was an accident, and it was also an accident that she ran to the bathroom.

Even though the criminal had observed for a long time in advance and made sufficient preparations, he could not have anticipated such an unexpected situation.

It can only be a woman who can sneak into the women's bathroom without anyone noticing, and he is definitely her!
Because the incident happened suddenly, there was no time to allow him to dress up in disguise!

Thinking of this, in Dong Yi's sight, with the blessing of the system, the scene entered the end of the game.

This would just happen to be the time when the little girl lost and ran away.

And the female black shadow that was formed immediately got up from the seat, and went to the athlete's passage while people were not paying attention.

here!right here!
The shadow outlined in Dong Yi's mind changed again, and clothes began to appear on her body, because the security guards and event staff must be able to set foot in the athlete's passage.

And the clothes she was wearing were the clothes of the event staff, not the security personnel, because most of the security guards were men, and even if there were women, they would attract more attention.

It is not impossible to let her wear security clothing, but it is too conspicuous, which is contrary to what she will do next. Based on the principle of being as low-key as possible, she will most likely choose the clothing of the event staff.

So with the assistance of the system, the black female figure in front of Dong Yi gradually formed the blue clothes of the event organizers on his body.

Dong Yi had seen the costumes of the staff from the surveillance video, so it was easy to apply them to the female black shadow!
At this moment, Dong Yi wondered: "Where did she get this suit?"

Prepare in advance?

Dong Yi thought for a while and denied this idea.

The disappearance of so many little girls, if they can be planned in advance to such an extent, is obviously impossible, then they can only be stolen before the start of the game, or someone picked them off when they were attacked!
Thinking of this, Dong Yi decided that the suspect had good skills!
Look again, in the hands of X who is walking in the passage, a new object slowly emerges. This object changes back and forth from a square to a rhombus.

Seeing this situation, Dong Yi suddenly realized. Under the prompt of the system, Dong Yi caught a detail that he had overlooked.

If the criminal can take the child away from the bathroom without making a sound, then she definitely has something to hide her eyes.

This thing must meet certain conditions. First of all, it must have space for the next child, and then it must be easy to carry and move. Furthermore, this thing is absolutely very common, and it is easy for people to subconsciously ignore it!
At this moment, the object in the hands of the black shadow finally appeared, it was a large suitcase with pulleys at the bottom!

Suitcases are often used by people in life. Even in some competitions, some athletes will put some personal items or some training equipment in the suitcases, so that they can be concealed.

In this situation, Dong Yi speculates that most of the little girls are likely to be taken away in suitcases. This may be the transportation method preset by the entire criminal group in advance!

And if what he expected was correct, the suitcase must have been processed by the suspect, at least there were a few holes drilled to ensure the breathing of the abducted child.

Immediately, Dong Yi followed the shadow and returned to the bathroom door again.

I saw X stepping into the bathroom, stopped for a while, saw no one around, approached the girl on purpose, and then said some concerned words, taking advantage of his unpreparedness, stunned the child with a handkerchief smeared with anesthetic drugs, immediately picked up the little girl and stuffed it into the bathroom. in the suitcase.

Immediately afterwards, a female figure, carrying a suitcase, went out of the bathroom as if nothing had happened, and then went outside the gymnasium, where another X had been waiting for a long time.

Another X accomplice was driving a van, why not a car, probably because the girl was packed into the trunk and the air inside was thin.

The interior space of the car is limited, and the large suitcase can only be placed in the trunk, which can easily cause suffocation.

So it must be a van or something. Make sure there is enough space in the car. After getting in the car, you may take the girl out of the trunk. After all, the purpose of the criminal is to arrest people, not to kill them!

With a long breath, Dong Yi turned off the system, and the security captain on the side pursed his lips tightly and said nothing, but his eyes were full of surprise.

Regardless of this person's reaction, Dong Yi said to him: "Thank you for your cooperation, excuse me!"

After finishing speaking, he left the gymnasium on his own, returned to his red Benz, hurriedly took out his mobile phone from the glove box, and made a call.

On the other side, in the office of the Crime Squad of the West District Police Station...

All the teams of the Serious Crime Squad were busy with their respective cases, and the phone calls in the office kept ringing, making it very noisy.

The hundreds of members of the serious crime team are like ants on a hot pot, busy running around.

The police officer in charge of answering the phone had a microphone in his hand and before he could finish speaking, he heard another phone ring, and the man quickly picked it up: "Hey, what's the matter with the West District Serious Crimes Office?"

Hearing the message on the other end of the phone, this person immediately shouted: "Ade! Your phone!"

Ade hurried over, took the microphone and put it to his ear, and after listening for a few seconds, he hurriedly said, "Dong sir, have you discovered something new?"

"That's right, the badminton girl we visited yesterday was named Kaixin, please find some people to contact the organizer of Haixin's competition last week, and ask if anyone in the staff was attacked on the day of Haixin's competition.

I suspect that some staff members were attacked and their clothes were lost. Maybe there are witnesses. Go now! "


Ade nodded, then hung up the phone, and went to find a colleague to investigate with him...

(End of this chapter)

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