Chapter 136 Raising Gu
"Is that something done by an international mercenary organization?"

Dong Yi shook his head and denied: "There are plenty of professional mercenaries, there is no need for that!
Besides, with all the efforts put into training and education, ordinary mercenaries can find manpower among those who are currently on active duty or retired.

What's more, raising a child, eating, drinking, and drinking are no small expenses! "

Afterwards, the two traveled to many places, and the information they gained was roughly the same. The parents of these children had different backgrounds, some were corporate white-collar workers, businessmen, and public officials.

But their lost daughters all have the same characteristics, that is, they have good physical talents, swimming, gymnastics, dancing, running, martial arts, the missing girls always have their strengths, and they are all better than ordinary children to varying degrees .

Dong Yi couldn't figure this out until it was almost five o'clock in the afternoon. Dong Yi and Ade, who had been busy all day, were driving and planned to have something to eat at a roadside stall.

When the two came to the open-air food stall, Dong Yi casually said, "Boss, two servings of stir-fried beef!"

"OK, wait!"

Then Dong Yi and Ade sat at the table set by the vendor. Dong Yi first picked up the kettle on the table, rinsed the water glasses on the table, poured two cups of tea for himself and Ade, and then took a sip to moisturize Moisturize your throat.

He subconsciously groped into his arms, took out a pack of shriveled cigarettes, and found that it was empty, so he greeted Ade at the same table: "You wait for me here for a while, I'll go buy a pack of cigarettes!"

Ade nodded in response, Dong Yi got up and left, walked towards the nearby small store, came to the store and asked for a pack of Marlboro, and then left the store.

As soon as I left the store, I found two or three children surrounded by a section of grass in front of the store.

Everyone laughed. When Dong Yi passed by, he subconsciously took a look and couldn't help but smile.

Many people had this experience when they were young, that is, they squatted down to watch two gangs of ants fighting in groups. Both ant nests were dispatched, and the fight lasted for two to three hours.

Dong Yi also did this when he was a child in his previous life. He once watched two nests of ants biting each other for two or three hours. Until the end of the war, the ants would clean up the battlefield at the end.

But these children were even more amazing. They specially fed the ants. They put a half-dead grasshopper between two ant nests on purpose, and let them fight. They had a great time playing with each other.

Dong Yi shook his head when he saw this, and then walked away, but he stopped suddenly after walking a few steps, turned his head to look at these children, and cast his eyes on the ants!

Perhaps in the eyes of the child, this is just a game, but Dong Yi has a bold idea. When this idea appears, Dong Yi's eyes are serious.

On the grass, two waves of ants were biting and fighting each other, and the surrounding area was already full of corpses of the same kind. This scene stimulated Dong Yi's nerves.

Dong Yi came back to his senses, hurried to the stall, sat down at the table, and said to Ade, who was at the same table: "Ade, I think I know the motives of the people who kidnapped these girls. This matter!"

Ade looked curious, and quickly asked: "Dong sir, what did you find?"

"Do you know a word?"

"What word?"


"Gu? It sounds familiar. Is it the legendary head drop that is popular in Nanyang?"

Dong Yi shook his head: "No, what I'm talking about is Gu, simply speaking, raising Gu!"

Ade was ignorant, his eyes were bewildered, and he hesitated: "You say so, I have heard some legends about this, but what does this have to do with the girl's disappearance?"

"It has a lot to do with it. At first, I didn't understand why they chose some girls with extraordinary athletic talents. Now I think it's because I have entered a misunderstanding!

Take the cultivation of gu I just mentioned. The so-called cultivation of gu is to catch a lot of poisonous insects, centipedes, toads, poisonous snakes, scorpions and other highly aggressive creatures, and then put them all in a container.

In the confined space, these creatures without food sources will cannibalize each other in order to survive, so fighting is inevitable!

Let these poisonous insects kill each other, the big ones eat the small ones, the strong ones eat the weak ones, and the poisonous ones are killed by the more poisonous ones!

This cycle goes on and on, and after a while, when people open the vessel, they will find the last poisonous insect living in the vessel, and call it—Gu!

The last surviving thing, once it becomes a Gu, compared with the previous creatures, whether it is the toxicity of this Gu or its lethality, it is extremely violent! "

"Dong sir, what do you mean?"

“I mean, these girls are just seedlings specially selected to cultivate poison!
At first I thought it was someone trying to organize these gifted kids into an institution or something.

Now it seems that this is not the case at all. The real purpose of those who abduct and hold girls hostage is to raise these children like poison.

Let them live in a confined space since childhood, then provide them with limited supplies, and then let them fight for survival and kill each other. In the end, only one person will be left!
And the only surviving girl will become the real Gu. She will be a very aggressive killing machine. The purpose of raising such a person is nothing more than two, either to serve a special organization or to... Let her complete a special mission! "

Ade was shocked when he heard this, and then asked in disbelief: "Could it be that these children will soon face the situation of being alone?"

Dong Yi shook his head: "That's not true, in my judgment, they will weed out a group after training for a period of time.

Maybe it will be carried out in batches every year, and after many years, only one person will live in the end! "

"This... isn't this too wasteful, after all, those little girls are all talented!"

Dong Yi frowned: "It seems that the person who caused this incident this time may have a sophisticated organization behind them, and human life is not important to them.

Only those who are useful to them will keep her!

This elimination mechanism not only saves costs, but also can truly cultivate the people they want, so why not do it! "

Ade's heart sank when he heard this. He didn't want to believe Dong Yi's inference, but he felt that Dong Yi's inference was reasonable. His intuition told him that the result of Dong Yi's guess was probably true...

At this moment, Ade could not help but think of those innocent faces of children. After visiting so many families, he has a deeper understanding of these children.

If it is true what Dong Yi said, then these children will soon face an extremely bloody fate!

Thinking of this, Ade hurriedly asked: "Sir Dong, what do you think we should do next?"

Dong Yi narrowed his eyes, and then said: "Tomorrow, you go and order the staff to visit the missing girl's family one by one.

Let them record the relevant details in detail, especially what the girl did before she disappeared, where she went, and who she met. I plan to go to the scene of the disappearance and investigate one by one! "

(End of this chapter)

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