Hong Kong Movie: Pretty Boy and Bad Guy

Chapter 125 Heaven and Hell

Chapter 125 Heaven and Hell
When a wedding is over, some people are happy and some are sad. On the way back, Dong Yi frowned and said, "I don't like my aunt and uncle's family very much!"

Dong Biao drove, looked in the rearview mirror, and saw Dong Yi squeezed in the back seat with an unfriendly expression on his face.

Immediately asked: "What's the matter, I see you were very happy at the wedding!"

"That's just pretending. They're getting married anyway. They can't justify it with a stern face, but their family really has a problem with their behavior. Those poor relatives and friends don't even look straight at them. After all, they are all invited to their wedding. , come to join us, we should take care of what should be taken care of!

Even the dogs were taken for a group photo, while the poorer relatives were left alone.

If it were me, I would have turned over the table and left. If you don't let me be happy, I will make you get married and get married. At worst, you will never get in touch with each other! "

Azhen beside her nodded: "Yes, my uncle's family is just too snobbish. I think if you weren't the superintendent, dad, they wouldn't pay attention to us!"

Dong Biao sighed while driving: "People are such realistic animals. The city of Hong Kong Island is beautiful and beautiful, but if it is cruel and cruel, look out of the car window!"

Hearing that the three brothers and sister Dong Yi couldn't help looking out the window, Xiao Ling frowned: "What's wrong with Dad? It's normal outside the window!"

Ah Zhen also nodded, but Dong Biao asked Dong Yi: "You two younger sisters are still young, what did you see, Ah Yi?"

Dong Yi looked out of the car window. On the narrow and densely populated Hong Kong Island, he saw resplendent and magnificent mansions and commercial buildings towering into the sky.

But I also saw the cage houses, subdivided rooms, and coffin rooms hidden in the corners and alleys at the foot of these rows of brilliant buildings, which are places that even neon lights cannot illuminate.

"Survival of the fittest!"

Dong Yi murmured this sentence.

Dong Biao smiled knowingly: "It's good to see that there are 20 people living in those inconspicuous houses in Hong Kong, and the rent is calculated by the foot!

The three of you brothers and sisters are lucky, at least our family is squeezed into a room of 120 square meters.

Those children who were born in the coffin room did not have such a good life!

Those people, men and women, old and young, are all different. They can't afford a room where they can stand, and they can only live on their knees. "

The fat mother on the co-pilot's seat also shook her head and sighed: "Those caged people are also miserable. They say that Hong Kong Island is the four Asian tigers. In fact, most of them are golden and jade. !"

Hearing this, Ah Zhen asked Dong Yi curiously, "Brother, what exactly are you talking about?"

"We are talking about the gap between the rich and the poor. The city of Hong Kong Island is a place where heaven and hell coexist!" Dong Yi patiently explained.

Dong Biao agreed while driving: "This is why the residents of Hong Kong Island are more pragmatic, and some people are extremely realistic, because in such a cage, there is no room for too much spring and white snow!"

Xiaoling half understood, and said in a childish voice: "But I heard from the teacher that many people suffer from poverty because they don't work hard enough. If we work hard, we won't be like them!"

Dong Yi smiled and nodded: "Yes, so Xiaoling, you have to study hard and become an excellent person when you grow up!"

Dong Yi spoke against his will, and I'm afraid the teacher said something against his will, but only in this way can children have longings and continue to elevate themselves.

Today's Hong Kong Island economy is developing rapidly, but the market is also becoming saturated, and the class is gradually becoming stable.

To be a poor man or to be a rich man, is it destiny or by hand?

This is a topic that can never be said clearly.

In his previous life, Dong Yi once watched a Hong Kong reality show "The Battle of the Rich".

The production team invited the presidents of listed companies, industry elites and young and beautiful models to experience a week of poverty, so as to discuss how to allocate resources and formulate social policies to promote social equity.

Those guests were originally smug and rhetorical, but as a result, those industry leaders couldn't bear to quit halfway when they really experienced the life at the bottom.

Are they not good enough?

They are excellent!

Those guests are very hardworking and capable people in their industry.

It's just that when you really face the life like a quagmire, you will find that the reality cannot accommodate rhetoric, because survival is like a swamp, once you fall into it, you can't get out!
Thinking of this, Dong Yi instinctively remembered that in three years' time, it will be 90 years, and the mainland will become an era of first-served first-served.

The rules of the game were initially decided, and I don't know how many people took advantage of the situation. Times make heroes. That's it. Thinking of this, he felt a little strange.

So he immediately suggested: "Why don't dad spend tens of thousands of dollars and go to the second ring road of the capital to buy a few courtyard houses?"

Nowadays, you can buy a courtyard house in the second ring road of Beijing for about [-] yuan. In Dong Yi's eyes, it is no different from robbing!

The fat mother cursed: "Ayi, what are you talking about, don't you know what the mainland is like, and you don't spend money like this, what do you want to do?"

Dong Yi chuckled: "Mom and Dad, don't worry, the mainland in the future will shock the world and attract worldwide attention, as long as you seize the opportunity..."

Dong Biao was puzzled, and interrupted impatiently: "Nonsense, you can't live in a building, you're crazy!"

Dong Yi frowned helplessly, there was no way his parents wouldn't take it seriously even if he analyzed it layer by layer and said it clearly and logically.

Forget about it for now, I still want to save money, and invest in mainland real estate after saving some money!

But how long will this money be saved? There are still ten years before 97. Dong Yi feels that with his current spending habits of lavishness.

Ten years... In fact, it was enough for him to win several courtyard houses in the capital in 97, but this really tested his patience in saving money.

In Dong Yi's view, saving money is also a kung fu, but this kung fu Dong Yi is considered as bad as home!
Thinking of this, Dong Yi looked at the family beside him, Dong Biao, Fat Mom, Ah Zhen, and Xiao Ling.

Suddenly he frowned, and there was greed in his eyes.

Like enlightenment, I realized that I don't need to save money. Dong Yi's family has an extraordinary wealth luck!

As for his partial wealth luck, when he thought about buying a betting ticket by himself last night, Dong Yi felt a little unconfident, thinking that his partial wealth luck was a little bit off.

Since his partial wealth luck is mediocre, it would be good to try his family members!
People have to learn to take advantage of the situation, and if they are unlucky, they must find a way to get lucky people to help them!

Seeing a lottery shop not far from the car window, Dong Yi hurriedly said, "Dad! Dad!"

"what happened?"

"Dad, there is a lottery shop in front of you. How about we go there as a family to buy a Mark Six lottery ticket today?"

The fat mother likes to play mahjong, and she has a gambler personality, which belongs to the kind of petty trouble. Hearing this, her eyebrows twitched: "Yes, my husband, I just happened to be fine, so I went to buy a Mark Six lottery. What if I win the big prize?"

"Hehe...how can it be so easy to win the Mark Six lottery? Otherwise, why was A Yi jumping up and down in a daze last night?" Dong Biao looked disdainful.

(End of this chapter)

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