Chapter 122
"Boss, I buy the national football team to win!"

"The boss doubles! I buy the national football team!"

"The national football team overthrew Kuwait! Show me the power of China!"

"Boss! I bet two thousand. This is all my net worth. If I buy the national football team, I lose!" Suddenly, a person broke the peace in the lottery shop.

Everyone looked at this person in unison, and an elderly man frowned and said: "I came to Hong Kong Island from Shandong and lived here for decades. Young people, although Hong Kong Island is now under the jurisdiction of the British government, we They are all descendants of the dragon! Young man, you look like a dog, why are you so unpatriotic!"

"That's right, bah! Dog traitor!"

"Hmph... all compatriots whose blood is thicker than water, who speak Cantonese and know Chinese characters! Are you doing this right to your ancestors?"

Hearing the condemnation in his ears, Dong Yi curled his lips. He didn't expect the residents of Hong Kong Island in 1987 to have such a strong sense of ethnic belonging.

Dong Yi also has it. He has been a man for two generations, and he regards himself as a Chinese, and he is proud of it!

But the national football team cannot represent China!

But what he didn't expect was that in 1987, there were so many people optimistic about the national football team? ! !
National football!National football team!That's an adou that generations of people can't help!
Dong Yi would not bother to talk to him if he hadn't made it clear that he was making money. He remembered that when he was a child in his previous life, he went to eat with his family, and the owner of that store was probably also a fan.

There is a dish called Huaguo Football. The family thought it was fresh, so they ordered this dish.

As a result, Dong Yi was stunned when it was served. A big pig’s trotter was served with a dish of stinky tofu. The two dishes were combined into one dish, which was called: Huaguo Football!
Look, how angry the boss is!
When he was a child, Dong Yi naively thought that when the post-90s grew up, everything would be fine!
As a result, 90 has grown up, and 00 is about to grow up again. Damn it, why is the national football team not growing up yet!

At this moment, Dong Yi really did not expect that the residents of Hong Kong Island in 87 were so optimistic about the national football team, but it’s okay, there will be times when you vomit blood and die!
Dong Yi hurriedly shouted: "I am also patriotic! I am also the Chinese nation, a descendant of the dragon!

However, the national football team is a sports event, a competitive game.

It can't represent China, there are many representing our China, such as industry, military industry, army, bright rivers, places of interest, poetry and songs, he is not qualified to represent China with a small ball!
Boss, I buy and lose!lose!lose! "

He still doesn't know what kind of piss the national football team is. It's just that the mud can't support the wall, and it's crazy to have money and not make money!

Dong Yi ignored the crowd, determined to buy and lose, took the betting ticket, turned and left the lottery shop, looked at the indignation of the crowd behind him, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and said: "You don't understand! In the hands of a few!"

Then he turned his head and walked towards his own direction.

In the evening, the family just finished eating, sitting on the sofa, watching TV.

Dong Yi specifically tuned the station to the sports channel to watch the national football match against Kuwait broadcast on the TV station.

A family of five stared at the screen intently, and with the sound of a whistle, the field was very lively with you coming and going!

Not long after, Dong Biao suddenly slapped his thigh: "Oh! What happened, the ball was missed! It's one to zero!"

The fat mother cursed: "Kick back, kick back!"

"Come on, national football! Come on, national football!" Ah Zhen and Xiao Ling clenched their fists and gritted their teeth.


Suddenly there was a wolf howl, and Dong Yi immediately got up from the sofa, dancing with his hands and feet: "Who brought you to my side? It's that sweet banknote! It's that shiny gold coin, it's that shiny gold coin! It's that shiny gold coin gold!"

"Crazy! Watch TV for me, why are you crying and howling!" Dong Biao frowned.

The fat mother scolded: "What are you doing, it's scary!"

Ah Zhen watched Dong Yi pouted and shook his head strangely, but Xiao Ling danced along with her.

Dong Yi felt that he was indeed a little too excited, and in addition to being in his own home, he naturally let it go without any scruples, but it was a little too much!

So he immediately sat back on the sofa. In fact, he also had a gamble. After all, this is a movie world, and the national football team here may not be the one from the previous life. What if something unexpected happens?
But seeing now, Dong Yi is determined. Whether it is reality or a movie, the national football team is the same national football team. It has played steadily as before. It was kicked [-]-[-] at the beginning of the first half. Dong Yi felt at ease. It is completely at the level that the national football team should have. It lives up to expectations and is worthy of praise. Keep up the good work!
When the first half was about to end, Dong Biao suddenly raised his head and sighed: "Two to zero! It's hard!"

The fat mother let out a sigh: "Oh! What happened, a good football is played like this!"

A Zhen and Xiao Ling, one big and one small, all frowned, with ugly expressions on their faces!
Clap clap clap!

Dong Yi's face was flushed, he couldn't stop applauding, his eyes were all bright, and his mouth was full of laughter.


Dong Yi found that it was a little quiet around him, so he saw a family of people looking at him with puzzled faces, each of them frowned and squinted.

Seeing this, Dong Yi twitched the corners of his upturned mouth, slowly shrunk his mouth, mobilized his facial muscles vigorously, winked his eyebrows, made a mournful look, covered his mouth lightly with his right hand, turned his head to one side, and sobbed with melancholy eyes: "I'm so sad, it's two to zero, the national football team is playing really hard! Woooooo...huh...huh...chichichi..."

Looking at Dong Yi again, he turned his head to one side on the sofa, covered his face with his hands, his shoulders were shaking abnormally, and he made a sound like crying and laughing, and he didn't know what he was doing.

Dong Biao and the others were too lazy to talk to him, and continued to watch the screen until the end of the first half, when the TV commercials were interrupted. At this time, Dong Yi didn't plan to watch any more, so he got up and went to the bedroom. Seeing this, Ah Zhen hurriedly asked: "Brother The game is not over yet, don't you want to watch it?"

Dong Yi looked back at A Zhen, looking hopeless, and confided quietly: "I'm so sad, the national football team was kicked [-]-[-], that's it for the first half, and I don't know what happened in the second half!
My heart can't take it anymore, I want to be alone, just let me cry in the bedroom alone! "

After finishing speaking, he entered the bedroom without looking back, closed the door and cried alone.

Seeing Dong Yi's appearance, Ah Zhen frowned, her face full of doubts, and she muttered, "What the hell are you doing?"

At this time, Dong Biao hurriedly said: "Hurry up, the second half has begun!"

And Dong Yi was in the bedroom, lying on the bed, looking at the betting ticket in his hand, smiling from ear to ear, muttering: "National football team! Thank you for sending me such a surprise, the next few Yue's debauchery, I can rely on you!


Just when Dong Yi wanted to laugh out loud, he suddenly covered his mouth, thinking that he shouldn't be so unscrupulous, after all, he was a family, so he had to care about the national feelings of his relatives, right?

After they have been educated by the national football team, I believe that sooner or later they will agree with what Dong Yi said that the national football team is a sport, at best it is a game, it does not represent anything, let it fend for itself!

(End of this chapter)

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