Hong Kong Movie: Pretty Boy and Bad Guy

Chapter 12 Appearance Doesn't Matter

Chapter 12 Appearance Doesn't Matter

"One-two! One-two! One-two!"

While leading the members of the Flying Tigers to run, Jane Sir continued to speed up and run towards the official Hu Jiao.

When the two teams were running side by side, the Bawanghua female players couldn't help but look towards the back, and each female player began to turn their heads frequently. Wu Junjun was absent-mindedly shouting slogans, and at the same time, he kept gesturing to Annie behind him. .

Annie looked in the direction indicated by Wu Junjun's eyes, and saw Dong Yi, who was the last in the Flying Tigers team, with an eye-catching body.

The body that has been carefully sculpted like a sculpture, the eight-packed abdominal muscles, and the erect chest muscles, swaying with the steps, shone with a healthy bronze color. It looked like a sophisticated machine, shining so that Eye-catching mechanical beauty.

Annie gulped down her saliva. This perfect and alluring body made her heart throb. Looking at each of the overlord flower players, she turned her head to look backward from time to time, with a faint blush on her cheeks.

Suddenly, the female player in the front row lost her concentration and slipped, causing her whole body to stumble involuntarily. This directly caused the teammates following behind to collide with each other, causing a series of chain reactions.

The originally neat team suddenly became chaotic. Instructor Hu helplessly shook his head beside the team, so he ordered loudly with a cold face: "All Bawanghua team members obey the order and stand at attention."

All Bawanghua players immediately lined up one by one and straightened their backs.

Meanwhile, Jane Sir, who was at the side, led the members of the Flying Tigers to stand still, and said to Instructor Hu with a smile, "Instructor Hu, are you okay!"

Instructor Hu looked at Sir Jane angrily, and said coldly: "Instructor Jane, what are you doing stopping?"

"Uh...Aren't I here to wait for you?"

"Oh? That's right, how about this, I ask you to borrow someone, how about it?"

Doubt flashed in Jian Sir's eyes when he heard the words, and he ordered the team to stand still, and then asked Instructor Hu, "Borrower...whom?"

Hu Huizhong pointed to Dong Yi who was the last one in line and said, "I want to borrow him!"

There was a strange look in Jane sir's eyes, but it was not easy to reject her sweetheart face to face, so she ordered: "Dong Yi come out!"


Dong Yi stood up immediately after hearing the words. Hu Huizhong saw this and then ordered: "All the Overlord Flowers obey the order, with Dong Yi as the center, and stand around him!"

All the Bawanghua members heard the words and stood obediently around Dong Yi, but their eyes were flickering at this time, and they dared not look directly at Dong Yi. Only the female team members surrounded by Dong Yi looked at Dong Yi from time to time. Yi has a fit and sexy figure.

Dong Yi, who was surrounded by people and stared at him, could not help but feel embarrassed in his eyes, no matter how thick-skinned he was.

Instructor Hu came to a female player and asked loudly, "Do you think he looks good?"

The female team member shyly glanced at Dong Yi, seeing his well-proportioned and perfect figure, and his extraordinary handsome appearance, she nodded subconsciously, and suddenly shook her head hastily as if she understood something.

Instructor Hu then asked each of the Bawanghua girls one by one, and all of them shook their heads shyly.

Instructor Hu sneered: "All of you think he is not good-looking, so why were you distracted when you were running just now? Since you like watching it so much, I will let you watch it enough!"

All the members of the Flying Tigers looked like they were just watching the excitement and didn't take it too seriously. They acted like a crowd and burst into laughter.

Dong Yi felt helpless: "I'm provoking someone. If it's wrong because I'm too handsome, then I admit it!"

Jian Sir came to Instructor Hu with a smile on his face and persuaded him: "Instructor Hu, actually you don't need to blame your team members so much, the so-called same-sex repels opposite-sex attracts, this is a natural law, very reasonable thing .”

Instructor Hu glanced at Sir Jian meaningfully, and then said to all the Bawanghua team members: "Yes, just like Sir Jian said, I don't blame you for being distracted while running."

Then he pointed to Dong Yi and continued: "Do you know why you are attracted to this male player?"

"Wu Junjun, tell me your answer!"

Wu Junjun twitched and said: "Instructor, everyone knows about this, how can you let people talk!"

"Then let me tell you, it's because the man surrounded by you is good enough, because good people will naturally attract attention!"

Instructor Hu continued as if nothing had happened: "As a woman, when meeting outstanding people, especially the opposite sex, they are often attracted to them immediately.

You can look at Dong Yi in front of you. His limbs are slender and his muscles are evenly distributed. Such a male torso is the best among men.

But he can have such a perfect torso, not overnight.

With a body like his, it takes a lot of time and energy to exercise first, and I don’t know how much sweat it takes. This kind of person is extremely self-disciplined, and it is precisely because of this that he can have such an excellent body, and this kind of self-demand is strict. All the people, without exception, are all outstanding people! "

Listening to Hu Huizhong's praise, Dong Yi was also a little embarrassed, and secretly said in his heart: "Actually, I'm not as good as you said, I just turned it on a little bit."

But at this moment, Hu Huizhong changed the subject: "If a woman is attracted to such a body of the opposite sex, there is nothing wrong with it. It is scary that some people have little flesh on their body, and they still want to show it off. Self-knowledge, what do you think Jane sir!"

Jane sir touched the bridge of his nose and muttered, "It's not the same thing, the main reason is that the weather is too hot, so take off your shirt to cool off."

Hu Huizhong nodded when she heard the words: "Yes, it's early in the morning, and the weather is as hot as noon. It's true that you can take off your shirt to feel more comfortable."

After speaking, Hu Huizhong immediately ordered: "All Bawanghua listen to the order, return to their original positions and stand still!"

After a while of footsteps, the Overlord Flowers lined up, and Hu Huizhong smiled at Sir Jane and asked, "By the way, Sir Jane, there is a fork in the road ahead. Which way are you going?"

"Uh...left!" Sir Jian said, pointing in a random direction.

Hu Huizhong was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Really! That's such a coincidence!"

Sir Jian's eyes lit up: "Instructor Hu, what do you mean..."

"What I mean is what a coincidence, let's go to the right." After speaking, Hu Huizhong ran away with Bawanghua on his own.

Sir Jane was choked for a while and could not speak. Dong Yi ran to Sir Jane, and he didn't want to be in trouble, but this is the police force after all, and he can only act after getting approval for everything during training. .

So biting the bullet, Dong Yi said hesitantly: "Jane sir, don't take it to heart, it's no big deal, do you think I can return to the team?"


With a long sigh, Sir Jane waved helplessly: "You go back to the team first."


Dong Yi immediately returned to his original position, and when everyone stood up, Sir Jian looked lonely and led the team to run to the left of the intersection ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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