The desperate situation begins with the villain BOSS

Chapter 81 The Disappearing Spades 5

Chapter 81 The Five of Spades Disappearing in the World

No matter how shocked others were, Ning Feng brought a group of people back to the Hongyang Martial Arts Gym. The current Hongyang Martial Arts Gym was full of people, and the little girl Wu Xianyi made a big table of delicious food, just like a festival.

Ning Feng nodded, raised his cup and drank the coke, several people and a beast sat around together, the players inside couldn't taste it, so let's join in the fun, this beast is of course a stupid dog, Now the silly dog ​​is terrible, squatting on the ground is as tall as a person, and the Shuanghua Moon Rabbit is hugged by the little girl Wu Xianyi, except for Qingguoqingcheng and Aoshi Huangfei who are holding one each, the others have just opened their eyes. Open Eyes is running around in the attic, exploring the new world.

Seeing one of them nibbling on the table leg, Ning Feng couldn't help but twitched his brows. The female rabbit in the little girl's arms was enjoying petting, not worried about losing her cubs at all.

He stuffed a piece of pork belly into his mouth and exclaimed, "This tastes very good!"

Wu Xianyi opened her eyes wide and looked at Ning Feng, "Really?" The little girl was still very happy to receive Ning Feng's appreciation.

Ning Feng nodded.

"Next time, I will continue. Master, you can try other things!" In order not to let Qing Guo Qing Cheng misunderstand, Ning Feng asked Wu Xianyi to call himself Master just like his two older brothers.

"Okay, I'll try the other ones, and you guys too!" Ning Feng smiled.

After defeating Lei Heming, Ning Feng was very calm. To Ning Feng, Lei Heming was just a small stone on the road to the future. Now he kicked this small stone away, but it also exposed Ning Feng a lot. I believe that after today, the fact that he Ning Feng became a Tian Tier will become known all over the city, and many people will even focus on the Tian Tier Armament.

After eating, several people were rushed by Ning Feng to do the task, sitting quietly in the attic, while the bustling players downstairs were receiving the task and clearing the dungeon.

This one is one afternoon.

Slowly drinking Sprite, on the table in front of him are the flag of Senluo Martial Arts and the three hundred million, and of course there is a five of spades poker card, which was sent by the United Chamber of Commerce, Ning Feng tried it out After a while, he found that he didn't know where the playing card came from, it seemed to be caught in it.

Reminiscent of the Five of Spades that appeared in the United Chamber of Commerce last time, it seems that the Five of Spades has always been hidden in the United Chamber of Commerce. Presumably, among the major forces, only the seemingly strict but extremely loose United Chamber of Commerce is suitable for hiding. But it's hard to say that he and Tang Dade are familiar with each other.

The meaning of this piece of poker should be obvious, the five of spades is reminding him that from the five of spades, Ning Feng, the three of diamonds, has fully awakened, and since he has awakened, he should return to the organization and start implementing the One-Eyed Society in City G plan.

It seems that Five of Spades will come to visit tonight. Ning Feng read the information, and he smiled slightly. Now he is different from Pieces of Diamonds. After being promoted to the Heavenly Rank, especially with the [Dark Forbidden Object], the remaining brand They have all disappeared, and now Five of Spades wants to control Ning Feng like a dream.

"Since we're coming, we still have to prepare well!" Ning Feng murmured.

After dinner, Ning Feng arranged for Wu Xianyi to go to bed early. Fortunately, there were not many people at night and there was no need to clear the venue. After dinner, Ning Feng sat quietly in the attic and waited for the Five of Spades to arrive.

Putting a piece of potato chips into his mouth, it creaked, and Ning Feng ate it with relish. Anyway, he doesn’t need to be afraid of gaining weight as a master of heaven, so he eats more recklessly than before. Master Ning’s food processing factory is full of tons. Tons of Sprite, Coke, potato chips, and instant noodles were shipped over.

After twelve o'clock, it was already midnight, and finally the wind chime installed on the window by Qingguoqingcheng and Wu Xianyi began to ring slightly. In Ning Feng's perception, a figure appeared in the corner of the attic. Here comes five.

"It seems that the job of the Five of Spades is a Spirit Fighter" Ning Feng said silently, and only a Spirit Fighter can appear in a certain place quietly, not to mention that the Five of Spades is good at assassinating disguises.

It's just that no matter how well the five of spades are hidden, they can't escape the induction of the fighting master. With the help of the induction of the fighting master's profession, Ning Feng can clearly know the trajectory of the five of spades.

"Are you here?" This time Ning Feng decided to use offense instead of defense, and filled the empty glass opposite with iced Sprite with his right hand, "Come, have a drink, this thing is pretty good!"

The five of spades disappeared from the shadows, revealing the face of a clown, the five of spades on the cheeks was even more unrestrained, the five of spades walked over and sat opposite Ning Feng, and drank the iced Sprite in one gulp.

Ning Feng filled another glass for him.

"Don't drink it, don't drink it, this thing is everywhere now, what, you still like this thing?" Five of Spades joked.

Ning Feng nodded, "This thing is not bad, it tastes good! By the way, aren't you afraid that I will protect it from viruses?"

The evil spirit on Wutao Wuyi's face said, "It's just you who put the poison? It's a pity that there is no poison that can kill me now!"

Ning Feng said with a smile: "There is a kind of gambling, which is colorless and tasteless, and it is extremely bland when placed in water. It only takes a little bit to kill 100 people!"

"Are you serious? Don't be ridiculous. I'm here to send you a mission. I have a new mission!" Five of Spades smiled charmingly.

Ning Feng continued: "There is a kind of bet, which is colorless and tasteless, and it is extremely bland when placed in water. Just a little bit can kill 100 people. You just drank it!"

Five of Spades suddenly jumped up alertly: "Are you serious?"

"You also want to learn Seven of Clubs?" Five of Spades took out a pitch-black dagger, which was very similar to the Thorn of Darkness encountered in the underground research institute before.

"Drink it all, what are you still worried about, don't worry it's not poisonous!" Ning Feng laughed again.

Five of Spades has been staring at Ning Feng, looking at Ning Feng's expression.

A few minutes later, the five of spades put away the dagger,
"This joke is not funny. If you want to betray the organization, the fate of the seven of clubs will be your fate!" Deep in the five of spades, the tongue evilly licked his lips.

Ning Feng filled a glass for himself: "Tell me, what kind of tasks do I need this time!" Ning Feng drank the iced Sprite in the glass to himself!
"No, who the hell are you? Five of Spades jumped up again.

"Who are you? You are not the three of diamonds. Who are you?" Five of Spades looked at Ning Feng vigilantly, and the black dagger was once again held by Five of Spades.

"Have you finally been discovered?" Ning Feng sighed, because the brand has completely disappeared, even if Ning Feng imitated the breath of the brand, he still couldn't hide the dark forbidden object in the five of spades' hands. induction.

"Who the hell are you? That kid absolutely doesn't have the ability to get rid of the mark of the holy object!"

In the courtyard, Shagou sensed the aura of the five of spades when the five of spades came in, but after entering the attic, the aura disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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