Chapter 73 Merit System
Overnight, a large number of players below level 100 joined the Cang Lei Martial Arts Hall. In addition, more than [-] prefecture-level players from the Hongyang Martial Arts Hall also joined the Cang Lei Martial Arts Hall. This was unexpected by Ning Feng In terms of resources, he and the Lei family are too different. The Tianma Huo family has not provided him with any resources, and he has not asked the Tianma Huo family to provide any resources. Both parties have a tacit understanding.

After dawn, Ning Feng went to the bounty guild. The bounty guild is a relatively loose organization. They are the largest task release center in the world.

Of course, many martial arts gyms have the function of undertaking missions, such as the martial arts gyms of the Lu family and the Yi family. The so-called martial arts gyms are originally the tentacles of these families, collecting talents, information, and profit-making platforms. Naturally, undertaking missions is one of their businesses. , but the ability to undertake tasks is not as strong as the bounty guild.

The owner of the Tianma Huojia Promotion Pavilion, which is ranked in the top [-] of the family rankings, visited. A branch president of the bounty guild naturally wanted to meet him in person, but Ning Feng only stayed for half an hour before leaving the bounty guild and went straight United Chamber of Commerce.

Naturally, the purpose of coming to the United Chamber of Commerce is to inquire about the huge sum of money, and then to conduct daily transactions. Another thing is to establish a sales relationship with the Commodity Federation.

Tang Dade, who has already reached the prefecture level, received Ning Feng with a smile. Naturally, he would not refuse Ning Feng's request. Speaking of the huge sum of money, Tang Dade said that the Lu family has already been eyeing the money here, and they want to get an estimate. Ning Feng still needs to do some work.

Ning Feng also knew in his heart that the huge sum of [-] million yuan was not so easy to get, but he naturally had a way. He walked out of the United Chamber of Commerce happily, and Ning Feng went back to the Hongyang Martial Arts Hall. Looking at the magnificent Martial Arts Hall, What is certain is that the Tianma Huo family at that time still spent a lot of thought.

It's just that the Hongyang Martial Arts Hall has already died, and what remains is the Hongyang Martial Arts Hall supported by Ning Feng with players as the core. There are still two tests waiting for it. After the storm, it will be his new life.

Cang Lei Martial Arts Hall, at this time there is a lot of voices outside the Martial Arts Hall. Of course, the voices are all from the players. There are 100 disciples and more than [-] prefecture-level players dug from Hongyang Martial Arts Hall to invite more than [-] prefecture-level players in the Cang Lei Martial Arts Hall. Line up in front of the door to receive equipment and entry rewards!

To be fair, the rewards of the Cang Lei Martial Arts Hall are still very rich. Prefectural-level players each have a D outfit, and there are [-] and a half taels. The basic skills awarded to ordinary players for entry are much richer than the promotion of the Martial Arts Hall.

"My lord, this time we directly recruited 110 aliens, and 6000 prefecture-level aliens dug from the Hongyang Martial Arts Hall. Look, this is not bad. These [-] people are all with good qualifications, or Immortal!" Lei Yuan looked at Lei Heming obsequiously.

Lei Heming murmured, "Well, well done!" The 110 aliens didn't spend any money, but the 100 disciples still cost a lot. D-level materials are not equal to D-level equipment. Sometimes it takes a few pieces of D-level materials to forge a What about a D suit? More than [-] pieces of D kits cost a lot of money, which made Lei Heming, a celestial boss, feel a lot of heartache.

Lei Yuan thought that Lei Heming was very dissatisfied with only finding more than 100 players, so he quickly said, "My lord, the remaining 200 players are still in trouble. Otherwise, I will fight with them!"

More than 100 pieces of D-suit Lei Heming is already very heartbroken, how much money is it to buy a little girl, "Well! This poacher is what you do now, when the time comes when Hongyang Wuguan is gone, it will naturally come!"

Hearing Lei Heming's words, Lei Yuan naturally understood that the two biggest expenditures in Cang Lei Martial Arts School were to buy the little girl and the second was to buy coffin boards.Since Lei Heming was dispatched to City G ten years ago, the depths of Cang Lei Martial Arts Hall have been emptied.

Only he knows the password of the martial arts gym, and this is also the reason why he can gain Lei Heming's trust.

In the attic, Ning Feng is still sipping tea calmly. Swaying in the wind has already informed Ning Feng of the latest situation. The four inner disciples, plus the five players who are overwhelmed by the country and the city, are far away. Concubine, it's just that the people who go online are not so diligent. Let's take these five people as an example. It was right to choose to sway with the wind at that time. explain.

At this moment, Floating with the Wind looked at Ning Feng very anxiously.

Looking at the panel, the one hundred and one players quit the Hongyang martial arts gym one after another, Ning Feng was not in a hurry, and waited for a while after returning to the martial arts gym.

At noon, Ning Feng walked down the stairs with Fluttering in the Wind and Qingguoqingcheng, and walked to the Martial Arts Arena. The Huo family spent a lot of money here before, and many martial arts gyms don't have this thing.

"Ning Feng has gone downstairs. It seems that something is about to be announced!" A prefecture-level player under the armpit found Ning Feng. He naturally received the invitation from the Cang Lei Martial Arts Hall. Wuguan still has a kind of emotion that fetters him. As one of the first batch of [-] players, he has feelings for promoting Wuguan from scratch.

Ning Feng walked to the Martial Arts Arena. The decoration style of the Hongyang Martial Arts Hall was the same. Seeing this Martial Arts Arena reminded him of the distant Tianma City.

At this time, all the players in the martial arts field gathered around Ning Feng.

Originally, Ning Feng could release this news directly on the panel, but life still needs a sense of ceremony, after all, it is such an important news.

Ning Feng said directly: "From today onwards, there is still no limit to the recruitment of disciples, no matter your level, regardless of your position, no matter whether your talent is good or bad, as long as you join the Hongyang Wuguan, you are the disciples of the Hongyang Wuguan. The disciples of the hall should stick to honesty, loyalty, and friendliness, and they must believe in their words, and their deeds must be resolute, and their promises must be true!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned. In fact, some of the players naturally guessed that facing the offensive of Cang Lei Martial Arts, Hongyang Martial Arts will naturally come up with a countermeasure. After all, in the eyes of many players, Ning Feng is their new opponent. Point to passers-by.

Then Ning Feng announced the second thing.

The first thing is to carry forward the martial arts to open the merit system, and any items can be exchanged for merit points.Players can choose to receive bounty tasks, and after completing them, they can get merit points, or submit materials or items required by the martial arts gym in exchange for merit points.

The second thing is that from today onwards, the promotion of martial arts is divided into outer sect, inner sect, and direct disciples. Those who have just entered the martial arts gym are outer disciples, and after the prefecture level, they can be inner disciples, and those with top aptitude are direct disciples.

Outer disciples can get 100 merit points after getting started, inner disciples can get 1000 merit points after advancing, and direct disciples can get 10000 merit points.

100 merit points can be exchanged for a set of whiteboard novice equipment, 1000 merit points can be exchanged for a set of D-level equipment, and 10000 merit points can be exchanged for a set of C-level equipment.

Of course, there are many ways to use merit points, such as exchanging for the materials or items you need, and even the experience required for upgrading. Here is the list of what you can exchange.

After the announcement was completed, the panel was synchronized. Next, all he had to do was wait for some players to join. I believe that the disciples in the guild hall will spread the word about this moment.

In fact, 5 minutes after Ning Feng made the announcement, a post about this matter appeared in the wheel pattern of the game "Desperate Land".

"Promotion Martial Arts Announces Unlimited Recruitment of Players"

"Promote Martial Arts - Come and send equipment"

"Shock!Carry forward the meritorious service of opening the martial arts school"

(End of this chapter)

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