The desperate situation begins with the villain BOSS

Chapter 504 The Spoils of the Last King

Chapter 504 The Spoils of the Last King
At dusk, Xiang collapsed, and Ning Feng and the others finally joined forces and knocked down the huge monster.

Sure enough, this seemingly solid Shi Hanhan still has his own weaknesses.

Since ancient times, all powerful castles have been breached from the inside, and this is naturally the same

Ning Feng looked at the huge statue, which collapsed suddenly, kicking up dust all over the place.

When he emerged from the ruins of the Twilight Statue, he came to Twilight's side.

"How about Wang, this guy is really not resistant to beating, he was easily defeated by us!"

Ning Feng looked at Dang and said, "It's all thanks to you!"

Dang smiled implicitly, and then he said to Ning Feng.

"I don't know when this stone statue appeared. I still remember that the last human king told us that the human race will never set up a statue, and respect the gods and gods, but they only don't believe in it! They can only believe in their own strength!"

Ning Feng nodded and said: "That's right, so how did this idol appear here, we need to explore it carefully! You are a good thing!"

"Do you still remember what happened back then? Why did the world of Renwang become what it is today?"

Hearing Ning Feng's question, he fell into deep thought for a moment.Said to Ning Feng.

"That year, together with the King of People, we passed through the eye of the universe and entered the sea of ​​stars at dusk, but after entering the new sea, we did not encounter the army at dusk, but we saw a ray of light, and then we were me. I don’t remember, when I woke up, mine appeared in the world of the Human King! With me, there are many human races who suddenly lost their memory like me. Appearing in Renxing Good World during this period of time!"

"I once talked to the King of Humans about this matter, but the King of Humans didn't tell us anything. He seemed to be waiting for us to wake up and come back. He was seriously injured, and then he told us that our expedition It failed, but he smiled and said to us that even though he failed, he still bit off a piece of flesh from Huang Hong's body, and the biting dusk hurts so much!"

"When I saw the last king, there was a long print on his back with a pale face. Through the paw prints, he could almost see the appearance of his body. It was really bloody and terrifying, but don't treat people, Wang. He also took out a golden piece of meat, and he told me that it is the flesh and blood of Twilight, as long as he eats it, he can get the power of Twilight!"

"The appearance of the last king of human beings when he said these words shocked me. It was as terrifying as it could be! Then I saw a piece of meat from his family swallowed it raw, and then the whole human king realm happened. The earth-shaking changes, the great king, you have awakened me again!"

Listening to his explanation, Ning Feng took a look at the ruined god statue.

At this moment, a light cluster rose from the center of the statue.

"What is that? It seems to be some great treasure!"

Seeing this ball of light, the Lord of Slaughter and his party naturally felt that it was a very remarkable thing and must be a treasure.

All the main gods started to get excited, they desperately wanted to enter this spaceship, wasn't it for this thing?
Let Ning Feng look calm, when he saw the light ball, he knew what the light ball was.

This is probably the last ball of light left for him without taking anyone there.

"This is the last gift from the Last King!"

Guangming Shengzi saw that the Lord of Slaughter was excited to fight for the light ball. He glanced at Ning Feng and found that Ning Feng hadn't moved, so he didn't rush to grab the light ball but asked Ning Feng .

Ning Feng told him, what is in that light ball?This is a gift from the last king. Hearing this word, the Holy Son of Light rang out the words of the Lord of Dawn.

In that pile of ruins, there may be a gift left by that man to his descendants. Don't touch it. That man is very stingy, so even if his gift is right in front of your eyes, you can't get it from him.

The Son of Light, who is deeply loved by the Church of the Lord of Dawn, naturally did not pretend to be sentimental to snatch the light ball, because he knew that it was a gift left by that man to his descendants.

Who is that man?That man is a general of the last generation of kings. The people who had been gradually declining once again brought back the existence of the peak. Which man is more powerful than the king of gods?
Legend has it that the man is so powerful that only Dusk can lead him.

One must know that the man had once conquered the sea of ​​stars in the dusk, and survived from the sea of ​​hearts in the dusk.This is almost an impossible thing, but that man did it, and even arranged a way for the human race to escape.

The most important thing is that the outside world has been rumoring that the birth of the Angel Race is inseparable from that man, and it is even very possible that that man is the priest of all the main gods of the light department.

It is only in this way that the angel race can become the latest but most powerful one among the four major races.

Regarding this rumor, the Holy Son of Light is naturally the clearest.

If you don't count the angel family who used up the bright reincarnation pool.

Son of Light is the last child of the Lord of Dawn.

As for why it's the last one.

It was because the Lord of Dawn had already used up that man's cells.

Yes!All the main gods of the light department come from the reaction produced by that man's cells and the light turning pool.

In more technical terms, the Bright Reincarnation Pool is a huge cell multiplier.

The master of the artifact, uses his own cells to combine with the dead cells of the last generation.

Then this embryo grows continuously in the bright reincarnation pool until it grows into a human shape and grows wings.

This is the origin of all the god kings of the Guangming Department and the origin of the Son of Guangming.

It can be accurately said that the King of the Last Generation is the father of the Son of Light, and the Lord of Dawn is the mother of the Son of Light.

Otherwise, they are all products of high technology, but it is irrefutable that their blood, the biggest part comes from not waiting for death.

as predicted.

When the dissatisfied Lord God touched the light ball, the light ball emitted a powerful halo, which directly knocked Killing Chase to the ground, unable to move.


Even stared blankly at Ning Feng.

Feng was surprised, "I didn't expect this light group to have a paralyzing effect! That's the main god!"

These main gods seemed to treat no one, and they became so vulnerable in front of me.

"This is too scary!"

Except for the Knockout Lord who was knocked down, the other hosts were stunned.

Fortunately, the halo couldn't kill them, otherwise they would have fallen here.

Generally speaking, those who live a long time are sharper, especially these long-lived main gods. For them, their own lives are much more important than some kinds of treasures.

Of course, there are exceptions who are not afraid of death. Mo Tian stretched out his hand silently, and as expected when he touched the light ball, a white lightning directly stunned Mo Tian on the spot.

"Don't touch that thing if you don't have the strength!"

The Shame of Hope, who was watching the fun from the sidelines, let out a roar.

Only then did the Lord Gods have to stop.

Guangming Shengzi looked at the scene on the field, he turned his head and said to Ning Feng.

"It seems that our business is going to make a wedding dress for you!"

The ridicule revealed in Huang Mingshengzi's words made Lin Feng feel a little strange, but he froze for a moment.

Not because of the Holy Son of Light, but because of the Lord of Dawn.

All of Ning Feng's tensions avatars are killing all directions on the battlefield in the new city.

Now everyone knows that an angel named Lucifer has killed a lot in the new city, but no one has followed his footsteps.

I'm afraid it's the God of Gamblers.

Yes, just three days ago, the main god of the opponent made a move. The main god of the demon clan and the demon clan shot at the same time, but they were directly repelled by Lucifer.

This battle also made everyone realize that the angel family has since added a main god named Lucifer.

It's just that after becoming the main god, Lucifer did not leave the new idiom, but stayed in the new idiom.

On this day, Chen Qizhi came suddenly, in Lucifer's life.

"How did you find it here?"

Like Karazhan, Lucifer's achievements were placed in the gaps in the depths of the universe.

You said that no one in this place can come here, even if the other party is a god king.

Without being in this huge gap in space, it is impossible for them to find Ning Feng's kingdom of God, and they will be lost by this gap in space.

The program master actually descended directly into his kingdom of God.

This made him very puzzled and terrified.

"How did you do it, why did you appear in my kingdom of God?"

And the master Chen Xi seemed to come uninvited, but he was more like a master than Ning Feng, he was wearing a white robe.

Although the robe was long, it couldn't hide the graceful figure inside.

Chen Xizhu walked past Ning Feng with Ren Ningfeng's shoulders inserted, and then sat on Lin Feng's divine throne.

"Why do you think it's strange? You came out of my reincarnation pool. It's not difficult for me to leave a mark on you, right?"

With these words, Ning Feng looked at the mark of the angel family at the position of his heart.

Then he thought it was just the imprint of the angel clan, but now it seems that this imprint was specially given by this woman.

And this mark contains the power of the law of light, which may be difficult to erase.

So Ning Feng smiled wryly.

"Why did you come to see me? You won't tell me, just to come and see me!"

Just saying that, Chen Xizhuzhu immediately said.

"You guessed it right, I really came to see you, but not to see you, but to see your body!"

The Lord of Popularity then looked at Ning Feng with interest, but Ning Feng denied it.

"What body? Isn't my body right in front of you?"


Dawn Spider snorted, "Okay, don't tell me these things, I still don't understand what you're saying?"

"You think I'm here to find you now just to catch up with you! You're just like your Winged Demon, who never trusts anyone!"

"I just came here to tell you, believe in the words of the Holy Son of Light, and don't kill him by mistake!"

Hearing Chen Xizhiru, Lin Feng naturally knew that.I'm afraid the Lord of Dawn knows all about himself.

Ning Feng laughed out loud.

"Dang, you know, can I ask you a question? What is your relationship with the King of No Bandits!"

Hearing Ning Feng's question to the Master of Artifacts, he became serious. He told Ning Feng that I was older.

"That man of his is a shameless hooligan, a scumbag who doesn't want to take responsibility!"


When the Lord of Dawn said this, Ning Feng was stunned, what's going on?Could it be that Mo De Ren Wang still has an unspeakable story with you?
The Lord of Dawn said next.

"Okay, let's not talk about the fact that he is not a man. If he is really a man, I'm afraid I'll give him a magic weapon. My wife, is it so troublesome now?"

Ning Feng: "..."

"Let's put it this way! The entire Divine Artifact really depends on him! When he was going to expedition to the Star Sea, I tried to stop him in every possible way, just to stop that stubborn bull!"

"At that time, although the human race was revived again, it was actually at the end of its strength. The old generation was about to pass away, but the new generation had not yet risen! But if the twilight of that era attacked the human race, it would inevitably expose the problem of lack of stamina! So he did He made a decision, he decided to go directly to the dusk, and Xinghai blocked the dusk at the door of his house!"

Ning Feng asked curiously: "Didn't he think that the expedition would fail?"

The Lord of Dawn said: "I don't know what he thought at the time. I asked him your question before. He said that the victory rate of the expedition to the Yellow River Xinhai was only [-]% or less, but he said that it was only [-]% or less. Every chance he has, he must go to the Star Sea! Because there is only one question in his heart, and he must go to the Star Sea to verify this question!"

The Lord of Dawn saw the curiosity on Lin Chong's face, and he said it.

"I also asked him what the question was, but he only told me that only the dead are qualified to know this question!"

"What was I then? I was just the daughter of the king of the previous generation. That doesn't mean I'm qualified to know!"

Only then did Ning Feng realize that the owner of Chen Xi turned out to be a human being.

"Boy, you may find out when you get the throne of the king of men! As for where the throne is, wait for him to tell you!"

I didn't know it myself.To get such an answer.

The light ball in the ruins of the King of Kings keeps all the main gods out, and no one can get him.

Ning Feng looked like the Holy Son of Light, and now he finally knew why Chen Xingzhi had come personally.

After all, only he is worthy of Ning Feng's trust.

On the other hand, he even gave Ning Feng a look that you understand, then stared at Ning Feng, and walked towards that light ball.

He murmured silently in his heart: "All the answers are about to be solved. I fell asleep and counted the riddles of the epoch. It seems that you are the key to unlocking him!"

Ning Feng walked towards the light group, and the main gods surrounding the light group gave way to let Ning Feng pass.

The Lord of Slaughter is about to say something. Don't be stopped by the Lord of Hope next to him.

Ning Feng walked around the circle of light, he took a deep breath, and then stretched his hand into the light circle.

From the last generation and his doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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