Chapter 501 Dusk Reappearance
"Let's go, now I want to see how you take us in!"

The one who spoke was the Slaughter Lord of the Demon Clan.

The Lord of Slaughter came earlier among the Lord Gods, and he was an impatient Lord!
But Ning Feng ignored him.

This is the first time that Ning Feng has seen the figure of Mo Tian, ​​the suzerain of Mo Tianzong.

Motian, the suzerain of the Motian sect, is dressed in fleece, more domineering than imagined.

Seeing the figure of Motian, Ning Feng felt a little curious. As the Illuminati, the Motian Sect is in the largest base camp of the Mozu.

It can be said that if Ning Feng thinks that Mo Tianyu Guangming has something to do with it, it is a matter of course.

But Ning Feng is not ignorant.

In fact, Motian is the reason why Motianzong was established precisely because Motian was a disciple of another sect before. He was naturally honest and could only practice diligently. A member of the unknown.

Such a person was not welcomed in the sect at that time.Even got bullied.

And this sect is very common among the demons.

How could they know that this unknown disciple in their sect would become the master of a generation of sect in the future.

It can be said that Mo Tian has been humiliated in this sect.

He was even scolded as trash by the sect master.

However, Motian didn't refute him at that time, but just said lightly.

There is always a time for young eagles to pierce the sky, don't bully the young and poor!

This sentence was exchanged for endless ridicule.

Some people scold him, his heart is higher than the sky, his fate is thinner than paper, and some people scold him for not following the way of the sect.

Just when others mocked Ferris.

Sure enough, the unknown Mo Tian soared into the sky, became a blockbuster, and became a master of a generation directly, becoming a hot figure among the main gods.

The reason why the Motian Sect was established is precisely because the previous head of the sect immediately disbanded the Pheasant Sect he belonged to and ran away after learning that Motian had achieved the position of Lord God.

So Mo Tian became a loner without a sect.

Although at that time there were many sects like olive branches thrown from the sky.

After all, this is a generation of grandmasters, which sect doesn't need it.

However, Mo Tian is indifferent by nature, and he doesn't want to be himself.Enter the dispute of the sect without the ball and without hemorrhoids.

He also saw through the essence of sect disputes, so he decided to establish his own sect, which he named Motianzong after Motian.

In the beginning, Motianzong was just an ordinary sect, simple and simple.

However, with the addition of Elder Yue and others later on.

The entire Demon Sky Sect has changed.

It's just that Mo Tian knew that the three elders were secretly fighting each other.

But he didn't want to bother with the sect's affairs, so he completely handed over the sect's affairs to the management of several elders.

This also led to Motianzong becoming the stronghold of the Illuminati in the Demon Race in disguise.

This time, the Illuminati incident and the changes in Motian Sect also caused Motian to suffer from the eyes of many main gods.

After all, that was his sect.

Facing the clan alliance's remorse, it is naturally unavoidable.

So this time the eye of the universe appeared, and he volunteered to come without waiting for the battleship to die.

Everyone knows the risks involved, because the unlucky main god died here before.

So this originally popular thing became unpopular among the demons.

No one even competed with him for the Motian self-examination fees.

As a result, Motian was pushed by the clan alliance to join the team exploring the Human King.

Among the main gods of this team, Ning Feng only knew the Holy Son of Light, and the other one was the Lord of the Slayers of the Demon Clan.

Although the Lord of Slaughter has the name of Slaughter, he also belongs to the conservative forces in the demon clan.

It is one of the main gods under the command of the second god king.

So when the Lord of Slaughter saw Ning Feng.Nothing unpleasant happened either.

Even when he saw Ning Feng, the tyrannical Lord of Slaughter nodded to Ning Feng in apology.

But Motian glanced at Lin Feng nervously.

Now Ning Feng's fighting power has been recognized by the main gods. After all, he can kill the abyssal demon, Kara, so easily.

This shows that Ning Feng's strength is enough to earn their respect.

Although the king of gods is not born, there are hundreds of main gods among the four major races. It can be said that the circle of main gods is much smaller than that of gods.

It is rare for a main god to kill another main god, and the human race in front of him is a ruthless character who has been stained with the blood of the two main gods.

A little respect is a must.

They thought that their strength was no higher than that of the dead Akara.

When all the main gods were assembled, Ning Feng glanced at the main gods of the four major races.He said directly: "According to the rules, I will take half of the ordinary items I get after entering. As for the items above the treasures, I will not take any of them. But I have one request, that is, after entering the King of Kings, you all have to listen to me." Yes, if someone made a mistake and caused himself to fall, don't look for me!"

Ning Feng looked at the main gods with sharp eyes.

Things need to be clarified, after all, this is the car of the last human king, and even Ning Feng doesn't know what's inside.

What's more, this car was supposed to be in the sea of ​​stars at dusk, but now it suddenly appeared here.

Ning Feng glanced at the huge eye of the universe in the distance, and he deeply felt that this matter might not be so easy.

Could it be that Dusk would kindly throw these warships out to give the tribes equipment?

Looking at the still well-preserved Human King Ning Feng, he knew that something here was not simple.

As the car of the last human king, the human king was equipped with the most advanced weapons and supplies of the human race at that time.

It can be said that this Renwang is a huge munitions ship.

Even now, that thing is very important to the four major seeds.

So fortunately, Ning Feng did not target those items with high value, but chose the share of ordinary items.

According to the practice of the human race, most of the materials owned by the Human King may be ordinary items.

At most it is used by the gods.

And judging from the fighting appearance of this battleship, he didn't participate in any fierce battles.

It further shows that there is nothing very precious on it.

Otherwise, it would definitely be destroyed by dusk now.

Ning Feng took these main gods, and the group flew directly to the King of People.

In the universe of nothingness, the size of the Human King is bigger than the Sifang City put together.

After all, there is a whole world there.

Among the 21 Shenwang-class battleships owned by humans, the Renwang is the latest one, so the technology used in it is naturally very new.

Most of the technology in the underground school in Ning Feng's hands is incomplete now, and some advanced knowledge in the Jixia School was lost in the war that year.

But Ning Feng can know the terrible power contained in the god-class battleship from the incomplete knowledge, and the strength of the latest human-king-class warship can be imagined.

Like the Zhuxia, the entrance of the Renwang-class battleship is on the top of it.

So when the main gods flew to the top of the Human King, they saw the majesty of the Human King.

"Is it really the battleship built by the human race?"

Mo Tian murmured to himself.

Mo Tian achieved the position of Lord God in this era, so he has never seen the era when human battleships rampant in the universe.

But now he was also shocked.

Ning Feng glanced at Mo Tianbian who took the lead, and entered from the entrance on the top behind the people, into the King of Kings.

Fortunately, because of Ning Feng's human identity, he was not blocked at the entrance of the spaceship.

If there are foreigners here who want to open this boring, they will be directly killed by the prohibition of the Human King.

This is a set of self-protection that belongs to the Human King, and it is the way to prevent other alien races from thinking about sneaking in during the war.

As soon as you enter, you will find a cabin that is several times larger than the cockpit of the Zhuxia.

This is also a cockpit.

But its size is several times that of Zhu Xia.

There is a throne on the cockpit, Ning Feng thinks this is probably the throne of the last king.

"Are we coming in now?" the Son of Light asked.

Ning Feng nodded.

"Then what should we do now?" The Lord of Slaughter rushed up and asked Ning Feng.

Ning Feng just glanced at the Lord of Slaughter and began to search around. This cab is indeed much larger than the one on the Zhuxia, but its main layout has changed.

Originally there should have been three doors, but in the layout of the King of Kings, no such arrangement was found, not even one door appeared

What do you mean here?Could it be that there is no door designed here?

Ning Feng was stunned for a moment, he felt that all the layouts here seemed to have been remodeled.

But who would be so bored to renovate here?
Could it be that no one was killed?

Ning Feng looked at the throne in the cab.

Four gods and beasts are carved in the throne.

The Quartet Holy Beast is the guardian holy beast of the human race, and it is quite normal to be engraved on the throne of the human king.But in Ning Feng's view, this throne seems to be much different from the others.

Yes, it's newer than the rest of the items.

This throne turned out to be new. Could it be that someone has moved it?
Ning Feng walked straight to the throne, and was about to sit on it.

"Human race, what do you mean? Did you agree to bring us to get things? Why are you still sitting up now?"

The Lord of Slaughter actually yelled at him!
A scolding sound woke Ning Feng up.

"What's going on? I was actually affected"

Ning Feng fixed his eyes on the throne, and at this moment, the throne seemed to come alive.

Then a figure appeared on the throne.

Inaccurately speaking, it is a virtual position.

Ning Feng was very familiar with that figure, it turned out to be the image of the last king.

Some kings of the last generation said to Ning Feng and others.

"My descendants, you are finally here!"

"It's the king!"

"It turned out to be the last king!"

As soon as the last king spoke, everyone knew his identity.

Originally, this was the writer of the last king, so the person who appeared on the throne now is a good explanation.

Is it possible that the last king can leave it to the race?
Sure enough, it is more appropriate to bring a group of people.

The main gods looked at Ning Feng, they thought that the last king was talking to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng thought so too.

The last king on the throne continued.

"My descendants, you are finally here, I have been wandering in time and space, I don't know how long!"

"Yes, I have died, I have died with honor, the war on Twilight has never stopped in these endless years! It is I who want to defeat him after all, and now I have left my whole life in this king The number is successful! But I left you a question, pass my test, and you can get it!"

"Trial? What kind of trial?"

The Holy Son of Light asked the last king on the throne.

The King of the Last Generation looked at the Holy Son of Light and said.

"My descendants, don't worry, I will open the door of trial for you right now!"

Sure enough, he fell with the sound of the last king.

A wall fell from the cab, revealing the door behind it.

There is nothing special about this gate, even behind the gate is a ball of light.

Even Ning Feng and the others couldn't see what was behind them with their spiritual sense.

So after this is a trial?

Such a last generation Wang stretched out his hand and said to Ning Feng and others.

"My descendants, the door of trials has been opened, let's go in, pass my trials and get back my inheritance!"

After talking about the person on the throne, the king disappeared, leaving only Ning Feng and the others looking at each other in blank dismay.

"What now? Are we going in?"

The Lord of Hope looked at Ning Feng.

Ning Feng looked at Shengzi Guangming.

He said to the Holy Son of Light: "The right to choose is in your hands, should you continue or just quit?"

However, before the Holy Son of Light finished speaking, the Lord of Slaughter took over the words.

"It's hard for us to come here. Isn't it just a lovelorn to go back home like this? Can't we pass it with the few of us?"

Ning Feng shook his head and said.

"I just feel that something is not right. If you all ask to continue, I have nothing to say!"

"Then let's continue!" Guangming Shengzi said to Ning Feng.

This exploration was originally the Holy Son of Light.It is natural that Guangming is now the leader of the tie. Now that the son of Guangming has spoken, Ning Feng naturally has no objection.

"Okay, let's go forward!"

Ning Feng didn't walk in the front, he deliberately walked a few steps slower and stayed at the back.

shouted the Lord of Slaughter ahead.

"Why don't you come up soon? Could it be that you want to sneak out?"

Only then did Ning Feng look back at the throne of the last human king, shook his head thoughtfully, then quickly followed the Slaughter Lord, and entered the gate of trial together with the others.

After Ning Feng and his party, everyone entered the trial gate.

The door of the trial was immediately closed.Completely turned into a huge black hole.

Once again, the figure of the last human king appeared on the throne, but if one looked carefully, the pupils turned out to be pure black.

This represents the eye of the black hole.

According to the legend, only one person will own it. He cannot be described in detail, cannot be named, and he cannot be called by his name directly.

He has a common name.
(End of this chapter)

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