Chapter 496 Raid
"Of course it's for the human race that I hate!"

Karazhan gave a reason that Akara couldn't refuse.

"Hate the human race?"

Ning Feng's demon avatar nodded and said to Akara.

"Exactly, humans shouldn't live in this universe!"

"My parents died at the hands of these human races back then! They are proud, and they don't treat us as life!"

"If it wasn't for my mother, I'm afraid I would have died under the whip of the human race!"

Akara listened to Ning Feng's words and said intently.

"I didn't expect you to have the same experience as me. It is true that the human race should not live in the universe, they should all die!"

Ah Kala stood up, and now he needed to join the Illuminati with demons like Karazhan.

Even if the light is bright today, it will not be as good as the previous days.

But he wants to let all the demons know that it will be defeated, and the current Illuminati still upholds the previous tradition, which is to oppose human beings.

Now Akara knows that only by continuing to hold high the banner of opposing humans can he continue to gain the approval of the demon race and even the four major races.

Although there is a vague move to identify with the human race in Heaven, it is enough for the remaining three major races to identify with the Illuminati.

Akara soon took Karazhan under his command.

Of course, at the beginning, Akara did not let Karazhan get in touch with the high-level things of the Illuminati, but as the living space of the Illuminati in the inner ring of the universe was gradually compressed.

After a while, even though Karazhan hadn't passed Akara's career, Akara couldn't wait any longer. The human race is now recuperating in the Nether Realm.

And as the banner of the human race was raised in the Nether Rain, many human races began to pour into the Nether Realm.

Every time period has passed so far, the human race will become stronger.

Under Ning Feng's framework of using Zhuxia personnel as the core backbone, the human race in Kunlun Prison has now recovered to one third of the level of the twelve alien races in the inner ring of the universe.

Although he is only one-third of the appearance, but we must know that the current Illuminati is no longer the Illuminati of the past.

Seeing the power of the human race grow stronger day by day, Kara couldn't sit still.

The Seventeen Lords of Hell put great pressure on him, and the increasing strength of the human race on the other side made Akara know that if he did not take action, the balance between the human race and the Illuminati would tilt towards the human race.

The horror of the human race has a shadow for Akara.

How powerful the human race was back then.

"No, we have to nip it in the bud!"

Ah Kara summoned all the high-level members of the Illuminati, including the thirty or so second-generation abyssal demons.

"I decided to raid Pluto directly, he should be called Kunlun now!

Akara directly proposed such a very aggressive strategy along the way.

Although the demons are ruthless people, not all the Illuminati are fools. They know that this is Akara's counterattack from the Jedi.

Compared with the dignified rise of the human race in the Kunlun domain.

The Illuminati is just a jumping clown, even if he dances the most, he is still strong.

Now Akara doesn't have any challenges at all, and the idea of ​​the four major races is gone.

Now the human race and the masters of the Seventeen Hells are obstacles on his way forward.

It is also the biggest obstacle for him to turn the kingdom of God into the universe of the kingdom of God. This is a huge demon.

Back then, the human race chased him to a planet, killed them all, and protected his parents, brothers and sisters.

It was his sister who managed to escape the human race by hiding him in a well.

This is a sworn hatred.

Except that he is weak and helpless.

That scene has been imprinted in his soul by him.


If you want to surpass the will of the universe, how can you keep other distracting thoughts?
For Akara, the human race is a hurdle that must be overcome, so in his plan, he must move out of the human race to fight a big battle, and then Kidney will successfully achieve the universe of the kingdom of God.

Only after owning the God King can we have the opportunity to do the rest.

At this time, his gaze had already passed through Ning Feng's figure, and cast his eyes on the ruler of the God King in the No.17 area.

Everything is his hindrance.

In such an abrupt situation, the top leaders of the Illuminati are not stupid, and their morale has even been very low recently, so Nacala proposed to go straight to Kunlun.

Except for the second generation of abyssal demons, no other high-ranking Illuminati were born.

This made Akara very embarrassed.

Looking at the second generation of abyssal demons, this is a group of masters who have never been obedient, otherwise he would not have sealed them underground.

It was completely helpless to be able to release them now, and he looked at those high-level Illuminati who had followed him for many years.

These people have enjoyed endless resources in the Illuminati, and it is time for them to contribute, but what they are doing now makes Akara very disappointed. He originally thought that he had found a group of like-minded people, but he found out that It turns out that the only one who is really an enemy with the human race is himself.

That's not the case. Once upon a time, these people had the same revenge and ideals as themselves, in order to oppose the human race, but since the human race disappeared, these people lost their goals.

Indulging in the great victory of an epoch ago, they began to gradually smile.

Now Akara realized that his subordinates had already lost their fighting spirit, and the fruits of victory made them give up their previous ideals.

At this moment, Kala Station, who had barely entered the top ranks of the Illuminati, stepped forward.

"Very agree with the president's goal, now we need a victory to cheer our business up!"

As for Karazhan, the guy who just joined the Illuminati was able to come out and agree with him. He is very pleased. He thinks what he did was right. It was a correct decision for Karazhan to join the Illuminati, and he was promoted to a higher level. Also a very good idea.

Akara concealed her inner joy and asked pretendingly.

"But say what you think, why is it such a good idea now?"

But when he walked in front of everyone, he said to Akara and all the high-level Illuminati.

"Then I would say that it is a very good idea that it is difficult to sneak attack now. First, the current human race is focused on development, and they don't know that we are going to directly attack their core parts. Now we, the Illuminati, have become the main force in the eyes of the four major races This is wrong, if it weren't for what we had at the beginning, it would have easily pushed the human race into the trough, until the end! So we need a great victory, let them see that we are still the original Illuminati We were able to bury people an era ago, and the clan can still bury people now! We still have this strength!"

After hearing Karazhan's explanation, Akara said immediately.

"You're right, that's exactly what I thought, so what do you think, it's time for us to win!"

Facing Akara's speech, the senior executives of the Illuminati had a hint of confusion in their eyes.

The drunken life for an era has made them forget the hardships they have suffered, so when Akara said that he would directly attack them, they were all stunned.

They resisted in their hearts, but they also saw the fangs behind Akara's smiling face.

I still don't agree with Alcala, I'm afraid they were the first rescues to take out.

So they get it. "

"I agree, we all agree, directly attack Kunlun, destroy all the high-level human race in Kunlun in one fell swoop, and drive them into the darkness again like an epoch ago!"

The high-level members of the Illuminati began to agree with this idea, and they all raised their hands in approval. Seeing this scene, Akara was very satisfied, so such a grand and sudden plan appeared.

In the check-in plan, he will personally go out and lead the second generation of demons and a group of Illuminati elites to directly raid Kunlun and airborne the Kunlun planet.

The Terrans who beat them were caught off guard.

Massacred all the human races on the Kunlun planet to resound the reputation of the Human Illuminati.

This way the Illuminati can tell the four races that he can still make a difference.

Akara set off directly with the master of the Illuminati.

Of course, Kara cannot leave the Seventeenth Hell casually, he must apply to Murdos, the master of the Seventeenth Hell.

Fortunately, the application was approved quickly.

Knowing that Kara was going to raid the human race, Murdos smiled with satisfaction.

As the most anti-human god-king Murdos among the demons, it can be said that he is doing his best on the road to the decline of the human race, lest the human race will revive again.

This time the human race returned, and among the four god-kings, Murdos was the only one who paid the most attention.

It is naturally a great thing to see Akara raiding the human race now.

In this way, Akara rushed directly to the Kunlun planet with a group of masters of the Illuminati.

In fact, the current Kunlun Territory is also run by the human race like an iron bucket. Compared with the human race, it is bright and will deal with the Kunlun Territory.Know better because of the nation of the year.Because the Illuminati penetrates into a sieve.

It can be said that every path in the Kunlun Territory, every new path is hidden or transparent, and the Illuminati are well aware of it.

Akara is leading a group of masters of the Illuminati to go straight to Kunlun Star from a secret way.

After a period of development, Kunlun Star is now more prosperous than before.

After bringing most of the human groups back under his command, the human race in the Kunlun Domain already has hundreds of Immortals.

But these immortals, who have just advanced from the holy rank to immortality, are actually not that powerful, but given time, these immortals will naturally become the existence of the human race alone.

Perhaps for Ning Feng, the only difference now is time.

It's a pity that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop.

The greatest enemy of the Terrans has always been the Illuminati.

If you don't move to the Illuminati, a big mountain family, you will never have a bright future.

So when Ning Feng knew that Akara was leading all the high-level members of the Illuminati to go straight to Kunlun Star, he was already ready.

The human race and the [-] players who have just entered the immortal position are waiting in full force.

This is Ning Feng's strongest combat power.

"Look there is Kunlun Star!"

Standing in the universe, Kara stands pointing to the distant planet that now exudes blue light.

Now it is Kunlun Star.

This is considered to be the most thorough planet where the environment in Kunlun Prison has been transformed.

Because it is the closest to the big formation.

"It's a good thing we're here this time, otherwise we might not be able to find him next time!"

Ah Kara looked at the star map, then at the Kunlun star in the distance, and said self-deprecatingly.

But the current Kunlun Star has changed too much.

"Members of the Illuminati, Kunlun Star is right in front of us now! Damn humans, they shouldn't come back, but since they've come back now, let us keep them here completely!"

"Look, the so-called prosperity they created just now gives us an excellent opportunity! Let us catch them all here!"

"Come on and kill them all!"

Under the order of Akara, the high-level of the Illuminati, these powerful gods fell like stars and meteorites to the children of Natural Kara in front of the Kunlun line.

The second generation of abyssal demons bred by him alone.

Since these second-generation abyssal demons all came from him, to some extent, it's not that his son is more like his chaotic avatars, but that each avatar has consciousness.

Each avatar is capable of independent thinking.

In the universe, Akara also rushed to the Kunlun star.

He vaguely felt something was wrong.

It seems that I missed something, but I can't remember it now.

No matter, just rush up first.

"There is a powerful aura there, it should be at the stage of the main god! It should be that human race Henggu! It is estimated that some of his powerful human races are also there, let's rush down and kill them first!"

"Catch the thief first to capture the king!"

Kara didn't pay attention to the ancient times of the human race, because he himself was only half a step away from the king of gods.

So when he noticed Ning Feng's aura, his biggest thought was to rush down directly, kill Ning Feng first, and then say that such a group of people has no leader.

All he could do was wait for his butcher knife.

"Rush us straight down!"

Everyone turned into shooting stars and flew directly to where Ning Feng was.

And they didn't find the place where they fell, the color was yellow.

This means that there may be a huge desert or Gobi below.

The soul stands alone in the desert, and he looks up into the universe, and the sight of hundreds of meteors flying towards it is deeply majestic.

Akara flew directly in the direction of Lin Feng, and he was getting closer and closer to Ning Feng.

He showed a crazy weird smile.

"Human race, here I come, now let's see where you go!"

He saw Ning Feng's figure in the desert.

That human race has existed since ancient times, but why is that human race smiling forever.

Why is he smiling?
What was wrong just now?

Ah, Kara suddenly rang, and stuck a demon who had never been to the Nether Realm, how could he know that it was the Kunlun Star.

He quickly turned his head to look at Karazhan, and at this moment Karazhan showed a smile exactly like Ning Feng's.

"Go to hell! Illuminati!"

(End of this chapter)

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