The desperate situation begins with the villain BOSS

Chapter 482 That's the only point of being a top student?

Chapter 482 That's the only point of being a top student?
The results were announced one by one in Qi Jin's mouth.

Soon the results of Class [-] were announced, and a total of ten students from Class [-] of No. [-] Middle School could enter the next round.

This success rate can be described as half and half.

This pass rate is not bad. Compared with the pass rate of half of the previous years, it is already considered an excellent class, but this year everyone knows that there is an extra pervert, and the final result may still be based on the pervert.

The order in which the grades are announced is from class one to the last ten classes.

After Qi Jin announced half of the results, a total of nine students in the class passed the intermediate test.

Uh, the pass rate is a little lower than normal, but it's a pity that when the students in class two heard such a low pass rate, they couldn't help feeling annoyed, and then looked at the position of class seven.

Then they also thought in their hearts, how many people in the perverted Class [-] can pass the test in the end?

The hearts of the people are beating drums.

On the contrary, when the students in class seven heard the results of class one and class two, they suddenly became more confident.

We are all thinking, generally the scumbags of the second book can pass the pilot, why can't I pass?
Qi Jin Bamai, who was silent in the announcement, was also stunned. At this time in previous years, the students are probably already patiently waiting for the results. Even when the results were brought by the MRT, some people could not bear the strong pressure and collapsed Lose.

But not this year.

Waiting for this year, a strange scene appeared, and that was led by Ning Feng's seventh class.The students looked up and looked up, as if miraculously saying, hurry up and report my name.They don't seem to be worried about not being able to pass the end vision.

Of course, as for why there is such a reason, Ning Feng himself is clear.But he doesn't care about such a result, he only regards today's result as the hurricane brought by his little wings.

Such is the power of charm.

Ning Feng couldn't help sighing.

Because of this, Qi Jin reported his grades much faster. He was even very curious, how many grades would Ning Feng have?

So the students in front simply became unimportant, and the quick notification was just to take a look at Ning Feng's results.

This led to a phenomenon that the students in the front didn't want to hear the name but found that the rubber band was notifying it faster and faster.

Crying is even more serious, the psychological burden of those students with poor psychological quality.

There are also individual students who directly collapsed.

Seeing these mentally broken students, Qi Jin couldn't help shaking his head.

Even if he wanted to be an alchemist with this psychological quality, he might be scared into an idiot as soon as he passed the order.

This kind of student is absolutely necessary, it will only be a disaster, and this kind of student cannot become an alchemist.

As an alchemist, the pill materials handled by him are all of great value.

If one trick fails, it means that it is only for supply, and all materials in the near future will be scrapped.

The art of alchemy is more like a reading that needs to be memorized.

Memory is the most important thing, but it often requires a little luck.

But to be able to master memory and luck, it needs a strong heart. If you don't have a strong heart, you will scare yourself to death first if you practice a pill, so why talk about practicing any pill?

The results of the students were soon announced to the sixth group.

A total of 11 people in the sixth group successfully advanced to the intermediate class, which is already a rare honor.

The ceiling was pierced. Generally, there are only ten people with the most advanced adults.

At last it exceeded the number of ten.

But the students in class six were not surprised at all. They turned their attention to class seven and it was time to announce the results of class seven.

What is the grade of Class [-]?We will wait and see.

"Xuanyuan is invincible, excellent!"

"Situ Lei, excellent!"

"Zhang Zhanghui, excellent!"

As soon as the general results were announced, everyone was stunned with three consecutive excellent results.

Knowing that this grade only needs to pass to be able to enter the next stage of ultimate training, but these people are too shameless, and they all got excellent in the exam.

Three excellent candidates have been notified in a row, is this not over yet?
Qi Jin began to report the results of student No.4.

"Chen Jiajia, top ten!"

In the top ten, No. 4 in class seven actually became the top ten.

The colleagues are also stunned, and now three of the top ten have appeared.

And now there are only four people in class four and seven, is it possible that class seven is going to take the results of the remaining seven people in the top ten?

Everyone's heads are delusional and hopeful, and at this moment they are waiting for the judgment of fate.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Jin began to announce the results of No.5 student.

"Yang Wu, top ten!"

"The top ten turned out to be the top ten and already has two top ten!"

"Noisy, don't be noisy, wait until the sixth person is announced!"

"Li Jinjin, top ten"

"Since this is the top ten again, we already have three top ten!"

"Lin Zefeng, top ten!"

"Then there are already four top ten students. Uh, the seventh class is so terrifying. The first six classes combined only have three top ten students!"

Everyone was shocked by the results of Class Seven, but they were even more curious about the next academic results, because in their impression, these people could not be regarded as academic masters.

Anyone who is not a top student in Class [-] can become the top ten, so what about the rest?

"Zhou Shuaimin, excellent!"

"It's okay, it's just excellent. Fortunately, it's not in the top ten, otherwise my heart might explode right now!"

Everyone patted themselves on the chest, but it was okay, their results were not beyond imagination.

Qi Jin revealed the names of several other students again, and their grades were all excellent without exception.Now there are four students left.

Let's see if the remaining four students can be born in the top ten.

"Zhou Mingming, top ten!"

"Zhang Xin, top ten!"

"The second and seventh classes have already won the top ten of the six places, and now they still have two top students who are gathering together. Now it seems that the seventh class is going to take the remaining seven top ten places!"

Everyone here is very envious, they are envious that they did not appear in the seventh class, otherwise they and others would definitely be rated as excellent even if they can't make it into the top ten.

Although it is said that passing the intermediate trial is a victory, who doesn't like their own grades to be better, so that those top-rank single masters are more likely to choose themselves.

Thinking of this, everyone beat their chests one after another, regretting, blaming themselves for not working hard at the beginning, but now they can only look at those places, regretting endlessly.

Amidst the grievances of the crowd, the fund finally revealed the name of the top student.

"Lin Shushu..."

When he got here first, Qi Jin hesitated for a moment, he looked at Ning Feng, he was thinking that according to this person's grades, he should be in the top ten, but why is he only excellent now?
Could it be that there are other alchemists who are planning to rob his apprentices as he thinks?

Looking around nervously, he looked closely at the other top-rank alchemists.

"Impossible, impossible, how could such a thing happen, I should only have discovered Ning Feng myself!"

"what should I do now?"

Dear, I stopped suddenly when I reached Ning Feng's name.

Everyone was very surprised what was going on, why didn't they report the results of Xueba?Is it because the grades of Xueba are too scary?

Whoever made the grades that are too scary should be exposed. I have already prepared myself mentally, so I don’t worry that I won’t be scared and collapse.

No matter how everyone comforted themselves, when they thought of Ning Feng, they took another deep breath, fearing that when Ning Feng's results came out, they would collapse from fright.

Under everyone's gaze, Qi Jin slowly revealed Ning Feng's results.


"What's going on? Why is Xueba's grades only excellent? How is this possible? There must be something inside, black, black!"

Everyone yelled loudly, they didn't believe that all the scumbags from Class [-] made it into the top ten, why did the top student only get an excellent one.

Is it that these singles above are too jealous of the excellence of Xueba?So deliberately scored a low score?

This is probably the ultimate trial, the biggest shady scene in history.

Everyone thought that if top students can only get excellent, then wouldn't we and other trash not even pass the exam?
At this moment, everyone felt as if thousands of horses were galloping in their chests.

Anger began to spread in everyone's chest.

In the entire hall of the school, there has been a smell of flames in Bangkok.

Burnt breath.

Qi Jin also smelled the burning smell.

He felt something was wrong.

He seems to understand the inner thoughts of all the students present, but the ultimate trial, the dignity of a top-rank alchemist needs to be respected.

He quickly reported the results to the students behind him.

It took only half a stick of incense for the results of the students in the next three classes. In less time, he greatly accelerated the progress, and then stood in front of all the students and said.

"I guess you are now very questioning the results of this ultimate trial!"

"I want to tell you that the quality of Ren Minglian's alchemist is not allowed to be questioned!"

"But this time I allow myself to explain it to you!"

"I understand the doubts in your hearts. Now, as the chief examiner, I will open the test papers you questioned about your grades, and let you take a look at why you got such grades in the end!"

Today, I walked to the pile of student test papers and opened them one by one.

Then I found the test paper with Lin Shushu's name written on it.

Ah, by comparison, the font on it is indeed written by Ning Feng, so there is nothing wrong now, and the test paper is still clearly from Lu.

Qi Jin knew that he needed to give all the students a reasonable explanation, otherwise today's incident would naturally be unsatisfactory, and it would cause dissatisfaction in the hearts of so many students, but it would be equivalent to shooting himself in the foot , this kind of thing Qi Jin is unwilling to happen.

He took out Ning Feng's test paper and walked in front of everyone.

"Now you can all see this test paper!"

Minfeng didn't care about it at first, and he didn't even care about the report of the test paper results for the whole session.

In his opinion, he reckons that he can at least get along well.

So during this period of time, he was distracted and didn't care about the results at all. However, when Qi Jin walked up to the front desk with his test paper, Ning Feng was instantly petrified.

what happened?Why did you take out my test paper? Is it a typical report?But I didn't cheat.

Ning Feng, who was depressed, didn't seem to understand what happened?
Then he could only turn into a melon-eating crowd and quietly eat his own melons.

"My own melon really doesn't know what it tastes like!"

Ning Feng licked his lips, watching Qi Jin curiously announce the result.

"Now everyone can see that Shijuan's grades in my hand are written very well. He even copied the entire Pharmacopoeia, and he coded it word for word and made no mistakes!"

"Why did he only get excellent?"

Qi Jin took out another blank sheet of paper.

At this moment, the white paper that was supposed to be filled with thoughts is now really a pure white paper with nothing on it.

Qi Jin said to everyone: "This experiment tests everyone's memory ability, adaptability, and ability to perceive details. We specially gave everyone a chance, that is, although you don't need to write down all the main points, But impressions are a must! Let you tell the purpose of this exam, and everyone can get a certain score, but although the questions in the Pharmacopoeia are verbatim in this exam paper, and there is no error in a single code, he did not Unwritten thoughts! This is the flaw in this perfection, so the examiner did not give a high score! It is because he can recite the whole point of the book, so he gave an excellent grade!"

"I don't know if everyone can be satisfied!"

"I still say the same thing, this is the quality of a top-rank pharmacist that cannot be questioned, even if you question the result of this ultimate incident today! Ah, wait until you become a real top-rank single!"

Qi Jin's words were very heavy, but it fell into the ears of many students, but it was another sentence.

"It turns out that Xueba didn't write the test reflections! But Xueba was able to write out the entire point of the book silently, and there was no mistake in every single word, and there was no mistake in coding. Sure enough, Xueba is still Xueba!"

Many students listened to Qi Jin's words. Although they thought about different problems, they didn't know.

The quality of Shangpin Dan pharmacist cannot be doubted, the meaning contained in this sentence.

If someone questioned it, it would be provoking the top-rank alchemist.

And the only one who can question the top-rank alchemist is the top-rank alchemist.

Facing them, you can't even count as a single master, so why talk about a top-grade alchemist.

So, naturally, no one would question it.

There is already a reasonable explanation why Xueba's grades are only excellent, and that is not too important.

Dad is a top student after all, so I'm afraid he didn't write his thoughts on purpose.

Sure enough, only a figure like Xueba dares to be so presumptuous.

Everyone looked at Ling Feng with envy.

Ning Feng was exposed because of his glorious deeds, so he naturally attracted much attention.

Ning Feng didn't want to be so concerned about himself, so he said stupidly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I forgot to forget, it's good to be good, good to be good!"

Ning Feng was embarrassed and coughed twice.

And the student next to him looked at him with contempt, as if I believe you a ghost.

Fortunately, Qi Jin quickly rescued him.

"Okay, my explanation is finished, now it's time for the top ten to choose a master!"

Qi Jin coughed twice.

Under his impetus, he quickly entered the following link.

The top ten in the ultimate trial originally had a choice.Master's right, and if the master is unwilling, he can choose other options.

This is the privilege of the top ten. Of course, since the top Shan Shi who came here is from Chong's Sword and Wood Academy, naturally there will be no such rejection.

Besides, being able to enter the top ten colleges is enough to show that you are talented and smart. If such students are sent to your door, if you don't want them, you will be struck by lightning.

So the top ten students also have such an unspoken rule.

Also, all the top ten personnel can get their favorite masters.

"Okay, now I invite the top ten to choose their favorite top-rank alchemists as their study teachers!"

Following Ji Jin's order, the top ten members stood up according to their rankings.

Of course they don't know who among them is No.1.

There may also be a battle for the top in Jimei's performances, but everyone knows that there is only one person in No. 1 this year, and that person's performance this time is only excellent.

It's all like this, so what's the fight for who is the first and who is the second?Anyway, it will be ridiculed by everyone if it breaks out, it's just a No. 1 that doesn't live up to its name.

So Fenfen, the top ten in middle school, began to choose her favorite teacher.

"I choose Qijing Elder!"

When Qi Jin was free in Qingdao, when the student chose him, he was naturally overjoyed. This is a student, so don't let it go for nothing!

So Hu Qijin happily accepted the student's choice.

After the selection of the first ten students, the next step is to participate in this ultimate trial.The sample list teacher began to choose the favorite object from these students.

Soon the class teachers around him began to choose these students, and some two top-rank alchemists chose the same student.

Of course, the result is the choice of that student as the final result.

Qi Jin at the front desk couldn't hold back anymore.

The object of his attention is Ning Feng. If Ning Feng is elected, then he will lose a lot, even if he is given the top ten, he will not be able to.

So Qi Jin came to Ning Feng very excitedly, he told Ning Feng.

"You haven't apprenticed yet, have you?"

Ning Feng nodded.

Just took a look at this top-rank alchemist who presides over the entire ultimate trial.

If he hadn't fallen into Danfeng's sect yet, then it would be an excellent choice to choose this Qijin high-rank single teacher, but now he has already fallen into Danfeng early, and what he is waiting for under his name is to pass the junior class stage.

So he has been Danfeng's student for a long time now.

He agreed now, Qi Jin's invitation, so wouldn't he have betrayed Danfeng?

Ning Feng would never do such a thing.

So Ning Feng said before Qi Jin could say the next sentence.

"I don't intend to be a teacher!"

At this time, Qi Jin just said.

"Would you like to be my teacher?"

"What? You don't want to be a teacher? Are you despising me?"

He was naturally very unhappy that Ning Feng used the reason that he didn't want to be a teacher to prevaricate him.

According to the practice of the ultimate trial, if there is a top-rank alchemist to invite students.Students unless there are multiple alchemists to choose from.Circumstances cannot be denied.

(End of this chapter)

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