Chapter 46 The Four Great Families
"What story!" Zhang Shihao asked quickly.

"Listen to me speaking slowly!" Ning Feng smiled at Zhang Shihao.

The little girl quickly moved a stool and sat down with Xiaogua in her arms. She likes listening to stories the most.

"Twenty years ago, there was a settlement named Taichuan City! Taichuan City is located in the south of Zhuxia, where it guards the South China Sea and overlooks the South China Sea. Although there are turbulent beasts on the ocean, it cannot withstand the temptation of the amazing ocean trade with Nanyang. As the most important fulcrum of Zhu Xia in the South China Sea, the city has earned amazing wealth from this trade.

This wealth was earned by the four major families in Taichuan City, they are the Zhao family, the Zhang family, the Wu family, and the Yi family.

The astonishing wealth allowed them to have powerful armaments. After all, all kinds of rare treasures in the South China Sea were given priority to these four families.There was no such thing as the next four that year, but these four are comparable to any of the next four today. "

When he heard Ning Feng talking about the Zhao family, Zhao Wuji shivered obviously.

"Brother, what's wrong with you!" Zhang Shihao hurriedly asked when he saw Zhao Wuji's abnormality.

Zhao Wou-ki quickly wiped the corners of his eyes to prevent tears from overflowing, "My lord, please continue to talk!"

Ning Feng paused for a while, and continued to talk, "Originally, the four major families could live together very harmoniously, but one day, the Yi family was not reconciled, because they always took the smallest share, because the Yi family The family is the weakest of the four major families, and they are unwilling but have no choice. The other three families are much stronger than them because of the talents, and the three major families have established a strong offensive and defensive alliance through marriage.

So the Yi family thought of a way!They found the Venus Alliance at that time. At that time, the Venus Federation was also spying on Zhuxia's fertile land. The relatively weak and ambitious Yi family found the Venus Federation. It hit it off, and the Yi family teamed up with the Venus Federation to deal with Zhao, The Zhang and Wu families started.

Hearing this, Zao Wou-ki began to pant heavily!Zhang Shihao looked at Zhao Wuji and seemed to understand something, if he still doesn't understand the meaning of Ning Feng's story, then he is not a fool.

"How are they?" Zhang Shihao asked loudly.

"Second brother, don't disturb the adults telling stories!" The little girl said angrily to Zhang Shihao with a dissatisfied face.

"The three families of Zhao, Zhang, and Wu were wiped out, and the Yi family became the sole ruler of Taichuan City. Finally, under the interference of many forces from Zhuxia, the fleet of the Venus Federation stayed in the outer seas of Taichuan City forever. The hand of a star. Zhao, Zhang, and Wu were also wiped out by the Yi family, and the rest of them were hunted down to the ends of the earth."

"No, my lord father said that this matter is not that simple! If it wasn't for a certain family in Zhuxia who finally broke their promises, Zhao, Zhang, and Wu would not be afraid of the Yi family and the Venus Federation!" Zhao Wuji raised his head and looked at Ning Feng and said.

"You mean, wasn't the story like this back then?" Ning Feng asked curiously, thinking to himself, "Now it will be interesting! Are there any other forces hidden behind the Yi family?"

Zao Wou-ki continued, "Yes, according to my lord father, Zhao, Zhang, and Wu owned ten master-class warships, and you can see now that there are only three ships in the Venus Federation fleet in the open sea!"

"That's why they withdrew behind!" Ning Feng asked curiously.

"That's also possible, but if the Venus Federation has that strength, why should the Yi family be the internal response! It doesn't make sense, once there are too many mobilizations, what awaits the Venus will be a war between the Zhuxia League and the Venus." Zhao Wou-ki analyzed.

Ning Feng thinks it makes sense, there is absolutely no record of this in his previous game data, "Interesting, there is also a huge mole hiding among the Xias! Do you have any clues about him?"

Originally, Ning Feng looked down on the Yi family, which had a broken backbone and attracted foreign enemies into the house, but now that there is a mole hiding behind the scenes, he suddenly felt that the behind-the-scenes became more and more interesting.

Zhao Wou-ki shook his head, "My lord father never mentioned it! My lord father only said that when grandpa died, he was still waiting for that family's reinforcements, and he came back as promised!"

"It seems that your grandfather is the last patriarch of the Zhao family! The reinforcements that made Mr. Zhao wait until his death show that Mr. Zhao died with peace of mind." Ning Feng analyzed.

Zhao Wuji looked at Ning Feng in horror when he heard Ning Feng say this, "So you already know who we are! This story is intentional!"

"Did you just know now?" Ning Feng smiled, "Your reflex arc seems a bit too long!"

"Now that you know everything, hand us over to the City Lord's Mansion! I can pay back your 180 million, I only hope you can let our Xiao Wu go! She doesn't understand anything, she doesn't understand anything" Zhao Wuji looked at Ning Feng said helplessly.

"Is that so?" Ning Feng looked at Zhao Wou-ki who was about to sacrifice generously.

"Give us to the City Lord's Mansion!" Zhang Shihao also looked at Ning Feng without hesitation, "You can get a reward of 200 million for handing us over to the City Lord's Mansion. I only hope that you can give 20 to Xiao Wu for the remaining [-]. Let him live a good life."

Ning Feng was also shocked when he saw this Shihao, you guys are not prepared to go to the city lord's mansion to get a reward if you can't survive, and you are so big-hearted, don't be afraid that I will hand over all three of you!
"It's fine if you hand it over, I'm just a person who likes to tell stories!" Ning Feng smiled.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, what are you going to do, are you leaving Xiao Wu?" The little girl stood up immediately after hearing this and asked in mourning.

"No, how could it be!" Zao Wou-ki hurriedly comforted, "My lord, we like to hear your story very much. It's rare that someone in G City still remembers this story!"

Ning Feng continued to smile and said: "Really? Someone will remember this story! Why don't we find all the people who remember this story together! Since that period of history is wrong, let's reverse it!"

"But, those people! Back then" Zhao Wou-ki clenched his fists angrily.

"Perhaps those people also felt that they were wrong!" Ning Feng put his hands on Zhao Wuji's shoulders, "Give those people a chance, and give us a chance! There will be a big change in G City in the future, and we need Some like-minded people, or temporarily like-minded people!"

Back then, there were millions of civilians under the rule of the four major families of Zhao, Zhang, Wu, and Yi. At the beginning, they listened to the bewitchment of the Venus Federation and regarded the words of the Venus as the supreme mantra. Millions of civilians, When Zhao, Zhang, and Wu had great enemies outside and foreign troubles inside, they chose to rebel and change their flag. Otherwise, Zhao, Zhang, and Wu would not have failed so easily.

It can be said that these bewitched people were the last straw that broke the camel's back in the failure of Zhao, Zhang, and Wu.

"Sometimes, the human heart is like an abyss, in which endless desires breed, but when it hurts, it's like pouring a pot of boiling water into a porcelain cup in the palm of your hand. When you feel pain, you will naturally choose to let it go! I miss the good times before. !"

"It's just that there are not many people who still remember the story! The most important thing in people's hearts is also hidden in Hong Yuan, which is called face."

(End of this chapter)

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