Chapter 458 Lucky Charlie

However, just as Ning Feng's hand tickled Qiye's belt, he suddenly felt a trance in front of him.

Qiye turned into a paper man.

And the paper figurine burst into flames the moment it touched Ning Feng.

The paper man was quickly burned to ashes.

Ning Feng looked at the ashes in his hand and smiled.

Before he knew that Qiye was not so easy to be caught.

Lucky Charlie was able to grant three wishes.

It seems that one of them was already used when Qiye escaped just now.

That's why Qiye turned into a paper man just when he was about to touch the belt.

If it wasn't for Ning Feng to take the initiative to touch it.The sash on the graduate touches lucky Charlie.

Only then did the effect of Lucky Charlie be dismantled.

Otherwise, the dummy disguised in Lucky Tea will have to deceive Ning Feng for a while.

This thing is really scary.

Teacher, Linfeng, who is under the main god at the peak of the holy rank, can easily deceive him.

Thinking of this, Ning Feng is more willing to find this item.

Everything in the universe is strange and strange, no matter it is reasonable or unreasonable, as long as it is under the rules.

Everything is the will of the universe.

This lucky Charlie is also a cosmic will.

Ning Feng really wanted to know what kind of negative effects this lucky Charlie would have.

You must know that this kind of mysterious treasure is originally forcibly borrowing the will of the universe.So it is natural to be polluted by the will of the universe.

Now this lucky Charlie has such a strong ability, the pollution is probably very serious, and Qiye is not a god, just an ordinary holy rank.

Even if this holy rank surpasses many others.

But if you don't become a god, you will end up as an ant.

Ning Feng didn't care about the four demons anymore.

Just a slight glance.

Anyway, now these four demons bound themselves very firmly.

If Ning Feng doesn't untie it.I'm afraid this time people will hang here forever.

Even if they were to be let go, Ning Feng felt that they would go back and report that he was chasing Qiye's itinerary.

But if it is released, Ning Feng can't bear it because the four teasers are so wise.

In the end, Ning Feng chose to let these four people fend for themselves here.

Then he quickly chased into the depths of the stone forest.

But this time there was another person beside him, and that was Bai Mu.

With the benefit of the ontology, Dingfeng directly recruited Bai. I mean whoever has the strongest tracking ability in the world, I am afraid that there will be no other people except Bai Mu.

After Bai Mu came out, he looked at Ning Feng in a daze.

"Yeah, I'm having fun!"

I came out and saw that it was Ling Feng's avatar, so naturally I didn't have such a good attitude.

Lucifer's Law said: "There is one thing in the car that is very important!"

"We have to get him! The main body also agrees!"

Bai Mu heard this said one after another.Attitude was a little better.

Well, he doesn't need to look at Lucifer's face.

To a certain extent, the continuous method shares the same sea of ​​consciousness with the zero-point locality.

And to a certain extent, Lucifer can only represent part of Ning Feng, not all of Ning Feng's will.

So Bai Mu's indifference is naturally justified.

"What?" Bai Mu asked curiously.

Lucifer's Law said: "It's a mysterious item! Lucky item!"

Hearing this, Bai Mu's attitude improved.

Mysterious lucky items are naturally very important.

So far no one has been able to comprehend this universe of birth, independent of everything except the non-mystical ones.

Because so far no one knows who made or produced these mysterious items.

They seem to appear suddenly, just like this, appearing in all parts of the universe.It's just that it's very rare.

So when a mysterious item appears in the world, it will naturally become the target of competition among various forces.

And the reason why Qiye has mastered this item is probably also secretly obtained somewhere, but he dare not make it public.

After all, according to Elder Xi's urination, if Qiye exposed these items.

I'm afraid it's no longer Qiye's.

And now Ning Feng is the only one who knows what is on Qiye.

After Ning Feng went to chase Qiye.

The lowest among the four asked: "Brothers, what should we do now? Or should we just be tied up like this?"

The three elder brothers looked at each other, and then said: "Wait, if we come back, then we and I will tie them up again!"

The fourth child thought for a while, and then said: "What the three elder brothers said is really reasonable, then we'd better stay like this!"




On the other side, Ning Feng chased towards Qiye.

There is nothing to hide in the seven nights of Baimu's existence, and his boyfriend has lucky Charlie on him.

Ning Feng looked at the sky.

Calculated according to cosmic time, today is not over yet.

So now Qiye can still use Lucky Charlie twice.

So you have to catch Qiye before today is over, or you have to wait until tomorrow.Lucky Charlie was refreshed, and it will be even more tricky.

Fortunately, although Qiye ran fast enough, Bai Mu's nose made him invisible.

"It's coming soon!"

In his nose, the atmosphere of graduation is getting stronger and stronger, which shows that Qiye is likely to be ahead.

Sure enough, they didn't go too far, they were found Qiye's trace.

It is necessary for them to think that after taking a look, they find that Qiye is a cave with a black hole, appearing in front of their eyes.

This hole does not look like a natural formation.

It looks like a robbery hole dug by people who come here to pan for gold.

And the objects of the gold rush are naturally those powerful people.

There are many mighty purposes that have long since fallen into disrepair due to disrepair.

The prohibition has long since disappeared.

With the passage of time, their purpose has changed from the original.Buried deep underground, it slowly came close to the ground.

As a result, a special profession emerged in this star field, that is, a special cave robber.

They'd dig a hole very close to these big cemeteries, and they'd dig right up to the adults' graves.

Although these powerful tombs have already disappeared in the long river of time due to the passage of time, there are still many good things left behind.

And these things, even garbage.It is also very precious in the eyes of today's people.

Ning Feng looked at the hole in front of him, it didn't look like it was newly dug, you looked like a thief who had been down countless times and then abandoned.

Thinking about the martyrs of the human race buried here, Ning Feng suddenly felt unhappy.

It's that he didn't show it.

He looked around again.

After finding that there was no other movement, he jumped down immediately.

The big hole is not big, he is famous for the theater, because he wants to go straight to the tomb of the adults.

So it doesn't matter how wide or how big it is.

However, after Ning Feng jumped down, a figure appeared in the stone forest in the distance, who is it if it's not Qiye?
Qiye stood in the distance and kept staring at Yingfeng, watching Ning Feng jump in.

After Ning Feng jumped down, Qiye sneered.

In fact, Dongxia is a real tomb of power, but this tomb of great cold is called the tomb of death.

Because he does not allow others to enter.

All the restrictions inside are killer moves, my master never thought of letting others in and come out alive.

It was Qiye who discovered it by chance with others, but the other teammates didn't come back after entering. It was a lucky thing that time, he himself was just a fan.

Otherwise, Qiye would have been planted here long ago.

As for why the robbery cave that Ning Feng saw was a cave that had already been explored countless times.

This is naturally because of Qiye's tampering.

Yes, this is Qiye's second wish.

His wish is to use this private fund as a trap, so that Ning Feng will fall into the trap.

So Qiye laughed when Ning Feng jumped into this dead tomb.

Because Ning Feng stepped into a situation where he must die.

Qiye is very happy now.

He didn't even notice that there was one more person behind him.

"Haha, idiot, you can be fooled by this!"

Qiye, who was proud of herself, never thought of it at all.

The person who sent him changed from one to two.

So when Bai Mu appeared behind him, he was caught off guard.

"You, you, you, who are you?"

Qiye was a little silly.

he.He himself did not expect that the praying mantis caught the cicada, and finally a yellow finch came.

Now this is more than just a squirrel.

Ning Feng felt that he could almost catch up with the difference between fighter jets and BBs.

Bai Mu gave Qiyue a cold look, and then his eyes fixed on the belt on Qiye's body.

"Is it really a mystery?"

Before touching Bai Mu, he could smell the breath above, which made him very uncomfortable.

It's like an innate resistance.

Legend has it that the mysterious species is mostly related to the pollution of the universe.

When many pollutions are combined to have characteristics, it becomes a mysterious category.

Come to the control line, we are naturally extremely sensitive to the pollution of the universe.

So Bai Mu just glanced at Miracle and found the lucky Charlie directly.

"Hand it over!" Bai Mu said coldly.

His words seemed unquestionable in Qiye.

At this moment, Qiye calmed down instead. He didn't know the relationship between Ning Feng and Bai Mu, so he thought that Bai Mu was just a foreign race he met halfway.

So his heart was much calmer.

As long as it's not someone like Ning Feng, it doesn't matter to him.

Coincidentally, at this moment Ning Feng opened the tunnel and climbed up, only to see that he looked extremely embarrassed and disheveled.What terrible thing was encountered in the listed tomb?

Finally Ning Feng came to the front of July.

"It seems that you really don't want to go to the Yellow River, so you don't want to die! Why don't you hand over your things obediently? Why do you have to force yourself to do it?!"

When Ning Feng and Bai Mu looked very familiar, Qiye felt that the whole membrane was not good.

Just now he thought he could sow discord, but now the two are actually familiar with each other!

He suddenly lost the thought.

Even though his idea was good, he knew that he would only be slapped in the face when he implemented it.

So he was completely honest.

Seeing his honest appearance, Ning Feng laughed.

"How do you know the truth now?"

While smiling, Feng touched Qiye's waist.

Where is lucky Charlie at this time?
Looks like it's finally time to do it.

Ning Feng smiled.

However, just when he mistakenly thought that he was finally about to get the lucky Charlie.

Qiye suddenly turned into a paper doll again and dissipated into the air.


Ning Feng really wants to swear now.

It's all forced by this damn lucky Charlie.

Bai Mu was also stunned.

Qiye with eyes in front of his nose is obviously a real person.

But why does it turn into a dummy as soon as it is touched?

Even Bai Mu himself was stunned, this was the first time that his nose didn't work.

It was all too much for him, because nothing had escaped his nose so far.

Mystery, indeed, is a mystery.

It can be Bai Mu, and they all fooled around.

In the depths of the stone forest not far away, Qiye was running wildly.

The memory of this moment is terrified, and he is no longer as confident as before.

Because he was so close to being caught.

When he discovered Bai Mu just now, he immediately used the lucky Charlie to fulfill his second wish.

So when Bai Mu really caught him, he dared to use the golden cicada's trick to get rid of his shell.

Otherwise, Qiye would have been torn into pieces long ago.

It doesn't matter though, what matters is.Now it is too close to Ning Feng and Bai Mu.

At this time, Ning Feng and Bai Mu behind him had also chased after him, especially Bai Mu, as if his IQ had been insulted.

Bursting with self-esteem, he proactively and angrily started looking for Qiye!
It seems that if Qiye is not found, he will never kill Shanshan and give up.

Qiye ran wantonly in front, while Bai Mu and Ning Feng chased after him wantonly.

And the distance decreases little by little.

After chasing after him for a while, Ning Feng saw Qiye's back.

"Are you ready?"

Such a sentence appeared in Qiye's mind.

The appearance of these words has scared Qiye into a serious state.

He knew that this was Ling Feng's voice.He looked back secretly, and sure enough Ning Feng had already chased him.

"Are you still going to run? Do you want to try again? There is one wish left today that is useless!"

Qiye spat out a mouthful of blood heavily.

This mouthful of blood almost wiped out the life force in his body.

This sentence almost shocked Qiye, and he is still in shock.

"Are you still running? Of course Tao is going to run!"

"It's a wish over there!"

"Those who want to chase you will be crushed to death by meteorites from the sky!"

Ning Feng, who was standing behind Qiye, also faintly kicked my Qiye's words, and was startled immediately.

He looked at Qiye, and sure enough, Qiye's body began to wither at this moment,
It was as if life was coming to an end all of a sudden.

This is the side effect of Charlie.

Ning Feng also observed it.

As Qiye's withering ended, there was a rumbling sound in the sky.

The two looked up, and saw a huge meteorite appearing in the sky. They crossed the beautiful and rich place all the way, and then rushed towards their position.

This is what that blessing does.

Although the main role of Lucky Charlie is to provide people with luck.

But what if all luck turned into a negative number!

(End of this chapter)

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