Chapter 453 The Last King
The last king, this is the name Ning Feng heard again.

In Ning Feng's impression, the last king is like an inherent name.

Apart from the figure in the temple in St. Jodel City, Ning Feng has no other impressions.

But that also let Ning Feng know that his present can only be a time traveler who existed in the past, the last human king.

"What's his name? Are you familiar with it?"

Ning Feng thought for a while, and seemed to be unable to remember the name of the last king.

Chen Xi Lord Shen Yao shook his head, since you don't know, then I definitely can't remember either.

"Why, you are the main god? Can you even forget the name of the main god?"

Ning Feng expressed that he was shocked, and he was very bold at the moment, after all, the one standing in front of him was the mother of the entire God of Light, the Lord of Dawn.

His actions and language seemed a bit contemptuous.

Now the Lord of Dawn doesn't seem to care about these things.

Ning Feng looked at the expression of the Lord of Chenxi, and he could guess that he would give up killing himself because of one person, which meant that the Lord of Chenxi and the last king must have an extremely strong connection.

Otherwise, the Lord of Dawn wouldn't take the risk of fighting against the demon clan to fish himself out of the extraterritorial battlefield.

It's just that there is something to do here, so we have to talk about it.

The soul of gossip is owned by everyone.

But if the object is a god and the last king of the human race, then I'm afraid it's a bit outrageous.

But Ning Feng is different.

Relying on the advantage of being a traverser, Ning Feng was unusually bold in the Lord of Dawn.

In the eyes of the Lord of Dawn, this young man is as confident as the last king.

In that era, the last human king passed by the edge of the universe like a comet.Lead the human race straight into the center of the universe.

And it completely laid the foundation for another rise of the human race.

At that time, the human race can be said to have already survived.

If it weren't for the ancestors of the human race, they left too much legacy to the human race at that time.

Otherwise, the human race would have fallen from the pinnacle position long ago.

The human race at that time was surrounded by enemies on all sides.

The status of the peak ethnic group is too attractive to other ethnic groups.

So all the races in the universe at that time were all staring at the pinnacle of the human race.

In just a hundred years, 23 peak wars occurred.

This is unimaginable in the past, perhaps the human race has had less than ten cases in the past ten thousand years.

So these 100 years are also called the Hundred Years War by the human race.

In the past 100 years, the human race can be described as precarious.Powerful radicals fell one after another in these wars.

The Illuminati and the Illuminati born in the Dark Alliance are also hiding in the darkness, waiting for an opportunity to devour the lives of the strong human race.

As for why the Illuminati have such a strong conflict with the human race!
Let's start with the origin of the devil.

At that time, the alien race of demons crawled out of the abyss, and challenged the human race with a posture of dominating the world, which was aggressive at the time.

As a result, there were seven battles for the throne between the human race and the demon race.

In these seven wars, the human race maimed the demon family.

In these seven wars, many adults of the human race fell, and the powerful original demons of the demon clan were almost killed or injured.

When almost all the distant demons fell, the demon family was no longer able to challenge the pinnacle group status of the human race.

The human race and the demons therefore signed the Declaration of the Holy Cross, according to which the demon race will hand over all the original demons.

After paying these prices, the demon family has a place in the inner circle of the universe, and they can only leave the area transformed by the human race.

And that area is also called the Eighteenth Floor of Hell.

So the war is over, and the entire inner ring of the universe is finally at peace.

However, there are still some demons who are not reconciled.They think that they haven't lost yet, because the demon alien race betrayed the original demon.

Losing by oneself is only due to insufficient high-level combat power.

These people they form the so-called Illuminati in the dark alliance.

Legend has it that the one who established the Illuminati was an original demon. He escaped the pursuit of the human race by chance, but his strength was also greatly suppressed.

So he established the Illuminati, the purpose of the Illuminati is to fight against the human race, and then secretly assassinate the strong and future rookies of the human race.

And the century-old war that the human race is facing is also inseparable from the Illuminati.

Under the secret plan of the Illuminati, many cosmic groups launched a war for the top position against the human race.

In the end, their result was naturally unsuccessful, but it also greatly weakened the power of the human race.

However, just when all the enemies were delighted that the human race was about to decline, a meteor flew across the sky.

A new star refers to the rising of the human race.

It represents the human race standing up again.And the revival started again.

He is the last king.

Known as the strongest existence among the kings.

It can be said that the last human king at that time pulled the human race from the bottom to the peak again with his own power.

At that time, all races in the universe were the most restless under the breath of the human race.

All the races in the universe who once launched the battle for the throne are extremely worried about the liquidation of the last human king.

It was at this time that dusk appeared.

This human race has been unable to avoid the enemy time and time again.

It seems that whenever the human race reaches the peak, they will appear.

Although the last king tried his best this time, it was a pity that there was nothing he could do.

The battle of Xingshahe.

Twilight of the Last King's Battle.

At that time, it could be described as a war that bet on the entire human race.

Except for the death of the human race at that time, the others have not yet returned to the peak.

Although Chen collided with Dusk many times in the history of the human race, the human race at that time was also very powerful, unlike this time.

Dusk became stronger, so strong that even the last king could not defeat it.

Dusk is like a curse.

That time the last human king chose to fight against the dusk with all races in the universe.

It was also at that time that there were today's angel clan, demon clan, and fairy clan.

They appear as if out of nowhere.

No one knows when they appeared, but as soon as they appeared, they became a great fighting force in the hands of the last king.

It's just that in the hands of the more powerful Twilight, even if it pulls the fairy heaven and hell, as well as other universes, big and small, the alien race can't win.

The dusk was so strong that at that time all the immortals could only look up, and all the god kings could only squint their eyes to feel the fear in their hearts.

And only the last king can stand upright in front of the dusk.

At that time, some people said that the last human king might be only half a step away from the realm of dusk.

The Last King was only half a step away from jumping out.Accidents become.An existence that can exist in the past, present, and future at the same time.

Then in the final result, everyone knows that the last king was defeated, but many people are guessing that Dusk is not feeling well, otherwise why didn't Dusk really kill them all in the end?

The complete decline of the human race finally started the Spark Project, which is actually related to the four major ethnic groups today.

Perhaps the last human king at that time knew that if the Spark Project was not launched, the human race would really rise in this universe.

What the Spark Project brings to the human race is not only hope, but a resurgent flame.

At that time, the last human king may have seen the current situation of the human race.

With the last strength, the human race brought the Zhuxia to the edge of the universe, until it rushed into the chaos.


"Who is the enemy?"

Ning Feng looked at the Lord of Dawn and he asked this sharp question.

Is it the four major ethnic groups?It is true that today's four major ethnic groups have indeed won the final fruit of victory and replaced the original peak status of the human race.

It is the four major ethnic groups now, which are not enough compared to the time when people died.

Exactly what the last king saw in the future, the race must be brought to such a state.

The Dragon Clan has also weakened several times, but each time, the King of Humans who astonishes the universe leads the Human Clan on the road to revival.

Why did Renwang choose this path this time?

And the human race, is Zhuxia really the only one of the 21 God King-class warships left?

This is a huge question.

The Lord of Dawn may have the answer.

This is an entire god-level main god who was born,
No matter what people say he is already a god king.

Because her sons, the Sons of Light, have all become god kings.

Is it that he, who lived in the same era as the last king, is still just an ordinary main god?

Ning Feng didn't believe it.

The characters who were in the same era as the last king of the king are almost all fallen now.

And there are very few people who know the last king, very few.

The Lord of Dawn may be the best answerer for Ning Feng's answer.

The Lord of Dawn stood up. He looked at Ning Feng with a kind smile. It was a look of maternal love and care, which made Ning Feng feel warm.

Ning Fengfeng didn't resist, he knew that Chen Xi had no malice, even though this caring look was Chen Xi's divine power, and the rules of Chen Xi had merged with Chen Xi, so Chen Xi's every move revealed the power of rules.

Ning Feng quietly waited for the answer from Chen Xi's crew.

As for the Lord of Dawn, he just missed Ning Feng and walked towards the pool that was flowing like a white liquid.

Then he walked in, and a white liquid began to spread upwards from the Lord of Dawn's calf.

Then the Lord of Dawn stood up and turned to look at Ning Feng.

She told Ning Feng.

"Come on, all the answers you want are here!"

Ning Feng was taken aback.

He walked slowly to the edge of the pool.

Chen Chenxi pointed to the milky white pool water and said, "Press it in, here is the answer you want!"

Ning Feng didn't raise any new questions, he obediently walked into the milky white pool.

As soon as he stepped into the pool, the white liquid began to spread up his feet.

Xiaozhi's voice also came from beside his ear.

"Discover the high-level angel reincarnation pool!"

"Discover high-level genetic enhancement liquid!"

"Discover high-order cosmic energy (light)!"

"The host is detected as a fallen angel!"

"Monitor to find the host to be polluted!"

"Purification begins!"

"... "

"Purification is complete!"

"Strengthening begins!"

"... "

"Strengthening is complete!"

Ning Feng felt that the negative cosmic energy originally carried by the fourth divine body was poured out, and then his own level dropped from the holy level to zero level.

It means that Ning Feng's Fourth District now needs to start over.

But it's not over yet.

The powerful genetic enhancement liquid in the turning pool began to pour into Ning Feng's body.

Ning Feng's body began to undergo genetic enhancement.

The five supreme authority fragments originally carried by Ning Feng's fourth divine body were directly shattered, and then all the fragments condensed again.

Then a golden bead was born from Ning Feng's mind.

Yes, the mind and not the sea of ​​consciousness.

I want to have a core like other beasts.

This is just the beginning.

As cosmic energy (light) began to pour into Ning Feng's body.

The originally golden bead began to emit a dazzling light, but the light was golden.

The golden light shone from Ling Feng's mind, everywhere in his body.

The blood, muscles and bones of his whole body, including his pair of originally pitch-black wings.

Now everything has turned golden yellow.

"Congratulations on getting the blood of the golden angel!"

Standing aside, the Lord of Dawn has been staring at Ning Feng.

She kept muttering: "Really, really, it turned out to be, he was right!"

As he spoke, he disappeared into his divine kingdom, leaving Ning Feng alone to change while turning around.

Change can never be accomplished overnight. Turning around, Ling Feng, who was in junior high school, is going through this huge change.

He didn't realize at all that the Lord of Dawn beside him had already left his achievements.

When he woke up from the turning pool.

What he saw was a pool of clear spring water.And the aftertaste left in the air by the Lord of Dawn.

The Lord of Dawn himself had long since disappeared into the Kingdom of God.

"Hey, where have you been?"

Ning Feng looked around, only then did he realize that he was naked.

The evil Rudong on his body has already been suppressed in this turning pool because of its own evil attributes.There is no residue left in the cleansed root.

Ning Feng himself, because of the power of purification, the blood of the fallen angels has long since disappeared, and his originally pitch-black skin has also turned milky white.

Sigh, it's really very white, Ning Feng thinks that if a real woman sees her, she will be jealous of her skin!

Look at this face again, it's not too handsome.

blonde hair.Your handsome face has added a lot of points.

The black wings on the body also turned golden yellow.

Ning Feng found himself more like an angel than an angel now.

"Am I entering a reincarnation pool?"

Linfeng looked at the pool he was in, and there was not a drop of white liquid left in the pool at this moment.

It can be imagined that the energy contained in those liquids was exhausted by Ning Feng.

"It seems true, I turned around and became an angel so easily?"

Ning Feng murmured.

Originally, he thought that he would need to worry about sneaking into the turning pool of heaven, but now he has entered the turning time so easily, and this is the turning time of Chen Xizhu Shen Shenguo.

That is the Lord of Dawn, the God of Light, the common mother of all gods.

The turning pool owned by the Lord of Dawn should be called the initial reincarnation pool.

If Ning Feng's guess is correct, then the one under him is the so-called existence when he first turned around.

But he has no majesty at all, no complicated decorative patterns.

But the power contained in it can be felt from Ning Feng to the golden wings.

(End of this chapter)

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