Chapter 450 Wings of Heaven
"I lost!" Ning Feng had better have to admit that he won't let it go.

He chose to give up.Sure enough, his heart couldn't be that strong.

He is not an emotionless saint who can treat everything as a straw dog.

"Let it go!"

Otherwise, you will always feel that there is such a voice beside you.

It seemed that this environment was wearing down Ning Feng's will little by little.

With a sound, the knife in Ning Feng's hand fell to the ground.

Ning Feng couldn't accept that these people passed away one by one before his eyes.

He conceded.

It's a pity that it was only a little bit short.

But he didn't intend to let Ning Feng go, a powerful force, like the sea of ​​Ning Feng's consciousness, seemed to tear Ning Feng into pieces.

The phantom quickly invaded Ning Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, as if to assimilate Ning Feng.

At this moment, Ning Feng opened his eyes.

The light revealed in his eyes is like everything about an animal car.

King Ning Feng pointed at a shadow and Ning Feng held it in his hand.He was originally incorporeal, but under the pressure of the folk customs, he was trapped firmly in Ning Feng's fingertips.

How can it be?

Fantasies froze him, and he couldn't imagine that anyone could see his existence.

He has already stayed in this ancient tower.In countless worlds, one after another, human race talents were selected under his hands.

But he has never seen anyone who could find his existence like Ning Feng, what kind of will does it need?

Was his fear false?

That's not fake, but then why can he see through himself?
How could it be possible that he could see through all of this?

In this way, Ning Feng clamped Fantasia's corpse tightly, and Fantasia lay motionless on Ning Feng's body to meet him.

He felt Lin Feng's voice.

"No, you can't kill me!"

That will suddenly became crazy, as if he was very scared.

He knew that Ning Feng only needed to wake up a little, and he would be out of his wits.

Now his little life is in Ning Feng's hands.

The phantom suddenly condenses into an entity of its own.

Its appearance turned out to be a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old.

"Don't kill me, I'll take you to find my body!"

Hearing what Fantasia said, Ning Feng made a smile.

"It seems that you are the spirit of this eight-story pagoda."

"Really, you already know this, it seems that you are not simple"

In the evening, he gave Ning Feng a meaningful look.

The ones just now are not bad, and soon they are relieved. Isn't it easy to see through oneself from the void and see one's own origin?
Instead, he felt more and more mysterious about Ning Feng.

"Let's go, take me to see your real body! Don't play tricks on you, you know I just need to pinch you lightly, and you can imagine what will happen to you!"

The phantom made a move.

Facing Ning Feng's threat, he felt fear, which is the instinct of intelligent creatures.

Ning Feng snorted coldly: "Are you still leading the way?"

The phantom was kicked hard by Ning Feng.

Fantasia glanced at Ning Feng, recently Ning Feng's fierce appearance seemed to swallow it directly.

He snapped his fingers hastily.

Crazy just felt a flash in front of his eyes, and in his perception, the surrounding environment changed.

He looked up and looked around No. [-] Middle School, and he found that he knew that he was currently staying in a slow and immortal precipitation.

It seems that this is where his body is.

Sure enough, he looked up, the one hanging in the center of the temple, on the altar of the six-pointed star.There is a pair of silver-gray wings.

Under the penetration of the firelight, the wings exude a golden light.

The brilliance on the wings can be imagined, he used to be brilliant, but now he stays in this dark place for too long, and he has already forgotten how he grew up.

He should have a master, Ning Feng walked up to the altar.Putting your hand on the fish, these wings emerge with two huge words Heaven.


Ning Feng was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand why this pair of fish had such a strange name.


The only thing I can think of when I see this name is the paradise of the angel race.

You must know that the current Angel Race is one of the four major races.

Are the wings in the hands of the human race of Nanda still related to the angels of heaven?
Ning Feng felt that this was impossible.

It can be known from historical documents that the human race often referred to the angel race as birdmen.

The title of the two of us is also supplied by the human race, so this has already deeply shown that the human race does not look down on the angel race.

So it is conceivable that there are many angels who look down on the human race.

If so, why here.There will be things related to the angel race in the ancient tower area where rookies are selected for the human race.

This is very magical.

Ning Feng really wanted to give himself an explanation, but unfortunately he couldn't find it.

Ning Feng took off his wings.

He looked at the dark feathers behind him.

"I have wings, don't these wings have other functions? And the color is wrong!"

Although Ning Feng's mind was full of doubts, he still took off the silver-gray wings and put them on his body.

The result was when Ning Feng was lying on his body.This silver-gray raincoat unexpectedly merged with his fallen night.

And the originally pitch-black wings turned silver-gray.


Lin Feng froze for a moment, he was a little surprised, although in his plan he was planning to go to heaven to do things.

But it is not so easy to enter heaven. Now if the silver gray is the wings, it can cover it for itself.It is very easy for Fallen Wings to enter heaven.

Originally, Zero Point wanted to change his job to an Angel in the 4th minute, but due to the restriction of the reincarnation system of the Angel Clan, Ning Feng could not directly change his job to an Angel, so he simply thought of another way, that is, to become a Fallen Angel.

As for why he turned into a fallen angel, it was because a fallen angel was also an angel, and he only needed to take a bath when he turned around, and he would return to his former angelic appearance.

Originally Ning Feng was worrying about how to get into heaven, but now it's all right, there are more voices, so it's easier.

After Ning Feng's thoughts moved, the original silver-gray language turned into pure white.

I'm not because Ning Feng has a gender, so here is a living angel of the angel family.

"Wings of Heaven!"

Ning Feng recited a sentence silently, feeling the power of the pair of golden wings.

Ning Feng could feel the power from it.

Even a light wave of its wings can cut through the void.

What a powerful force there is in the market.

With these wings alone, I am afraid that a powerful immortal can be achieved.

This is at least king class!

Ning Feng was still feeling the power in it, and then at this moment.

People other than Ning Feng appeared.

It is a peak holy rank of the Demon Race named Qiye.

can in this case.To be able to clear this amount of levels in such a short time, Ning Feng felt worthy of being a demon.

Just don't go too crazy.

You know, it's a pity that Ning Feng has a cheat.And he was able to get here in such a short time.

This shows that his strength is really not bad, Ning Feng does not have this cheat, I am afraid that the demon clan named Qiye will win in the end!

Now with Ning Feng's cheat, even if Qiye is working hard, he can only complain about it!

When Ning Feng saw Qiye, Qiye also saw Ning Feng!

Qiye: "Aren't I the earliest?"

Qiye felt as if her heart had been emptied!
His pride, his self-confidence seemed to be shattered at this moment!
Why, why is this happening!

Qiye's heart is extremely violent!

You must know that he used seven drops of the blood of the main god to get away with it!
That's seven drops!

I'm afraid only he, the second generation of God, can use it!

But what is going on with this angel family in front of me, why is he earlier than me!
Seven nights felt very strange!
He simply didn't believe that anyone could be faster than him who used seven drops of the main god's blood!

"Did he use eight drops?"

Qiye was very strange, but he still didn't do anything regrettable!

"No, he turned out to be an angel family!"

"How could the angel race appear here?"

The company quickly realized it because he knew that angels shouldn't appear here.

Who is that on the altar?
Qin Qiye also opened his eyes wide to look at Ning Feng.

"No, no! This is obviously an extraterritorial battlefield of demons, demons, and aliens. How could there be angels?"

Qiye felt very strange, but at this moment Ning Feng's figure suddenly disappeared.

"what happened?"

Qiye wiped her eyes.

"Did I have hallucinations? How can it be possible if I don't play? How can I still have hallucinations?"

Ning Feng left the moment Qiye saw him.

After all, he still held that phantom in his hand.

It is not an easy thing to let Qi Ling, who can control this space, take him away.

So Ning Feng disappeared suddenly in front of the crowd.

Leaving Qiye with a dazed look on his face.

"No, what is he then?"

Qiye walked up to the altar, and at this time the altar was empty, and everything that should be moved was removed.

But Yu Wen in the air just now told him that someone came here just now.

Who is this person? Could it be the treasure here that he took away?
"Treasure! My little boy!"

Qiye turned his head, and suddenly he found that there were too many things he lacked.

A problem that is clearly a standard process can be dealt with in real time.

He suddenly discovered that the treasure he wanted had already been uploaded by someone else's screenshot.

But who is the one who can get there first?

At this time, everyone has actually understood.

Now how to do?
Qiye looked at the disappearing soul stupidly, he suddenly felt.This matter is not so easy.

So he also quickly left the eight-story pagoda.

As soon as he left, he heard the voice of Elder Xi of the Mozu.

He asked eagerly: "How did you get it?"
Qiye replied: "No, no, I was just going to get it, but I didn't expect someone to get there first!"

Originally, Elder Xi's attention was naturally entrusted by others, and Qiye Shenkou's family is strong.

When Elder Xin heard the news, it was like a bolt from the blue.

"Do you know who it is? Is it our side or the opposite side?"

After finishing speaking, Elder Xi looked fiercely at the demon clan opposite him.

If it was the other party who got the item, then a big battle might be inevitable.

So he was eager to know who took the things.

However, in the face of Elder Xi's question.

Qiye gave an answer that made Elder Xi feel incredible.

"No, neither?"

"No, what would that be?"

"It's the Angel Race!"

"What? It's the angel race, where are they?"

Are they going to join our war?
Facing Qiye's sudden answer.

Elder Xi felt a little unconfident.

Why is there such a thing?Isn't this extraterritorial battlefield the desire battlefield of demons, aliens and demons?How could an angel appear!

Could there be an angel pretending to be ordinary for Zhang himself?
Elder Xi felt that his three views had been subverted.

He was still surprised in his heart.

Angel family?
How could such a thing happen?
But the surprise is the surprise, now that I know who took it away, I will go to chase it back.

For this reason Elder Xi.Deliberately passed this matter on to the other party.

So Ning Feng also received a message from Elder Xi.

At this moment, Ning Feng's fourth clone has already gone far.

So Ning Feng also breathed a sigh of relief!

It is conceivable that I made them react, and I am afraid that they will wantonly search for themselves.

The result was exactly as he had expected.

When Elder Xi spread the news.

This is the order of the six rebirths, and everyone began to look for the angel in the devil's coat to come out.

"Yes, it must be an angel in a devil's coat!"

Only the angel family likes to do such things.

So under the order of God, the demons and the demons have become one family.

They have only one goal in common, and that is to take away the existence of that artifact.

Now the ban has gradually expired.

The demons and demons started to turn around one after another, looking for an angel wearing a demon's coat.

But where would he be?
Ning Feng's avatar in the crowd had already folded its wings and was trapped in the crowd to drift with the crowd.

But when others started scrambling to find it, Ning Feng retreated little by little.

This receding appearance can be described as calm and expressionless.

It seems to say that I have come gently, and now I am going to go there gently.

However, no one will leave Huacai!
You know that if you don’t take the opportunity to sneak away now, when God personally takes action, I’m afraid your disguise will be seen through at a glance.

Although fallen angels are classified as demons.

The hungry peristalsis on his body is also an artifact.

But after all, Congshen has a god position.

And if it attracted the weak gaze of the main god, then Ning Feng would basically die.

So Ning Feng appeared to be extremely low-key.

But it seems his luck has all been used up.

A demon of an ordinary god stopped Ning Feng.

"Wait a minute, what are you going for?"

Ordinary gods are cold, look at Ning Feng, there is no kindness in life.

In his eyes, Ning Feng seemed like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

What a mere holy step!
Seeing this scene, Ning Feng's heart came into his throat.

(End of this chapter)

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